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Thread: Cybertron Mode Drift DFT-01 Assemblage Project!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008

    Default Cybertron Mode Drift DFT-01 Assemblage Project!!!

    Project start date: 5/6/2010


    This is a follow-along project I've done of the process of putting together this Cybertron mode Drift kit (DFT-01) that I got from SGCollect

    (note this is actually originally from my lj)

    Yep! I planned to get started on it some weeks ago but other ideas came up and took precedence. This past weekend I actually worked on this!!! ASSEMBLAGE!!!

    Some time ago, I laid out all the pieces on top of the instructions that came with the kit:

    It was the beginning.... DUN DUN DUN

    And on Saturday I started work on this:

    After fiddling around for a while and deciding that instead of a peg-joint head (only 360 degree swivel left/right but no up/down motion) I decided to go with a ball joint for Drift's neck. I'm all out of regular ball joints and only have a (plentiful) supply DOUBLE ball joints which essentially is a ball joint on either side of a peg. No big deal, I just worked with it, dremelling away to make holes large enough for the mini double ball joint (i chose the smallest size)... and so following on with the instructions which essentially say that the grey piece has to have the neck that joins the head that sits in this swivel spot... we now have:

    Et Voila!!! Works perfectly!!!

    Now lookey here:

    how pieces like these were done was they piece (not the tube-like part) has been cast in resin already, and along with the kit I got some styrene rods and drill bits - my job is to drill out holes in the resin pieces, then peg in the styrene tube/rods as per the instructions!
    These were actually for the legs... here are the pieces used in a leg..

    To hold the different parts together and still allow for joint movement, the styrene rods come into play again. Here, I'm trying to fit the rod in so that the white part we prepared earlier joins the top of the thigh... See:

    Then we have to do the same for the knee joint so that we can have him bending at the knee:

    From here, I was racing against the clock as I wanted to get this done as much as I could before having to pick my bro up from school... so I kept working and here's the legs:

    (I then went to get my bro from school and drop my colleague/mate and girlfriend home. I also then had a further recess of dinner)
    When I got home it was time to be working on the arms, and connecting them to the shoulder armour (part of the vehicle mode) and the torso!

    Then I worked on constructing the crotch and merging that with the legs:


    but of course, to make it cooler -

    Ahhh Drift - he's so in awe to be in his presense that he's besides himself (OMG TERRIBLE LAWL)


    Continuation: 7/6/2010

    And here we are - more work done on the Cybertron Mode Drift...

    What started off as the parts of a junker (read: I broke part of it, bought a replacement for a mate's custom, then haven't done anything for the toy - so now he's making goon on his worth :b) <a href=[/img]Jolt</a[/img] from the first movie- became the basis of the hip/crotch mod I was planning on doing... the plan essentially is to give him proper ball-jointed hips so that he has the kind of articulation that I actually want him to... So here's to it! 8D I've unfortunately lost the thigh swivel in all this - but here's to the ball jointed hips giving him enough of the articulation that I want him to have

    See? here's what it looked like off Jolt...(I'd already disassembled some and done some cutting as you can see :b)

    Then, I drilled and cut and sanded my way through the crotch piece of the figure and fit the parts from Jolt into the hole I made:

    See? it works, right?

    the sockets that work WITH the ball joints I decided would be cut out of Jolt and used in conjunction with some of the detail parts from the existing Drift mould...

    And finally, I epoxy the sockets to the legs... like I said, I have effectively lost the thigh swivel, but not all is lost - I could always separate this and try again or something... either way it appears to be working out for the better - having the ball-jointed hips is so important...

    So now we wait for the curing to happen (overnight at least - I'll check it in the morn) and then we put it back together to see how my mods have added poseability, and... hindered transformation -_-; I have a sneaking suspicion the hips might be just a tad wide now - ah well - think of all the high kicks he'll be able to do... -_-;;;;;

    *note and in case it needed be said or shown, even without the ball joints for hips, he's not that inflexible in case anyone was wondering...

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Whoa, that's a lot of work! Nice. And still with painting to come.
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
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    Current Desires: Japanese BW Optimal Optimus
    The Holy Grail: Ultmetal Optimus Prime

    Visit the Wonderful World of: The Iacon City Hub-Capital Collection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Nice work! I like the step by step photos.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Many thanks syl and gamblor!

    Now here is a bit of an update from this morning, after the aves fixit (turns out I accidentally bought the non-sculpt version. D'oh!) cured, I thought I would put him together and do a bit of posing...
    So here we are!!

    as I said, high kicks!! Heh. Happy with how that's turned out, just need to now check how he is going to go with transformation... I want to get some magnets for him too..

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    And here we are... Alt mode!

    Thankfully the leg mods didn't affect anything here at all! 8D
    Right now, Drift is in pieces though... I've had to repair a minor breakage in his arm joint (caused by overdrilling...great) and am also filling in little holes and dents that he came with...
    more updates to come

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  6. #6
    Join Date
    31st Jan 2009


    nice work.
    i put mine together a while back, then tore him down to try and upgrade the joints with hard plastic and metal but sort of gave up halfway...there was also quite a lot of sanding involved to prep the surface prior to painting.

    oh well... at least i can look at your might give me the motivation i need to revisit this kit.

    Oh - thanks alot to KC99 for hooking me up with a set a while back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Looks good. Resin is a challenge to say the least.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2009
    somewhere in my mind


    Love it, I thought about buy this myself but if that's what it take to get articulation.I think I'll be giving it a miss... Just wondering what sort of epoxy are you using? Just a suggestion when mixing your epoxy, mix some talc (baby powder) with it.It thickens it up so if you have any holes or divets you need to fill it wont run everywhere.It wont affect the epoxy in any way,other than thickening the resin. just make sure when applying the resin to any surface to sand it or it wont stick to it....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    19th May 2011


    bump, hows this going ? I'm scratch building my own + more IDW accurate Blurr parts

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