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Thread: TF Animated Ep15 - Megatron Rising part 1

  1. #21
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I thoroughly enjoyed this episde. The best to date. In a BW-esque type of way, many plot threads came together and gave us some of the payoffs we've been anticipating. It really succeeds b/c it brings together many levels of conflict. From Black Arachnia to Starscream to the Dinobots to they key itself, we have a tale that is very well constructed. It preserves the humour and fun yet gives us a story crafted with delicacy that is rife with engaging conflicts and struggles.

    It gets us to take sides and adopt allegiances and look down on others. This creates a wonderful tension. BB and Sari are for instance frustrating in their departure and blatant disregard for the strategic weight of what Optimus is suggest. But you can feel for Optimus while you also hope Sari and BB don't get into too much trouble.

    Prowl is independent. He has refused to tell Optimus about the Dinobots until now. You can appreciate why he has done so, but you can understand Optimus' anger at finding out. I think it gives an extra layer to Prowl to have not so willing to fall into line.

    Starscream and Megatron's exchanges are delightfully intense. The duality there really makes the episode all the more engaging.

    There are plenty more of those type of things and that's why this episode has me on the edge of my seat waiting for next Sunday.

    The Dinobots were perhaps the only low point of this. I wish they were smarter.

    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    I liked this episode, something that this series has proven is that it can handle Decepticons very well (with the exception of the first Blackarachnia episode which was crap IMO). Its a real shame that the Decepticon episodes are fairly rare and the bulk of the series are these really absurd and stupid episodes which bring down the overall series into lame territory.
    Agreed. I think it's because all the Decepticon episodes help to give significance to the larger Transformer universe. It's a constant reminder that the Autobots will have to come to terms with the bigger issues in the universe. I think that's why they work. It reminds that this insular city of Detroit is not the be all, end all of this conflict.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Anyone else here think that BlackArachnia has a very big part to play in part 2?
    Definitely. I really enjoyed the twisted way the writers drew a parallel between her and Sari's plight. It made Black Arachnia seem a twisted and torn enough character while being evil and resentful.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Bumblebee still irks me though, but at least his little hissy fit was true to his character as well.
    I agree. He's annoying but he's performing his function. I don't like him but little sister loves him. She wants one more than she wants a G1 Jazz now! *sigh* He's not the kind of character I'd like my sister to identify with but I guess to little kids his snappy repartee is rather alluringly amusing.

    As for the issue regarding Prime, MV75 sums up my pov:

    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    Seemed pretty much in character to me.

    Sari wasn't cooperating and couldn't really understand as well as prime does the absolute danger she was in while holding the key. He had to step in and act as the "parent" instead of the "friend" to resolve the situation.

    The dinobots existence and goings on behind his back without being informed totally mowed down his authority.

    And bumblebee disobeying direct orders and thus ignoring him as a leader added to it too.

    So he's got the weight of saving the galaxy from the decepticons while in charge of the all spark on his shoulders, while surrounded by insubordination.

    I think it was very in character for Animated Prime.
    I find it rather amusing whenever a new leader exhibits a high degree of doubt or frustration. Our fickle fandom is very quick to cast labels of "Rodimus" or "whining/annoying" on said character. Animated Prime here is a new character. He's never been a leader in the war. He was just in charge of a Space Bridge repair crew. That's nowhere near as significant as protecting the All Spark from the mighty Megatron.

    TFA Optimus Prime is a noob for all intents and purposes. He is coming to terms with the role he must play. With more Decepticon numbers on Earth, the tension is visibly rising. He knows well enough that Transformers don't get destroyed. Lugnut and Blitzwing are out there somewhere. Starscream will be back. Lockdown has been here already. He's been entrusted with safeguarding one of the things that if in Decepticon hands could see the universe under the heel of evil. His frustration is understandable.

    He's put up w/ BB and Sari, He's encouraged them to have fun. But crunch time is now and he's got to start questioning himself. He's angry b/c he can't bring the team together. And face it, he's right. They're not a team. They couldn't handle Starscream or Lugnut and Blitzwing. They're in big trouble. The pressure is on him to try and get them to fall into line at a very important juncture.

    I think what TFA is doing is grooming Prime. They're going to make him Prime. Too often, versions of Prime has fallen into the role of leadership too easily. I think this Prime is serving the hardest apprenticeship yet. He's not the commander of the Autobot army. He's just a space bridge repairbot who has to assume responsibility. And I think it'll be entertaining to watch this Prime grow in stature.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Agreed. I think it's because all the Decepticon episodes help to give significance to the larger Transformer universe. It's a constant reminder that the Autobots will have to come to terms with the bigger issues in the universe. I think that's why they work. It reminds that this insular city of Detroit is not the be all, end all of this conflict.
    I still think that the 'filler' episodes (which are the mayor bulk of this series) could have been done, much, much better. There shouldn't be such a massive contrast between the Decepticon episodes and the regular ones.

