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Thread: Service is not dead!! (

  1. #1
    Join Date
    16th Aug 2010

    Default Service is not dead!! (

    Hey all, just wanted to share a positive experience from a dealer you probably all know.
    I've been dealing with Matt over at for over 12 months now and am still blown away by his level of service.
    My last package arrived the other day and was pretty hefty. almost 20 bots in total. I had asked Matt to look at the postage before he sent it and he dropped it quite a bit. When it all arrived i noticed that the postage was closer to the original quote than what he had charged me. I really couldn't let that go without a good mention. I also notice that if you buy on say a Thursday evening/ Friday you can have you parcel in just over 1 week. This might sound like a plug and all so take what you want from it but it's just something i wanted to share.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I personally have nothing but good things to say about Transformerland. I have bought dozens of toys from them and their level of service is fantastic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd Nov 2008


    I've been a Transformerland customer for a very long time and for most of those years, I too had nothing but positive things to say of him.

    In recent months though he's been nothing but trouble. He forgot to ship certain items with my orders, failed to give accurate descriptions and takes weeks to reply to emails.

    My last four orders with him have been terrible from a customer service point of view. He still owes me $25, a replacement G1 Omega Supreme tank, a new complete Gnaw and another Blaster figure - all of which were either badly yellowed or broken. I've given up chasing this stuff owed to me. He just doesn't bother to reply with the same urgency or care that he used to.

    Again - I'd like to reiterate the fact that I was once a very, very happy customer of his and have even spent a small fortune at transformerland but after these terrible experiences, I really do want to discourage others from buying from him. I tried so very hard to be reasonable and work with him on rectifying my order issues, but he's become a joke really.

    Three other very important eye openers for me as well (from a customer point of view) pointed out to me by a fellow American collector;

    1. Matt gives virtually everything in his inventory a C8-C9 rating, when half the time this is not the case

    2. His inventory is larger than other G1 specialised stores, but everything he has in stock can easily be bought from ebay

    3. He charges more than the ebay marketprice. This is the critical point that most people fail to notice (... I did ) $15US for a loose beachcomber, $45US for a loose astrotrain, $70US for Thundercracker - Even if you negotiate the prices for these, you can still buy them cheaper on ebay

    Anyway, that's my two cents.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by canofwhoopass_87 View Post
    I've been a Transformerland customer for a very long time and for most of those years, I too had nothing but positive things to say of him.

    In recent months though he's been nothing but trouble. He forgot to ship certain items with my orders, failed to give accurate descriptions and takes weeks to reply to emails.

    My last four orders with him have been terrible from a customer service point of view. He still owes me $25, a replacement G1 Omega Supreme tank, a new complete Gnaw and another Blaster figure - all of which were either badly yellowed or broken. I've given up chasing this stuff owed to me. He just doesn't bother to reply with the same urgency or care that he used to.

    Again - I'd like to reiterate the fact that I was once a very, very happy customer of his and have even spent a small fortune at transformerland but after these terrible experiences, I really do want to discourage others from buying from him. I tried so very hard to be reasonable and work with him on rectifying my order issues, but he's become a joke really.

    Three other very important eye openers for me as well (from a customer point of view) pointed out to me by a fellow American collector;

    1. Matt gives virtually everything in his inventory a C8-C9 rating, when half the time this is not the case

    2. His inventory is larger than other G1 specialised stores, but everything he has in stock can easily be bought from ebay

    3. He charges more than the ebay marketprice. This is the critical point that most people fail to notice (... I did ) $15US for a loose beachcomber, $45US for a loose astrotrain, $70US for Thundercracker - Even if you negotiate the prices for these, you can still buy them cheaper on ebay

    Anyway, that's my two cents.
    Wow! When did this start? I must admit that I haven't bought anything from him for about 6 months but I have also spend a small fortune there and every time it was a great experience.

    Sad to hear that since have fallen down so much since my last transaction with them. Do you know if the business changed hands?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    2nd Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Wow! When did this start? I must admit that I haven't bought anything from him for about 6 months but I have also spend a small fortune there and every time it was a great experience.

    Sad to hear that since have fallen down so much since my last transaction with them. Do you know if the business changed hands?
    Nah he still runs the show. I believe he has help from a couple of other guys who lend a hand in some ways but he deals with issues directly. My problems with his store aren't one off, they've taken place over several orders in the past year. He's a serious pain to deal with now, which is a far cry from the super dooper seller he used to be. I just don't understand how things have suddenly turned so difficult after over a dozen flawless transactions.

