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Thread: Transformers Henkei (Takara Classics) Review

  1. #1
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    28th Dec 2007

    Default Transformers Henkei (Takara Classics) Review

    I'd like to note that there will be a deliberate lack of emphasis on transformation. Most of us are aware of the engineering issues and as such the review will be generally confined to visual design.

    For those that don't know about my terrible little habit, I'm the type of collector who keeps buying but never gets around to opening half the stuff later. You'll often find plenty of MISB toys lying around my room that have been gathering dusts since their acquisition. Few figures excite me enough to force the issue and demand that I open them right away.

    The Takara Classics, or any Classics to be precise, are an exception.

    Hasbro did an astounding job. Their reimagiining of G1 was beyond our wildest dreams. Is it really possible to exceed that? Let's find out...

    __________________________________________________ _______________


    The Hasbro Megatron was not poorly designed. As a toy it is rather successful and it's primary deficiencies are:
    1.) The shellformer engineering
    2.) It's colours

    Of the two the latter has been addressed. Likely one of the Henkei lines most notable differences is Megatron. What we have is a chrome bodied Megatron with Classic G1 colours. His eyes now have red piping as opposed to that eerie green which though is cool lacks the necessary malice that befits one such as Megatron. The designers stopped short of giving him a complete G1 look by not colouring his elbows or side a red colour. I think this is a good choice. Part of Classics is that it is a re-imagining and some slight distinction is helpful. I also particularly like the chrome Decepticon insignia on the side of Megatron's cannon. The purple really works. Nice use of chrome.

    That said, there is a disappointment. The grey is a bit lifeless. They look great in photos but I find that in real life the gray on the arms and legs are dull and mundane. I find that the chrome on the body really accentuates this to the toys detriment

    Nevertheless this is a worthy figure and a must for G1 enthusiasts. Certainly there is potential for improvement so expect a sense of disappointment. There were such high hopes for this figure because silver/chrome just works perfectly for Megatron. But don't dwell on it. In its own right, this is an amazing figure. It is how Classics Megatron should have looked. It is imposing and menacing. It is in all its glory Megatron.
    Score: 8/10

    Optimus Prime
    Subtle. That is the most appropriate word with which to describe the alterations to Prime. The toy on a cursory glance is almost identical. It is not until you concentrate and look for the subtle differences that make this a wonderful redeco. The head no longer has that yellow, the lower torso now has more G1 like colours. The slight change in silver lets makes the red more dominant. The slightly darker blues harken back to G1. The arm shields aren't as visually dominanting with the red. The blue on the black fists gives a sense of contrast and grip. The chrome on the legs. The cumulative effect of these subtle changes is that we have a beautiful G1 Prime that far exceeds the Hasbro version.
    Score: 10/10

    This one was a no-brainer. Hasbro's Classics Starscream was a poor toy visually. Comparing him to either Ramjet or Skywarp and one can see why immediately. The Takara version goes a long way to redeeming the flaws of the Hasbro Starscream. The chrome on the missiles, the redeco of the body are very much appreciated but nowhere near as much as the work done on his head. Starscream's head, I hope my picture does justice, now has the precise lines and detailing that its Hasbro counterpart did not. There are not enough words for me to describe how beautiful the toy now looks. Such a small thing, such wonderful results.
    Score: 10/10

    Now we get onto the more contentious ones.

    Of the lot, BB always struck me as the one who was going to be the weakest. I had opened my first assault on it at the meet on Monday. The packaging said it all. Too yellow. Too little variation. Major waste of money.


    I fell into that trap. Upon removing BB from his packaging I was pleasantly surprised to discover how wonderful well designed this Bumblebee is. The yellow isn't as dominant as one would expect. Their is still a line of white on the lower part of the doors, white at the back and silver chrome on the spoiler. These provide just enough contrast but still let the yellow dominate like its Hasbro counterpart did with the white lines. The robot mode screams classic G1 immediately.

    So far, it has been rather evident that the Takara offering trumped Hasbro. This is the first one where we're left with a quandry in trying to determine which was most successful. I think the Takara one only ever so slightly edges ahead. Let me explain.

