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Thread: All Hail Megatron Issues 1 to 6 (Vol 1)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    i shall ask McCarthy himself whether its a continuation etc etc

  2. #22
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by lcz128 View Post
    So, issue #2 is out! What did people think?

    Personally, I was a bit underwhelmed. I was hoping that it would go further faster. I guess it does make sense that there will be build up before getting to the real meat - I guess my beef was that there was a fair amount of human-ness in this issue - which I'm not that big a fan of :b
    I actualy prefered this issue to #1, becuase they started to deviate a bit more from the standard g1 archetype. The humans focus also made the Decepticons more menacing. Cause seriously all those bright colours and smilling do not credible scary enemies make.

    The humans seem to be running thier campaign against the Decepticons in a reasonable manner, Am I the only one reminded of Colverfield by this issue? Which begs the question, what is Megs plan? he better have one cause if the story develops in a believable fashion it's heading toward tactical nuke time.

    I do however agree that it's a little slow, what aggrevates me is Revalation #3 feels rushed to fit in with All hail Megs, which in turn feels stretched.

    And All Hails still doesn't feel like the standard IDW universe, although it does feel more unique than issue #1

  3. #23
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    29th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    This is not a good comic to re-read.

    Nope, Ryall, McCarthy et all have been trying really hard for months to convince everyone that it is indeed in continuity.
    However I think there will be retcons were AHM is concerned.

    The art and seeing how McCarthy will try so very hard to tie this into the very close knitted Furmanverse is all that has me wanting to see the next few issues.
    At the risk of Shane McCarthy appearing here (since he's aussie and all) and attempting to shut me up again, I don't think he's trying very hard at all to tie this into Furman's storyline, given he's ditched the facsimiles and Megatron's long-term goals, humans have some how forgotten about those rampaging robots that the military attacked in Devastation and the giant robot dinosaur wandering around in Spotlight Grimlock, he said he would not use Ore-13 (the reason why Earth became a pivitol flashpoint in the war), and issue 2 seemingly abandons the established rule set in Spotlight: Optimus Prime that combiner/gestalt technology was dangerous and had devastating consequences for both the participants and anybody who attempted to use it as a weapon (the combiners go insane).

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    And good news for you Paulbot, the Mosaic that Furman penned that you hated so much is now considered non cannon.
    Really? I'm torn. On hand one I'm happy the future's not set in stone, on the other hand I'm disappointed that the original storyplan has been thrown out.

    As for this series I want it in continuity because the last thing we need is more alternate universes!
    The Sunstreaker Mosiac, created awhile before AHM was announced, was *originally* part of Furman's continuity. But Ryall and McCarthy ditched it. Its possible McCarthy will have Sunstreaker or somebody reference Hunter, but I doubt it.

    Go on, do it, McCarthy! I BLOODY DARE YOU.

    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post
    i shall ask McCarthy himself whether its a continuation etc etc
    What do you think he's going to say? Of course he'll say AHM is a continuation. If he admitted it was not in-continuity they might lose sales. His job depends on it.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFN View Post
    What do you think he's going to say? Of course he'll say AHM is a continuation. If he admitted it was not in-continuity they might lose sales. His job depends on it.
    I think he will say "Roller you are the greatest ever, please contribute your own storyline that i can take back to IDW, i shall call it "All Hail Roller"

    at least, i think he'd say something along those lines.

  5. #25
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    Western Sydney


    Issue 2 was a letdown.

    Megatron has sealed off New York City and will now terrorise it. It starts to stink like a G1 episode crossed with the average summer blockbuster film. There is no grand over-arching goals anywhere to be seen, it's taken two issues to setup this lacklustre scene and I feel it will take many more to play out.

    We have now been introduced to 2 human soldiers that we know will be big players in helping the Autobots defeat the Decepticons later down the line.

    Someone else said it was kinda like a rehash of the first DW arc, replacing San Fran with NYC, and it really does feel like that, fanboyish, and slow to boot. The fact that it is meant to be "in continuity" with the very well established IDW Furmanverse yet looks to contradict it and pretend it never occurred is just an insult.

    Wait for a few more issues to be released, and about the time that Maximum Dinobots is at issue #2 or #3 for IDW to issue a statement announcing that AHM is just a 12 issue "evolution" style story that lives in a "what if" sub branch of the IDW Furmanverse.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  6. #26
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    IDW Frenzy is awesome!

    Like many on other boards the GIANT Devastator reminded me of Dreamwave's first G1 series.

    Choosing Daniel Witwicky as the hero is an interesting choice.

    As for the continuity, yes it's loose but it kind of works (but I want it to so I'm forgiving). Maybe the events of Devastation/Spotlight Grimlock were covered up? There's nods to that in this issue with them asking if it's the Machination again and the CIA classified stuff. The combiner tech had to be perfected eventually too and it does make some sense that Devastator would be the first working combiner from a traditionalist viewpoint.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    The combiner tech had to be perfected eventually too and it does make some sense that Devastator would be the first working combiner from a traditionalist viewpoint.
    Agreed, there is still time for any refined combiner tech to make it's way into Decepticon hands, and for said Decepticons to arrive on Earth.

    However it seems that this is about the only part of the AHM series that will be able to be squeezed into continuity without major ret-conning of Furmans work.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  8. #28
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    I think IDW is just hoping people have forgotten the gestalt = insanity thing from Spotlight: Optimus Prime.

    Why? Jhiaxus, a genius by Cybertronian standards, was never able to perfect his experimental process. Banzaitron's Decepticons (the ones who took the Pretender Monsters from the Autobots) were wiped out in Spotlight: Hardhead, so I doubt the Decepticons had much of a chance to do much in the way of research.

    Who knows? Maybe Furman will save AHM's retcons and continuity errors by reviving Shockwave and having him (very quickly) come up with a solution. Hell, while's he's at it, he will figure out a way to make Ore-13 a non-issue.

    BTW, July sales data for IDW came in:
    Yep, the heavily hyped and publicised new-reader-friendly series for new readers only managed to sell one less copy than Devastation #1.

  9. #29
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    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post

    IDW Frenzy is awesome!

    Like many on other boards the GIANT Devastator reminded me of Dreamwave's first G1 series.

    Choosing Daniel Witwicky as the hero is an interesting choice.
    Yeah but did you notice The first page he appears Devestator is normalish size, then next panel he grows to gigantic proportions throught the power of magic.

    I to am hoping there's some kind of attempt to pull this all together and recombine the story with the more clever machinations of Megatron that cam before. But I can't help but feel that All hail Megs is the grinning idiot from the cartoon who will be undone by making an obvious ameture mistake, like trusting Starscream. the sombre Megatron from the old IDW continuity was so much cooler to my mind.

    This all reminds me of when Devils Due restarted GI Joe as America Elite, although the two where in the same continuity for me they never gelled. It did give them a chance to come up with some new ideas though. Unfortunately the final comic of that series was the biggest letdown I've read in 20 years, UGHHH!

  10. #30
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    Sydney NSW


    Mmm... I'm still kinda confused about this story's place in the IDW-verse. Some things (that others have mentioned) makes it feel out of continuity, yet other things like talking about the Machination suggests that it's in continuity. So I'd really like McCarthy to answer the question of whether this story is meant to be in continuity or not!

    Frenzy was freakin' awesome. Frenzy is always awesome in the comics (never understood why the cartoon just relegated him as a Rumble clone. Blecch)!

    The Devastator combination thing was done well - I like how they took the focus away from Devastator, showing you the combining through shadows but focused on the reaction from the other Decepticons. Pretty cool because gestalt combination is something which has always been really difficult to do well in the English-language comics.

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