Haha, well it's nothing fancy but it stops the paint from going everywhere (when I'm not knocking the airbrush over that is). Because I'm mainly using acrylics these days I just keep the laundry door open and that's about it. Do you recommend the exhaust fan option? Yours sounds pretty cool I must say. I don't really know much about exhaust fans in terms of airbrushing - does it have some sort of catcher/filter that absorbs the paint?
I dare say you've probably not had an issue due to using (at least I'm assuming you use) a compressor with an air tank. The issue seems to affect the smaller compressors like my little whippersnapper.
Stanbridges eh? You'll have to let us know if they have anything up to scratch, otherwise I think many people use those cleaning station thingies that double as a holder.
That does sound good actually, do you reckon the paint filters into the nib just as well? It would have to be on a bit of an angle wouldn't it?
Excellent advice, and something I wish I knew before selecting my compressor! Can I ask, are these kind of compressors much more expensive, and do they make less or more noise than ones that don't have a tank?
LOL, you can also run a fake tanning business on the side, just don't let the girls make you rush that last coat of paint because they want their toosh to look like a baked bean!
My air compressor is one of life's greatest mysteries. I've called Jonathan Creek for advice but even he can't help.