    The yellow on the little ski vehicle behind works to provide that little extra contrast with the silver and white. It works better too as it has yellow and isn't as jarring on BB when attached to robot mode as the Hasbro version is. Also note the colour of the rear lights. There's a distinct sharpness to the Henkei version whereas the red on the Hasbro version is very flat. The black is important. I'm a pretty hardcore G1 type of guy. And it's for that reason that I prefer this figure. I think the gray on the Hasbro hurts the life of the figure in comparison. I definitely like the blue on the shoulders of the Hasbro one but that gray is dull. The last, and most critical, point of distinction is Takara BB's head. The eyes have been readjusted for a light baby blue. The dark blue on the forehead too is now more subtle. This creates the sense of innocence and youth associated with Bumblebee. And that is why it wins out.
    Score: 8/10

    Here's another tough one. The lack of racing decos on Henkei Mirage is an oft noted point of criticism. The reason for the lack of racing decos is because the chrome replaces those parts and as you can imagine, it's not easy to incorporate decos over that.

    That said, Takara's improvement is to give us a far more cartoon accurate body and head mold. Whereas Hasbro's version focuses on the toy more with the silver on the head, the Takara version looks to preserve the G1 blue cartoon head. The chest with its red cross and blue and the darker windscreens combined with the chrome on the spoilers and the gun give us a very G1 cartoon Mirage. The darker blue gives us that greater sense of realism too. It's unique and it's more classy in my opinion.

    The Hasbro version however still has its strengths. It feels like a racing vehicle, a character with a place to go. The "26" decos work wonderfully on each version but the Hasbro version definitely has the sportsy feel to it.

    Which is better? Henkei Mirage in my opinion. And only just. I love the G1 cartoon look, the darker hue of blue, the G1 chest, and, needless to say, I am, as G1 fans generally are, a sucker for chrome.
    Score: 9/10


    Here's another one I slagged out of the box. I was rather disparaging in my initial remarks on it when I first saw this at Jaydisc's house as most will recall. Upon receiving mine the day thereafter and now opening them, I once again am forced to find some humble pie.

    In it's packaging there are one too many grays. There is a notable lack of consistency.The tail is one hue, the head is another, the body is yet another. Throw in the chrome and you're staring at potentially a 5 year old's horrific definition of art.

    Once you take Grimlock out of the packaging however, you'll see that the above points are less jarring. Dino mode isn't too bad after all but I'd still call Hasbro's version a winner minus the white teeth and gold mouth. Upon transforming Grimlock into robot mode you begin to appreciate the rationale behind the differing grays. Contrast. The grays operate at different levels to provide texture to Grimlock. The tail is deliberately distinct so that when Grimlock wields it as a sword, it looks like one rather than blending right into the colour scheme like Hasbro Grimlock does. On the upper shoulders and the chrome on the legs, the different greys also give that sense of texture and, in effect, life.

    Bottom line: Never hastily dismiss Takara design selections until you have the toys in hand.

    The other highlights of Takara's Grimlock include his head mold. The head is that much better. It's more worn and battle weary whereas the Hasbro version is quite flat.

    Which is better? Again, this figure is touch and go. I'm inclined to call this one a draw. I think the sensibilities of visual design on both figures here render each a worthy acquisition.
    Score: 7/10

    Other Points of Interest
    1.) Chrome
    The Chrome here has been used strategically with the primary function of enhancing the robot mode on all the Henkei figures. For instance, take BB's legs. The two little gold chrome pieces there work so well in robot mode though they don't do much in alt mode. Grimlock is another prime example. The chrome is jarring in alt mode but fits the robot mode so well.

    2.) Bio cards
    Wonderfully designed. Bright and energetic, I'm always a sucker for these. Thank you Takara.

    3.) Heads
    With the exception of Mirage, all of the Takara head redecos are superior to the Hasbro versions. And even Mirage is just as good because it offers a valid variation to different fan segments. I think Takara went in hard to make this a point of differentiation and in my mind they succeeded.

