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Thread: TF3 Trailer - Thoughts and Discussion

  1. #51
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    I love how the trailer is put together - hearing the uprising familiar soundtrack and gradually seeing the ship then the Alpha Trion-like character right at the end did a great job of teasing this movie.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    25th Jul 2010

    Thumbs up

    looks awesome,can't wait until july!

  3. #53
    Join Date
    6th Nov 2010
    Gold Coast


    I'm not sure if this is real!,But looks pretty real,Shows a G1 style trailer for Optimus and maybe Smokescreen,Could be a load of crap though

  4. #54
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryathalas View Post
    I'm not sure if this is real!,But looks pretty real,Shows a G1 style trailer for Optimus and maybe Smokescreen,Could be a load of crap though
    It's real. It's amature footage taking during filming in Chicago and this was shown some time ago on TFW.

    Hopefully we get to see Roller in the film as well.
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  5. #55
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    I thought the trailer was okay. It's got my attention but I'm not going to judge a film on the content of a trailer It's given me hope that the 3rd film is not the horrible wreck that ROTF was.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    While I did enjoy the trailer, I love fiction non-fiction tie in's and I love that there is a possibility of Alpha Trion joining the story...

    I'm not impressed with the logic in it.

    here is a pic of the location of the apollo 11 landing site That's a long way from the horizon visible from Earth, where the ship is obviously located since we can't see it from earth. with a few minutes of radio blackout there is no way they could even traverse that distance, there was no rover on Apollo 11, letalone investigate a ship.

    They had a few minutes of Radio blackout which if I understand correctly doesn't happen when you are on the surface of the moon. The same side of the moon always faces Earth. Due to a process called tidal friction the moon rotates at the same rate which it orbits the earth.
    The only way there could be radio blackout is if they passed behind the moon in an orbit above it's surface, as depicted in the apollo 13 film.

    So I call Bollocks, they have mashed together a few moon related concepts that look nice on the surface but make no real sense. This is the sort of crap that had my friends laughing out loud at ROTF, I hope for our sake and the movies sake that the movie script is a little more water tight.

    I'm going to watch it and I'll be taking in a bag of salt to keep my sanity just in case the script goes all rotf on us.

    "Alpha Trion" if that's who it is does look extremely cool though.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I'm not impressed with the logic in it.

    here is a pic of the location of the apollo 11 landing site That's a long way from the horizon visible from Earth, where the ship is obviously located since we can't see it from earth. with a few minutes of radio blackout there is no way they could even traverse that distance, there was no rover on Apollo 11, letalone investigate a ship.
    As much as I don't like writing anything in support of Bay movies...

    So it's okay for the film to be in a completely different universe where Earth has been invaded by giant robots, but it's not okay for it to be in one where Apollo 11 landed in a different spot?

    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    They had a few minutes of Radio blackout which if I understand correctly doesn't happen when you are on the surface of the moon.
    Maybe the Decepticons destroyed the Parkes Observatory in the movie universe, resulting in an inferior radio signal and fewer Australian comedy films.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I'm not impressed with the logic in it.
    There's a lot of stuff in Transformers that don't make sense. In ROTF Petra, Jordan appears to be relatively close to Giza, Egypt. Close enough that Sam & Co. can see the pyramids from Petra, and they're somehow able to traverse the distance in a matter of hours (they must've been running at some incredible speed to cover 416km in such relatively short time). Also, Jordan and Egypt don't share a border - they're separated by Israel (map ). So you'd think that when Devastator's attacking the pyramids that the Israeli's would've sent help as well. Possibly arriving before the Jordanians considering that they're closer. Surely the Israeli government would do everything in it's power to help the Autobots... ya know... considering that Optimus Prime is Jewish (and so is Shia LaBeouf for that matter; Sam could be Jewish since the name 'Witwicky' could be of Polish/Ukrainian origin).

  9. #59
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    There's a lot of stuff in Transformers that don't make sense. In ROTF Petra, Jordan appears to be relatively close to Giza, Egypt. Close enough that Sam & Co. can see the pyramids from Petra, and they're somehow able to traverse the distance in a matter of hours (they must've been running at some incredible speed to cover 416km in such relatively short time). Also, Jordan and Egypt don't share a border - they're separated by Israel (map ). So you'd think that when Devastator's attacking the pyramids that the Israeli's would've sent help as well. Possibly arriving before the Jordanians considering that they're closer. Surely the Israeli government would do everything in it's power to help the Autobots... ya know... considering that Optimus Prime is Jewish (and so is Shia LaBeouf for that matter; Sam could be Jewish since the name 'Witwicky' could be of Polish/Ukrainian origin).
    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    So it's okay for the film to be in a completely different universe where Earth has been invaded by giant robots, but it's not okay for it to be in one where Apollo 11 landed in a different spot?

    I can see what you're both saying, there are always instances in the Transformers universe where you need to take things with a grain of salt or look the other way when something is not "realistic".

    The point I'm trying to make though is that the whole focus of a live action film series is that it's still based in a "reality" where from my perspective, the only thing different is there are transformers. Sure you get movie errors, like the changing taxis in the first film, and going from the inside of the Smithsonian institute to the middle of an airplane graveyard hundreds of kilometers away by walking out through a hanger door.

    But it's events that break the laws of the established universe that break the fourth wall and erode the immersion of a film. Laws like the Earth is the Earth, and humans are normal humans who can't travel ridiculous distances on foot in a matter of minutes.
    Even if Apollo 11 landed close to the moons horizon as seen from Earth, there would still either be radio contact or not, they would not have a small period of radio blackout as the lander would still be on the earth side of the moon.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the Movie and the preview, I'm just seeing issues that damage the "credibility" of the story. I'd love to go see transformers 3 and walk out after seeing massive robot battles sweet sweet explosions with the knowledge that I'd also seen an intelligent film where the plot was fairly tight and made sense all the way through.

    If I can't get that, I'll have to be content with an awesome freeway/car chase and watching Prime rip Megatron a new one from too close up in front.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Everytime you introduce Logic to the Transformers Movie Universe Megan Fox's career dies. Seriously guys, She had to marry Brian Austin Green to make ends meet.

    ON topic. Neat trailer with hints of conspiracy and some questions raised.....
    Is the old Autobot Alpha Trion? Vector Prime? Can't wait for July 2011!

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