    I would be a fan of this series if most of the episodes were similar in quality as the Decepticon episodes but most of them are well..not so good (I am trying to be diplomatic here as I actually think they are crappy beyond believe )

    I know that they are supposed to be filler episodes but fillers doesn't mean its alright for them to be bad. Look at the 2003 TMNT series, not all episodes are about the Shredder but many of their filler episodes are of similar quality as the main ones too.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by STL
    I find it rather amusing whenever a new leader exhibits a high degree of doubt or frustration. Our fickle fandom is very quick to cast labels of "Rodimus" or "whining/annoying" on said character. Animated Prime here is a new character. He's never been a leader in the war. He was just in charge of a Space Bridge repair crew. That's nowhere near as significant as protecting the All Spark from the mighty Megatron.
    I'm not critical against Prime in this episode for getting angry and frustrated - it's just that I felt that it was over the top and kinda sprang out of nowhere. This is different from say when Optimus Primal was yelling at Silverbolt when he discovered his secret liaisons with Blackarachnia - the Maximals at that point in a very precarious position. And ditto when G1 Prime despaired after Ratchet's "death." These things were triggered after a series of events that led up to it - i.e.: events simmering to a boiling point until the character exploded.

    I'm just not seeing it with Animated Prime. There was no immediate threat to the Autobots as far as he was aware of. As far as he knew:
    + Megatron: KIA
    + Lockdown: KIA
    + Blitzwing: KIA
    + Lugnut: KIA
    + Soundwave: KIA
    + Starscream: MIA
    + Blackarachnia: MIA

    So at worst there are two Decepticons who might unite against them. And they have five Autobots. (-_-)

    ...actually, I forget why Prime doesn't just call Cybertron and tell them that they have possession of the AllSpark and request reinforcements for retrieval and extraction.

    I don't dislike Prime in this episode at all - I just thought that the whole anger/frustration thing was overdone, to the point where he did things that were out of character for him, like outrightly refusing to listen to his comrades and simply not caring about Sari's feelings.

  4. #24
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    i dont know why everyone thinks the dinobots should be smarter as they are robotic dinosaurs which have been imbued with a spark and would be the equivalent of babies or children.

  5. #25
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    ...Soundwave was a mindless drone who was imbued with a spark but became self aware and decided that humans were inferior to machines and declared war on humans.

    I find the Dinobots to be just really disinteresting characters. Even Noble/Savage was a far more interesting character, despite being savage.

  6. #26
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    Gok, Soundwave wasn't really KIA...

  7. #27
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    Nor were the others...

    I think you need to read what he wrote a little more closely. :P


    The Dinobots were daft in G1 so they are daft in TFA. Like the way some people are just born naturally stupid.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime
    As far as he knew:
    I know that most of them aren't KIA, but look at it from Optimus Prime and the Autobot's POV:

    + Megatron: caught in explosion on the Ark's hull, crashed on Earth. Presumed dead (even by the Decepticons until Megatron made contact with Lugnut)
    + Lockdown: actually, yeah, he's more MIA.
    + Blitzwing: blasted to smithereens by the Ark's guns.
    + Lugnut: also blasted to kingdom come by the Ark's guns. Both of these Decepticons would've died if they hadn't been saved by Starscream, which the Autobots had no knowledge of.
    + Soundwave: only the audience was shown a small portion of Soundwave surviving.
    + Starscream: MIA
    + Blackarachnia: MIA

  9. #29
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    What I believe is missing is the fact that to Prime, he feels like he's facing an onslaught. One after another, the Decepticons keep rolling in. To him, the situation seemed only to be escalating.

    Put yourself in his shoes. That many Decepticons keep knocking on your door, you're bound to be agitated, frustrated and worried. Who will be next? Hence why he shows the signs of cracking under pressure. Even worse, he's not even a fully fledged warrior. He's had training and then spent cycles as a space bridge repairbot before facing down Decepticon after Decepticon. If I were him, my pants would be rather brown and not very aromatically pleasing.

    All around him he sees, quite fairly, is a lack of discipline. When times are tough he needs to run a tighter ship and his inability to do so is really getting the better of him.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I don't dislike Prime in this episode at all - I just thought that the whole anger/frustration thing was overdone, to the point where he did things that were out of character for him, like outrightly refusing to listen to his comrades and simply not caring about Sari's feelings.

    Dude, as a teacher you've been a "friend" to kids too long to understand that with sari he had to be the "parent". That is a command role which is too often confused with the friend (wrong) role of trying to gain compliance and teach socially acceptable behaviour. And of course the kid will then drop the "you don't love me" bomb to try and regain their past freedoms.

    As for his comrades, he's simply pissed at being left out of the loop and disobeyed by his charges.

    I thought I already explained that to you.

    And I've also highlighted it before, maybe I need to make the font bigger:

    Animated Prime.

    This is not BW/machines/rid/g1 prime at all. He's not even currently in the same league of command as those previous primes were, so there is no comparison.
    Mflb Vaporizer
    Last edited by MV75; 11th March 2011 at 09:01 AM.

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