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Thread: "Right In The Lugnuts!" The Ongoing Adventures Of Lugnut And His Amazing Friends.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    WHITE LIO JUNIOR: We're not Voltron!

    RAZORCLAW: Hey guys - are we still on for lunch at Niagara?

    WHITE LIO JUNIOR: Um... yeah.

    FLASH LIO CONVOY: Cool - see you then.

    RAMPAGE: 待会儿见!

    LUGNUT: So... where does the Blazing Sword really come from?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    LUGNUT: So... to prove you're not Voltron, you combined into two big robots with swords?

    MAGNABOSS: Um... yes?

    LUGNUT: I'm not stupid, guys – I know there are two Voltrons. I have a TV.

    SPRINGER: Everyone! Flash Lio Convoy... has been stabbed!

    THUNDERWING: Maaatriiix!

    FLASH LIO CONVOY: White Lio Junior... it is to you, old friend. I shall pass...

    LUGNUT: It's okay, I can pass it for you.


    FLASH LIO CONVOY DIES. HIS VOICE: Arise Lugimus Prime!

    MAGNABOSS: #^@*. Seriously, if I kill Lugnut now would it still just be counted as murder, or is it already regicide?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    LUGIMUS PRIME: Hi bird!

    GARBOIL: I gather you're in charge. Name?

    LUGIMUS PRIME: Um... I don't remember.

    GARBOIL: You don't remember your name?

    LUGIMUS PRIME: I was only just introduced! Nutimus Prime, maybe... or was that the just name that Sharky liked...

    LUGIMUS PRIME NUTIMUS PRIME: Or was it Lug Convoy...

    NUTIMUS PRIME LUG CONVOY: Nut Convoy? I think that's it.

    LUG CONVOY NUT CONVOY: Hey - if you're a bird, why do you need a helicopter?

    GARBOIL: I'll ask the questions here. Are... they eating a whale?

    NUT CONVOY: Technically I think it's a dolphin.

    GARBOIL: They'd better not get dolphin blood all over my crime scene.

    NUT CONVOY: Crime scene?

    GARBOIL: You have a dead body behind you.

    NUT CONVOY: Oh. Right. Transformers die all the time but I've never seen the police get involved.

    GARBOIL: We're always involved, the comics and cartoons just focus on the deaths, they never show what happens afterwards. Apparently our work's too boring. Lots of paperwork. So... the body seems to have been stabbed twice in the chest by a sharp object. Shouldn't be too hard to find the murder weapon.

    GARBOIL: (#@%.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Awesome, awesome thread man, you've gotta keep it going!
    (I especially loved the Narrator mystery )

  5. #15
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    MEGAZARAK: Hello Garboil. Who's your friend with the bling?

    GARBOIL: Detective Sergeant Garboil to you, Zarak. This is... <sigh>... Nut Convoy - he's helping me with an investigation.

    MEGAZARAK: A Convoy, eh? Better watch your back, Convoys don't live too long around these parts.

    GARBOIL: Is that a threat?

    NUT CONVOY: I think it's a statistic...

    GARBOIL: Quiet, Nutcase. Killed any Convoys recently, Zarak? Those are some sharp weapons you have there. Sharp enough to stab a bot. To death. Twice.

    MEGAZARAK: Sharp wea... You mean my knife and fork?

    GARBOIL: You call them knife and fork. I call them Exhibit A and Exhibit B.

    MEGAZARAK: I'm a tank, Detective Sergeant. Do you seriously think that if I wanted Flash dead I would stab him with my cutlery?

    GARBOIL: Maybe you wanted to throw me off the scent.

    MEGAZARAK: I couldn't even throw you far enough to get you on the scent.

    GARBOIL: Then you... Are you eating a polar bear?

    NUT CONVOY: Polurkey.

    GARBOIL: Po... what?

    NUT CONVOY: It's a polurkey. A polar bear genetically crossed with a turkey. It's a delicacy.

    GARBOIL: Does nobody eat anything normal around here? Well if it wasn't you, Zarak, who was it?

    MEGAZARAK: If I were you, I'd question Sky Shadow's next acquisition.

    GARBOIL: You'd what?

    MEGAZARAK: Well it seems obvious to me that you're going to spend the next few episodes showcasing Sky Shadow's new toys. Today I'm wearing the Air Military X-Dimension Micron team, tomorrow it'll probably be some other needlessly obscure recolour, so you might as well just go with the flow.

    GARBOIL: <sigh> Fine. Don't leave town. Let's go, Nutsack.

    NUT CONVOY: Nut Convoy.

    GARBOIL: Whatever.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post

    GARBOIL: <sigh> Fine. Don't leave town. Let's go, Nutsack.

    NUT CONVOY: Nut Convoy.

    GARBOIL: Whatever.
    hehe i love it!!!

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  7. #17
    Join Date
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  8. #18
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    ROFLCOPTER indeed.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    GARBOIL: Hello hello, Saurus. I assume you'll be able to tell me exactly where you were when Flash Lio Convoy was stabbed...

    DEATHSAURUS: I have an alibi, Detective Sergeant. We've been hanging here all day.

    GARBOIL: Alibi, eh. I'm sur... Seriously, are you two eating a pterodactyl?

    NUT CONVOY: Actually it's a...

    GARBOIL <Glares>

    NUT CONVOY: Sure. It's a pterodactyl. Whatever.

    GARBOIL: Saurus... I'm sure your wife would like to know you've been playing naughty nurse with some paid floozy all day.

    DEATHSAURUS: Esmeral left me, Detective Sergeant. Got tired of all my planet destroying and such. And watch your mouth - this isn't some cheap Paradron Medic, it's my girlfriend, Chromia – we're making a new crime-free life together. People change, Garboil. And speaking of wives, perhaps you should be looking closer to home. I thought birds were supposed to mate for life, but yours has been f...

    GARBOIL: Shut your faces, Saurus. And unless your next words are a lead on what happened to Flash, I'm taking you and your moll down to the station.

    DEATHSAURUS: ...Nobody in the underworld has taken credit for Flash's death, Garboil. Which means whoever killed him didn't do it to make a name for himself. This was either personal, or a big blue griffinful of MacGuffin.

    DEATHSAURUS: So maybe you're ignoring the elephant in the room.

    GARBOIL: Maybe you're right...

    CHROMIA: Deathy, I love your big bad tusks. Let's do it elephant style...

    GARBOIL: And... we're out of here. You two, get a room.

    NUT CONVOY: ...So we can ignore the elephant in it?

    GARBOIL <More glaring>

    NUT CONVOY: What? What?

    GARBOIL: <Sighs.> I'll tell you when you're older.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Comedy Gold as always. lol.

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