    He should really hang up the boots or perhaps even sell the store to someone else IMO, because I really do think people are better off buying their G1's from ebay.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by canofwhoopass_87 View Post
    I've been a Transformerland customer for a very long time and for most of those years, I too had nothing but positive things to say of him.
    Hey Boss!
    I'm gonna reply to this real quick-like.
    Yes, we had many good conversations over MSN, and I'd still like to consider you a friend

    Quote Originally Posted by canofwhoopass_87 View Post
    In recent months though he's been nothing but trouble. He forgot to ship certain items with my orders, failed to give accurate descriptions and takes weeks to reply to emails.
    It may not be obvious to you, but Transformerland has really grown over past year, and for most of that time it was a one-man-show. We talked a lot over MSN, so there was no record of our discussion which lead to some of the confusion - it's hard to keep track of everything when I'm dealing with 100 orders a week + sorting thru collections and getting those payments out, and listing new inventory. In addition, March 8th we gave birth to our first child, so my wife is staying hope and packing/shipping orders in real time if baby lets her, so turnaround time is much faster now:

    Quote Originally Posted by canofwhoopass_87 View Post
    My last four orders with him have been terrible from a customer service point of view. He still owes me $25, a replacement G1 Omega Supreme tank, a new complete Gnaw and another Blaster figure
    I'm a bit confused paid $55 for the complete Gnaw, you didn't like the chrome on his teeth so I offered you a full refund if you simply return the gun and the tail, meaning you would get the figure for free. The parts were returned in a plain white envelope which got eaten up by the mail sorting machines, and the parts were lost. I showed you the pix and you suggested we settle at a $25 refund...I didn't feel this was any fault of my own so I didn't quite know how to respond.

    To me it seemed like "if I goof, I eat the whole worm, if the you goof, we go halvsies". Anyhow, I offered a $25 store credit, which I thought was fair, given the circumstances.

    I certainly cant see why I would owe you "a new COMPLETE Gnaw AND $25".

    And I still have the description on the Omega you bough (Databases are such sweet wonders!)

    "Complete, c8 (light sticker wear, otherwise nice). Electronics work, but both legs are gimpy in robot mode"

    You said one of the leg cogs was missing, and you were OK with me sending you a broken cog since the legs were described as 'gimpy', just as long as you had some cog to stick in there...we never discussed an entire new tank.

    The Blaster and the Omega were both going to be worked out, but we had reached an impasse by that point.

    Anyhow, that's how I remember things
    BTW, I found that Pointblank <G>

    Quote Originally Posted by canofwhoopass_87 View Post
    3. He charges more than the ebay marketprice.
    I'm not sure about that either, I try to be fair in my pricing...many times when I sell stuff on eBay they go for more than I list them for on my's just a few recent examples:

    It usually averages out, but buyers can get it all in one place without having to pay multiple sellers shipping costs. BTW, I _do_ get in harder to find stuff (uncommon 1987-1990 figures), but those almost always sell the day I list em. The sale-price history data is all available to the public on my site (restricted to complete items only for G1s for bandwidth reasons).

    Again, we had some good MSN convo's, I'm sure we could resolve our differences if given the right circumstances.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2010


    Sorry for the double-post. Just wanted to add in my Google reviews (4.8/5 stars from 126 customers who took the time to write a review!)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Heh cute kid mate.

    Anyway, I have always wanted to get a few things off you before, but never the means. Now I have a means, but not the funds

    But I had noticed a few things you have on there that I want, that are cheaper than ebay prices. And when I have the funds I will be buying them if they are still up there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Heh cute kid mate.

    Anyway, I have always wanted to get a few things off you before, but never the means. Now I have a means, but not the funds

    But I had noticed a few things you have on there that I want, that are cheaper than ebay prices. And when I have the funds I will be buying them if they are still up there.
    lol, well, there's always the Negotiate button
    As for the kid...I'm trying to be objective here, I don't see a way there's a cuter little guy out there <G>

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Your kid looks very intrugued by that camera, tranceformer!

    I've just placed my first order with Transformerland - still waiting for Whirl to arrive (:

    I received an email talking about referral credits, and I've been meaning to enquire - I didn't see anywhere on the ordering page about mentioning referrers (I was referred by kup). Is there some way to retroactively credit kup for referring me?

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

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