Nice work Kurdt! Grimlock looks surprisingly good in those colours.
Here's a request; Can someone do up Transmetal Waspinator in G1 Starscream colours? that'd be sweet.
MP09X Hot Rodimus (Comic version)
I have a digibash request. Can some please recolour Generations Darkmount with a Universe Ironhide (or Sideswipe/Red Alert head minus the 'antennas') head into G1 Sludge? I suck at it and I have an idea for a custom.
EDIT: Try the head from 'Solar Storm Grappel'. It screams Sludge.
Last edited by Sleeve; 13th October 2010 at 09:50 PM.
Universe Ironhide? Paulbot's memory bad. Me think you say "Animated" Ironhide.
Sludge Digibash by Paulbot, on Flickr
Request: Beast Machines Rattrap in Packrat's colours (to make a BM Packrat).
Reference pics:
Beast Machines Rattrap (all modes)
Packrat pics...