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Thread: Member Listing and Rankings changed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Arrow Member Listing and Rankings changed

    Ozformers Ranks
    Thought of something at work last night, and wanted to test it out.

    Similar to the toy Techspecs, I'm giving the existing user titles an additional 'Rank' number, to not only make it easier to see how the different status/functions relate to each other, but to also inspire the junior/newer members to work their way up the rankings without it looking like a big leap to the next user-status. If there are several rankings instead of the two main ones (Member and Deluxe Member), it shouldn't look like a 2-class society here, which sometimes leads to the junior members feeling intimidated or feeling like they are being talked-down to (and used to happen occasionally in the past).
    It was unintentional, but the Deluxe Members end up having a mid-range 'ranking', so that should help alleviate any perceptions from both sides that DMs are significantly 'better' in some way.

    If after a while, there aren't any problems (percieved or reported), I'll leave this Ranking system in place. For now, see what you think.

    Explination of the Ranks:

    10 - Global Mod (Admin/owner)
    9 - Global Mod (more active coverage)
    8 - Global Mod (less active coverage)
    7 - Section Mod
    6 - Deluxe Member (by invitation when earnt - contributes News, Sightings, creative, and/or attends meets)
    5 - Special Guest
    4 - Member (active and contributes to the forum)
    3 - Member (new or not very active)
    2 - Distant Spark & Probationary
    1 - Protoform (just registered)

    People may be moved between Ranks 3 and 4 depending on how active they are (a long term evaluation, as I don't have the time to be adjusting people's rankings every day).

    (at this point in time, the 'Active Member' Rank (4) is the only one not already in use, and since people need to be moved manually to different usergroups/titles, all 'Members' will initially appear as 'Rank 3' - it will take me a little time to move people into the 'Active' Usergroup)

    Member Listing
    The main Member Listing page has also been changed to include more info about each of the members (Ranks 2-10) without having to look at their profile pages.
    Only Ranks 2-10 are included in the listing.

    (I just realised that the new 'ranking system' makes it so much easier to refer to several usergroups at once)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Sounds good. Have you decided how these will be represented in with the post'ers details?
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  3. #3
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    It should go up to 11.

    On a serious note, this strikes me as not your greatest idea ever Chief. A lot of what makes this place as good as it is is the fairly egalitarian approach we have - besides the necessary security stuff (protoforms etc) and the obvious difference between yourself as owner and the mods (who to all of your credit have never lorded your modly powers and/or status, and engage as just fellow fans except when the mod hat needs wearing - kudos to you all as ever), and to an extent DMs (though I haven't seen any positioning going on there either - again kudos to you guys for keeping a lid on it) it really is about as equal and respectful-to-all forum as I've seen on the figurative battleground that often is the internet. Adding numbers and degrees to the already adequate (IMO) system you have seems a bit unnecessary, and may encourage 'jockeying for rank' amongst people (especially people who aren't used to such a level playing field per se) so inclined who might otherwise just contribute.
    I guess what I'm really getting at is that we have very little - if any - in the way of board politicking going AFAIK, and this has the potential to be a catalyst for that sort of thing rather than play a minimising role.

    Of course, it's your baby and your call (and I'm sure you don't make decisions about how you run the place lightly), and it may well not happen like that at all, but it strikes me as a very real possibility. You'd probably get the same result just by renaming Deluxe Member to Contributing/Active/Established Member or something similar.[/my2cents]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    Just a suggestion - instead of numerical rankings, how about we use something like -

    Minicon: Protoform (just registered)
    Legends Class: Distant Spark & Probationary
    Scout Class: Member (active and contributes to the forum and / or new or not very active)
    Deluxe Class: Deluxe Member (by invitation when earnt - contributes News, Sightings, creative, and/or attends meets)
    Voyager Class: Section Mod
    Ultra Class: Global Mod (less active coverage)
    Leader Class: Global Mod (more active coverage)
    Supreme Class: Global Mod (Admin/owner)

    This would make it more Transformer themed while still keeping the Deluxe Members on a mid-range 'ranking'.

    Special Guests would remain unchanged and could slot in where ever deemed appropriate.
    Last edited by 5FDP; 29th July 2010 at 09:38 AM.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Cool. And can I have Firepower 10 too? <Pew! Pew! Pew! Kaboom!>

    (Sorry, I think I was possessed by Kuzzy's Ghost there for a moment. )

  6. #6
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I gotta agree with odie. I think it's cool but we must be careful people don't go on power trips, belittling other members with lower rankings

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I agree with Odie & Bartrim - numbered ranks could cause some to resent being on a lower rung & lead issues with how perception for some. We are a fairly egalitarian bunch, and I think %FDP's suggestion to (re)introduce the TF themed ranks is a good one - although I do think they'd have to be with the actual meaning listed alongside the size class.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  8. #8
    Join Date
    20th May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    Just a suggestion - instead of numerical rankings, how about we use something like -

    Minicon: Protoform (just registered)
    Legends Class: Distant Spark & Probationary
    Scout Class: Member (active and contributes to the forum and / or new or not very active)
    Deluxe Class: Deluxe Member (by invitation when earnt - contributes News, Sightings, creative, and/or attends meets)
    Voyager Class: Section Mod
    Ultra Class: Global Mod (less active coverage)
    Leader Class: Global Mod (more active coverage)
    Supreme Class: Global Mod (Admin/owner)

    This would make it more Transformer themed while still keeping the Deluxe Members on a mid-range 'ranking'.

    Special Guests would remain unchanged and could slot in where ever deemed appropriate.
    I think this is a great way to rank members giving members more of a TF feel.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    It should go up to 11.
    One day... an Ozformer shall rise from our ranks... and use the power of the Matrix... to light our darkest hour.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    The numbers were aimed at making it easier to identify each group, rather than allowing people to compare themselves against others (which they can already do - but at least this broader spectrum takes out the elitist look of DMs).
    Only the staff can ever tell/ask another member to do something or not do something, so if this was perceived as being a means for people to use their ranking against another, then I certainly would change it.
    But any title/ranking (like the toy size classes - which is also a good idea) probably isn't going to prevent that behaviour in people who aren't staff, or prevent those ineligible for higher titles/rankings from feeling insignificant.

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