Mock-up here.
Looks interesting, if a little big.
Mock-up here.
Looks interesting, if a little big.
Huh. I was just looking at my Thunderwing drone wondering when a third party was going to make a transforming version...
I still think we need a bigger Thunderwing which would mean a 3rd party doing a mold from scracth. The same goes for Straxus and Galvatron.
If it's cheap and nifty enough I may still buy it.
That's quite clever.
Interesting idea, not sure if it's for me though as Thunderwing appeared in his pretender shell 99% of the time anyway.
Or they could just Igear it like they did with MP1. I seriously don't think Thunderwing and Straxus would be big enough draws to warrant their own 3rd party standalone toys. This size thing is overrated anyway Thunderwing was never huge in the first place, may as well say we need a new 3rd party Mirage because Hasbro's is far too lanky if we are going to be that picky. Galvatron on the other hand......
hmm actually makes the horrible botcon figure seem worth getting, but I dare say the price for that bot will still cost way to much!
If it sells I wonder if they will do a Bludgeon robot?
Voyager would be my perfect size for leaders.