    4.) Rubsigns vs. Stickers
    Then there is this issue that initially escaped me. I personally prefer the Autobot and Decepticon insignias over the rubsigns. The reason why is probably most obvious on Prime, Mirage, Starscream and Grimlock. The actual insignias give more life and vitality to the figure. In Grimlock's alt mode, just below his jaw, you'll notice the red Autobot sign. On the Hasbro version there just isn't that. It gives you a stronger visual appeal. You know who the characters are, where there allegiances lie but the coloured insignias makes them a team. For me rub signs are neat more than they are visually appealling.

    Why get the Takara Classics?
    I was always going to double up on at least a few of these. Originally I had figured some of the figures like Mirage, Grimlock or Bumblebee did not warrant a double. But having played with each now, I'm committed to a second set. The reason why is simply that Takara has raised the bar. The engineering was already sound but what Takara aimed to do was ensure it offered a visually superior product that was differentiated enough to the US counterpart. And it really works.

    It was a tough ask to try and improve what fandom unanimously believed to be the best thing to happen to Transformers in many years. Hasbro had exceeded all expectations. It was never going to be easy to surpass that but I think Takara got it right.

    It could not risk going exactly the same path as Hasbro did. It had to take what Hasbro offered and transform it (pun intended) into something unique. The designers set a high standard and ultimately they did find something new. All of these figures offer a genuine difference to their Hasbro counterparts. Some exceed, some do not. But even if they do not, they at least are just as good despite their differences. And that I believe is the mark of success.

    I look forward to more releases. I can only dream of the improvements on Astrotrain and Skyfire. The latter was an immense figure and now I'm just licking my lips with anticipation as to what they can do to one up Hasbro's version. In the meantime, I'm going to, unsurprisngly, double up on all of them.
    Last edited by STL; 27th March 2008 at 11:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    I wish they would go ahead & issue a Thundercracker, Dirge & Thrust as regular figures. Yeah right, I can hear you all saying...
    Hell, I'd much rather fork out for these as normal deluxes rather than as Botcon exclusives any day of the week.

  3. #3
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    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Prime impressed me in person so I'm buying one of those. Is Grimlock's loose arm problem fixed?

    The preview pictures of Astrotrain look great so that's a definite get for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    I wish they would go ahead & issue a Thundercracker, Dirge & Thrust as regular figures. Yeah right, I can hear you all saying...
    Hell, I'd much rather fork out for these as normal deluxes rather than as Botcon exclusives any day of the week.
    It sucks they were rare and exclusive and expensive but that's the deal, and a lot of us spent a lot of money to get them and would be very unhappy if that happened.
    Last edited by Paulbot; 27th March 2008 at 09:11 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Prime impressed me in person so I'm buying one of those. Is Grimlock's loose arm problem fixed?
    Nope. Same deal. I should mention too my BB's jetski pack is a bit loose. Both of the side parts that swing wide pop off very frequently.

    Did you grab Starscream first time round? He's a definite buy imo.

  5. #5
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    yeah..paul bought bumblebee, starscream and megatron
    wonder if he's getting grimlock this time round :P

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceburn View Post
    yeah..paul bought bumblebee, starscream and megatron
    wonder if he's getting grimlock this time round :P
    I think Grimlock is the weakest one. The robot mode is definitely miles better than the Hasbro one but the alt mode doesn't quite work. It's not as bad as I thought it was but it's nowhere near as good either.

  7. #7
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    Takara designed the Classics. Hasbro may have had some input in the design process, I don't know - but they were originally engineered by Takara, even though they were initially only sold in Hasbro markets.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Takara designed the Classics. Hasbro may have had some input in the design process, I don't know - but they were originally engineered by Takara, even though they were initially only sold in Hasbro markets.
    So these Henkei TFs are actually how they were originally meant to be?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    So these Henkei TFs are actually how they were originally meant to be?
    Hrm that strikes me as odd. So does Takara do more of the designing work?

    Does the same go for Animated? One of the things I'm curious about it is whether or not I should wait for the Japanese version of Animated. If they are, I just might wait for those instead.

  10. #10
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    I do remember reading that the Aussie designer at Takara helped with Classics Mirage, so that must count for some of his Awesomesauce-ness.

    I do like those Takara versions STL, thanks for the piccies.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

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