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Thread: The non-toy Star Wars discussion thread

  1. #121
    XMan's Avatar
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    I have enjoyed the first 3 eps very much, I'm waiting to watch the other 3 in one go. ROgue One still, for me, holds the best Vader scene, but watching him walk through Tatooine braking necks was amazing, Then what he did to Ben...

  2. #122
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    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by XMan View Post
    watching him walk through Tatooine braking necks was amazing, Then what he did to Ben...
    Yeah, you could really feel the hatred. I can't wait to see their next encounter, if there is one (and no I don't mean A New Hope).
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  3. #123
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    It was also interesting to see how utterly inept Ben was at fighting Vader. This is consistent with the idea that Ben is, at this stage, an utterly broken man who has lost his edge as a Jedi. It also means that he has his own personal journey to embark on to get to being the Jedi knight that we saw him as in A New Hope. Also interesting to see Quinlan Vos being mentioned.

    The scene when Vader arrives at the space port town was interesting as it means that there are now dire consequences for Ben's choices. One problem with prequels is we know that there is no real peril for characters like Ben Kenobi and Leia Organa, for obvious reasons. So instead, other beings are now susceptible to suffering for Ben's choices. Vader gave Ben an impossible choice... expose himself or allow the innocent to die. And his new ally Tala is facing peril in trying to help him and Leia.

    It also just dawned on me that Temuera Morrison's cameo as the homeless Clone Trooper was the first time that Morrison has ever worn the Clone Trooper armour!

  4. #124
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    Kenobi vs Vader was a car crash. There are better fan made videos on YouTube. Seriously -check out SC38 reimagined.

    My favourite moments of EP3 included Darth Vader running around the mounds faster than Kenobi so that he could cut him off and strike a pose.

    What was that business with the fire? I'll use the Force to topple this thing over, set it alight... damn, Obi has some great fire proof robes on... what's that? A sniper.... where did that moving-at-snail-pace droid come from? It's picking up Obi Wan... wait... is he rescuing him? Damn fire. I can't get through it. Should I send my troopers around it? No... if only I was the dark lord of an ancient religion that could manipulate people and objects around me...
    Better stand still and look intimidating instead.

    Lol stop drinking the coolaid, people

  5. #125
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    Obi-Wan is supposed to be a crap fighter at this stage. He's a broken man; this is meant to be the lowest point of his life. This is why Episode IV was called "A New Hope," in order for Luke Skywalker to be the New Hope, the others must be in a place where there is no hope. Where there is darkness, to which Luke will be the light *(the name "Luke" means 'light-giver'). So yeah... the fight being a wreck? That's the point. This is similar to how Ahsoka Tano was initially a really annoying character that a lot of viewers complained about; but in hindsight we can see that that was the whole point of the character. In order for Ahsoka to grow, she had to start from a "low" point. Because the opposite of this is a Mary Sue like Rey Palpatine Skywalker.

    The fire-proofness was pretty weird, I will give you that. As for why Vader didn't just send his troops through the flames (or charge in himself; he's survived worse... dude lives on a volcano world); I reckon that he was toying with Obi-Wan. He doesn't want to kill Kenobi, at least not straight away. He wants him to suffer. It's of limited consequence if Obi-Wan escapes, because really, he's of no threat to Vader or the Empire (as far as Vader can tell). This is a broken man who isn't hardly even a Jedi anymore. This is similar to how General Grievous used to toy with his prey in the Tatarkovsky Clone Wars series ("Run, Jedi, run.").

    I think that a lot of this will make more sense as the series progresses. After all, a lot of fans hated Ahsoka Tano when she first debuted in the Filoni Clone Wars series; but she was meant to be a flawed character so that she could develop. Now she's a widely beloved character who's getting her own series.

  6. #126
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    It's not Obi Wan running away repeatedly from Vader I find vexing, it's that there's no emotional gravitas in the scene. Kathleen Kennedy touted this as the "rematch of the century" & what we got IMO was very poor story telling. Not as bad as Obi shooting a laser fence he could have walked around, but you get my point.

