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Thread: IDW Drift comic reviews & comments (spoilers)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I had issues with the pacing of the first issue and those issues have carried across the whole series. It feels like the mini-series takes place over a few days, which makes the transformation of Drift from someone who randomly blows the head off of a fellow Decepticon to a more noble warrior seem far too rushed. I think there was however a training montage in of the earlier issues so it may be a longer period than that.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Still have issue #4 to read, but I've read 1-3....

    Its alright, nothing really terrible about, but nothing special, nor really memorable (other than Lockdown).

    Just seems a waste of a comic mini, especially when we could have had a LSotW or "-tion" tie in series...

    A Rotorstorm miniseries anyone? (or any of the Wreckers new recruits, Pyro for example?)
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  3. #23
    Join Date
    1st Jan 2008


    It's definitely not a terrible story, and it was certainly engaging enough for me to want to read until the end of issue four.

    However, I feel that ultimately there was nothing really exciting about the plot, and there were no surprises in terms of how things would turn out.

    The art is fairly good, but I was surprised that some of the smaller panels seemed to have really botched lineart. I don't know if this is due to the way the inks are done, because I thought the pencils would usually be done on A3 and then shrunk to comic page size so the details come through. That was a bit of a disappointment for me.

    Overall, I'd probably give the whole thing a 6.5 out of 10.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Always happy to please the fans that follow my work

    But you are right, I shouldn't of posted that so I await the mods to delete it.

    Just needing to vent my frustration of what has become of Transformers fiction in general which can be reflected in the dissatisfaction from posters here on IDW's main body of TF publications. There just isn't anything new worth following these days and by the looks of it, the foreseeable future.
    I don't particularly disagree. There's not a lot of quality going around in TF comics at the moment - LSotW was very good, albeit helped along by its premise (the fact that the body of it was all meant to take place in the one night allowed it to be punchy and fast paced right the way through). The Ongoing just seems to be trundling along not really doing anything - one of its shortcomings is that it basically resets the status quo at the end of every story arc.

    I've found McCarthy's works outside of the 12 issues of AHM reasonably compelling because they show the Transformers as a small part of a large and populated universe (Spotlights Cliffjumper and Drift as well as this miniseries). Also, there's more of a focus on the idealogical background to the war (Spotlight: Blurr and flashbacks in this mini) which is something I find more interesting than just... well conflict.

    The Drift miniseries was not without flaw but it was a reasonably interesting read. The pacing was a bit off - it started too fast, I felt more time could have been devoted to showing him as a Decepticon, as opposed to the one scene and then betrayal that we got. The second body was seemed entirely superfluous, and while the intent might have been to say oh well now we've upgraded you to a combat form there was really nothing to indicate this and it's left to the reader to try and find a fansplanation (Gok's word, not mine). Finally while I don't buy the argument that all the third faction bots look the same, Wing and Drift did look a bit too similar for my liking.

    It was a solid read though. Better than most of the Ongoing, and better than the Bumblebee mini. About on par with Ironhide really. Compelling and interesting if in a kind of nonsensical way. Both were not just adventures as vehicles for the titular characters but provided some background on the war as well.

    6.5/10. Worth a read.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Read two and three, And, Mad props to Shane McCarthy, he's an Aussie, living his dream of writing comics, something I would kill to be doing, but they seemed very forced. like Drift was a homeless autobot then evil decepticon the magic ninja bot in matter of minutes. I love Drift, I think he has a great look and his toy is awesome, which is why I gave this series the benefit of the doubt. But It weren't so great. Now I'm off to read Last Stand of the Wreckers.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    14th Jan 2010


    Much like the Ironhide series...I found all four issues
    of Drift very disappointing...I mean its always great
    too see Lockdown...but apart from that...I found it
    boring and kinda pointless...

  7. #27
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    *Sigh* Remember when Transformers comics were good?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    *Sigh* Remember when Transformers comics were good?
    Yup. There was a reason for that... and that reason was Simon Furman. Try as they may, current IDW writers just don't hold up to Marvel G1/G2

  9. #29
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    *Sigh* Remember when Transformers comics were good?
    What, you mean like Last Stand of the Wreckers a few months ago?
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    LsotW was good. Though it arguably seems to be more of the exception rather than the standard fare from IDW. I'm enjoying Sector 7 moreso than Infiltration atm though... Infiltration was somewhat forgettable.

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