Nice setup
I think going from lightest colour to darkest would be best in most cases.
Looking good so far.
I started to like Rotorstorm after his brief appearance in LSOTW
Thanks for the tips chaps, makes sense to me! I couldn't wait until next weekend to start painting so I went on a bit of a rampage after work today...Here's another update bots, paint's still drying but I had to show the prettiness.
Even jusgt seeing the base colours on the seperate pieces, I know this is going to be awesome! Definately got the colour choice right!
Well this was the night I was dreading, applying the silver paint.
This stuff is a heck of a lot thicker than the regular non-metallic paint and while I thought I had put enough thinner in, when it came to spraying it spluttered and choked like nobody's business!
Still, being the daring (stupid? ) type I perservered and managed to get the paint on without any dramas. Having said that, there was a lot of stopping and starting to clear my airbrush. Eep! Needs a bit of tidying up as despite having meticulously applied tape to the cockpit windows some silver still managed to get through in places...Ah well, a job for another day!
Your masking came out great!
I've found that thicker paint flows to the bottom of the cup faster so to mix it properly blow bubbles by placing your finger over the nozzle while pulling back on the trigger.
Looking great!
Cannot believe how well it is turning out thus far!
Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)