Toy Review - as title suggests

Series - Beast Wars
Sub-line - Japan
Size/class - Basic figure mega tank
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave -
Released here - when beast wars was cool
Approximate Retail Price - $?
Approximate Size -
Allegiance - Maximal
Alt-mode - squid figure, octo tank and cycle/hover craft
Main Features/Gimmicks - squirts water, eyes roll in circles, tentacles can move from rear handles/grabbing attack, cycle hover craft can fit inside head of tank, white squid can pilot cycle and tank
Main Colours - blue/white with purple figure. tank red. cream black cycle. both vihecles come with transparent aqua highlights
Main Accessories - bomarang figure, tank w/ squirt gun, cycle w/ six missiles

good colour although it doesnt match the white blue of white clawjaw. but overall good colours. Its cool and something different i find with a major big accessory that can be used by a bws. maybe the red is so u can use it with clawjaw will do comparason pics later. the tank can move all six little legs and the big two front ones are controlled by levers at the back. move forward n side to side. head swivels right around. no wheels or anything coz its meant to crawl i suppose Cycle has opening conopy of bike, wheels go around, fires 2 missiles cant see weapon storage, white cj can fit inside. the cycle fits on the tank with white cj. wcj can not fit inside once folded up but the bike can. Fills the head in more with less gaps. the red works well with transparent turqoise and cream detailing. U would get some enjoyment out of it and it makes it a little more interesting. It is fiddilly to place wcj in the cycle

rating: 9/10