I feel the need, the need for another custom! After reading the inspiringly brilliant Last Stand of the Wreckers (if you haven't read it, you're missing out on the best thing since TFA Season 3) and falling in love with Rotorstorm's awesome portrayal (was so pleased at how well they handled his character being a huge fan of the G1 Euro Turbomaster toys) I thought what would be cooler than a modern interpretation of the fantastic Rotorstorm!

This custom will be similar to my last (Earth TFA Wasp) in so far as I'll be repainting a modern Transformer (in this case, HFTD Tomahawk) and customising the head. I may decide to use another head but I'll first see how I go at sculpting on details to Tomahawks head (it's a perfect canvas, the eyes inparticular are spot-on).

For this project I'll be using Tamiya Acrylic/Enamel Primer (the Mr Hobby primer you see in the background has horrible coverage imo) and then Mr Hobby acrylic paints. I would have gone with Tamiya enamels but they didn't have the colours needed for this project like the hot pink. I hand painted Wasp but for Rotorstorm I'll be using my new Iwata airbrush.

Oh and before someone else mentions it, yes I know I forgot the main ultramarine blue colour paint. Damn brain...Expect more pics as I go!

HFTD Tomahawk moments before being totally pwned by a screwdriver and sandpaper

After the accident