    We know he's broken - we've seen him mope around for 2 1/2 episodes. My main gripe is that I didn't feel any tension or foreboding when the two finally faced each other, unlike Vader vs Luke in ESB. Even when Vader was strutting through the town square snapping necks... nothing.

    The more we see of Vader, the more he loses his sense of mystique and terror. Using him sparingly would have had a much greater impact .

  7. #127
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    You know what? it wasn't as bad as I anticipated
    Good, fast paced episode. Although I chuckled when Vader stormed into the control room.. I thought he was going to clothesline and pin Reva for the 3 count & walk out with the World Heavyweight belt.

    Anyways, it's good to see Obi Wan doing Obi Wan things and not shuffling around in his usual sad-songs-for-the-lonely-hearts mode.

  8. #128
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    As a language geek, something I've enjoyed about Ewan McGregor's portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi is how he portrays the character's accent.
    In A New Hope, Kenobi, Vader and Leia all speak with a Trans-Atlantic English accent. This is an artificial accent created for Hollywood actors and actresses back when most English speakers had never heard an American accent (early "talkies" from the US required subtitles for other Anglophones to understand). It's why Old Timey American movies have actors sounding sort of British; it's a blend between American and English English. G1 Tracks speaks with this Mid-Atlantic accent, as does Kelsey Grammer, and thus his character Harold Attinger in Age of Extinction (or Sideshow Bob ). The weird thing with Leia is that she totally drops this accent and goes full American by the end of the film. Seriously... listen to the way she speaks with Vader and Tarkin - she sounds more British when she says: "Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognised your foul stench when I was brought on board."; but then she sounds totally American after she encounters Luke and gets rescued, leads the Rebellion etc. And yeah, throughout all of Empire and Jedi - total American accent.

    So in ANH, Obi-Wan has a chiefly English accent but with American "twangs" interlaced, particularly in the way that he pronounces certain vowels.
    And this was never Sir Alec Guinness' native accent; if you listen to him during interviews, he speaks with a pure English accent; no American twangs. If you listen to Ewan MacGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi accent, it starts off being purely English in The Phantom Menace. but it very gradually adds more American-like twangs in Attack of the Clones and especially Revenge of the Sith.
    e.g. "You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short." ← full English accent
    "Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic! To democracy!" ← "duh-MAH-kra-see" instead of "duh-MOCK-ra-see."
    And in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, we hear a slightly thicker American influence in his accent; in other words, it's sounding closer to Alec Guinness' Obi-Wan Kenobi accent! Still not totally there, but that's okay, this takes place another decade before the events of ANH. I love how MacGregor pays attention to this level of detail. He's always said that he bases his performance of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Sir Alec Guinness, but there's clearly a lot more to he means by that than meets the eye (or ear)!

    And I gotta admit, when I first found out that Ewan MacGregor had been cast as Obi-Wan Kenobi for TPM, I was skeptical. Before then, I'd only seen MacGregor in trainspotting and I unsure about casting a Scotsman as Obi-Wan. I was jokingly saying that we can expect Obi-Wan Kenobi to say things like, "Ach, Anakin, use the Force, laddie!" But as soon as I saw the teaser, I was very glad to be proven wrong. MacGregor's acting as Obi-Wan Kenobi just never ceases to impress me.

  9. #129
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    Speaking of language, Alec Guiness pronounces Obi Wan differently in the scene where he rescues Luke from the Sandpeople
    He alternates between the Wan sounding like that of padawan and twang
    Always found that a bit odd *shrug*

  10. #130
    Join Date
    29th May 2018


    T'was nice to see Obi Wan slowly regain some old Jedi skills (gotta love light saber deflections).

    The series so far has been entertaining, but flawed. The pace has been an issue for me. I get the feeling this series would have made an excellent (well...better...perhaps), standalone film. Also, the 'gotta keep saving Leia' trick is getting annoying. I was hoping she'd be returned to her foster parents by now and the story go into another direction...but, oh well. It is what it is.

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