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Thread: The Pros & Cons of Michael Bay - discussion topic

  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smint View Post
    2 reasons. Li Bing Bing and Hong Kong. Its partially a business decision when film makers court international stars and shoot overseas.

    Flames on optimus, bumblebee peeing, ethnic stereotype robots etc are all Bay's idea. Even the designs are his.

    Bay always loves saying he has a great relationship with the us military because he always makes them look good which he does. This is the kind of power a director has.

    In the end it's always the director's call. He doesn't shoot if he's not happy with the script and writing. How much input is his only they know but I'm pretty certain all those obnoxious humans, those awful personalities are all his idea.

    Do we all know why we fell in love with g1 and still remember them fondly. It's was because of the characters not the action.

    Think about what defines magnus, starscream, megatron, rodimus, optimus. Now think about the movie characters ..yes I'm drawing a blank too.

    I can remember the hash cookie eating parents, Ken jeong, John Malkovich why the fuck can't I remember any of the tf's?
    I'm all for the globalisation of the franchise. They under-utilised Hong Kong (most of the fighting scenes are Detroit/Chicago staged to look like a Chinatown which is NOTHING like real HK) and bowed a bit to other powers to gain favour with their large emerging movie market... which kind of sucks.
    Personally I would LOVE to see Optimus as a road-train in the outback... it's desolate, barren and really lends itself to secret isolated bases and epic high speed battles without having the drama of buildings, etc... but Bay is all about explosions and city destruction so it ain't gunna happen. And... Oz just doesn't have the population pull (even if you include those of us from those little isle on the east) for the $$ needed to make the movie a success.

    Another issue with Bay is he dumbs it down for his American audiences. How many times do we need to be told Cade is an inventor? Why do we need to be told that a) Lockdowns ship is sucking things up and then b) it's a big magnet.... The reuse of scenes from earlier movies REALLY bugs me.
    The spaceship chase scenes in Chicago in AoE didn't make any sense (other than convenience of advertising Bud Light, cgi models and previously filmed footage).

    I don't mind Michael Bay. I actually like his cinematic style and his overuse of extreme angles and explosions. It's his storyline, lack of character development and cutting corners that really lets him down.

  2. #162
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Um.... You do realise you kinda just proved my point rather than providing a coherent rebuttal right? You did this last time too. You are so consumed with your hatred of the flick you don't seen to realise I'm just providing a bit of off-hand analysis of the debate itself rather than trying to promote or defend the movies. Yelling back at me about how the movies suck completely misses the points I'm discussing and in actual fact kinda reinforces them.

    Tell ya what, find someone who, like my points about personal attacks, more gets what I'm trying to say and then come back

    I'm entitled to my opinion as much as yours just that I know there are more unhappy people. When tf really fails I won't be laughing and it be suck to say "I told you so"

    If you cannot accept the truth about imdb reviews then that's too bad. As that's public opinion

    As I said bay is great with some production and I am happy with those, just that for tf it has went downhill spiral.
    You are free to disagree. But many do seem to think so.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    I'm entitled to my opinion as much as yours just that I know there are more unhappy people. When tf really fails I won't be laughing and it be suck to say "I told you so"

    If you cannot accept the truth about imdb reviews then that's too bad. As that's public opinion

    As I said bay is great with some production and I am happy with those, just that for tf it has went downhill spiral.
    You are free to disagree. But many do seem to think so.

    Oh mate... (laugh), you are just so not getting what I am saying at all! You keep arguing the premise that the Transformers Movies suck, when I am not arguing that it doesn't (I don't think they do personally but it's not what I'm arguing). In fact I was talking about the different types of dislike and hate people have for it and the different ways that manifests itself - it was more an observation than arguing a point and at no point in that discussion did I say people were not valid to hold those views.

    It's like when I kept saying to you to not make adversarial and rude statements and your rebuttal was "Yeah but Transformers movies suck and Michael Bay bad!". You are just missing it completely. If I was yelling "Transformers was great and you are wrong!" you'd be right on the money but its... (laughs again) its really not what I've been saying.

    To be honest mate, you are better off just to block me or ignore whatever I say completely. Because this is the equivalent of me keeping saying "People like dogs" and you arguing back "Well you are wrong because noone should eat oranges!". You keep arguing a point with me that I'm not trying to make. I must admit it has gone from irritating me to amusing me a bit but I can see this getting a bit ugly and to be honest you are starting to make yourself look a little silly so lets just leave it there eh. Like before, I don't really think you should argue with me until you understand what the partiular discussion is actually about and once again I'm pushing water uphill.

  4. #164
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I didn't say tf movies suck.
    They are just not doing well..

    Blocking is an easy option I am here to say it as it is.
    If you can't stand it. Maybe you should re watch all4 movie and just compare to the one tf cartoon movie.

    I would love bay to succeed but it's been 4th attempt and it has came to a point that it has lost the plot.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Blocking is an easy option I am here to say it as it is.
    If you can't stand it. Maybe you should re watchs all4 movie and just compare to the one tf cartoon movie.


    Oh please! (giggles with laughter and sniffs!) Oh please - can some kind person read few the last few pages and explain it to drifand? If I keep trying I'm just going to start looking condesending and mean

    Oh dear (wipes tear from eye), oh my this is getting good

    M-bot - maybe you can explain it to him mate. I know you are a lovely guy who also didn't care much for the movies - maybe you can get him to realise I'm not trying to debate his point of view of the flicks or change his mind about them

  6. #166
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I don't have to use Rofl and lol and etc....

    Didn't know you need help too.

    Pretty sure the board is going to be cleaned.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post

    I don't have to use Rofl and lol and etc....

    Didn't know you need help too.

    Ok - I'll change it - BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    Oh I'll say this - this is good for a laugh!

    Seriously, someone PLEASE explain it to him. I can't do it anymore

  8. #168
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Ok - I'll change it - BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    Oh I'll say this - this is good for a laugh!

    Seriously, someone PLEASE explain it to him. I can't do it anymore
    You can try harder, I was just getting it.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    You can try harder, I was just getting it.
    Na mate, I've genuinely tried but I'm obviously failing to get you to understand what I'm on about. Maybe someone else with better communicative skills than I will have better luck. I don't think we should do this anymore because it's just going to end up making both of us in different ways look bad.

  10. #170
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Something I finally can agree on. Let's move on.

    Besides not as if I can stop bay from making his 5th nor beg you to stop watching.

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