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Thread: (APR-2013) Beast Wars Era Toys - Reviews and Favourites

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by 1orion2many View Post
    Worst - Retrax or Injector but I still liked them
    I don't hate Retrax... but he is a pretty awful toy. But you'll remember the one thing that got people excited about Retrax at the time he came out -- he was the closest thing we ever got that approximated a Unicron toy!! The beast mode could curl up into the "ball" mode with two big pinching mandibles like Unicron's planet mode, and the robot mode has a head with two big Unicron-like horns on it! Some people even made customs like this one.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Gouki View Post
    Definitive toys of show characters, and visually striking toys. Also TM Prowl II, because a transforming Owl is cool.
    The black owl or the white owl?

    I cant remember my first bw toy but my first tf toy ever was the black and grey plane for superion

  3. #13
    Join Date
    23rd Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    The black owl or the white owl?
    Not sure. I prefer the white in Owl mode, but the black in bot mode. So probably which ever I can find cheaper in packaging.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    The black owl or the white owl?

    I cant remember my first bw toy but my first tf toy ever was the black and grey plane for superion
    UGH! I completely forgot about the black version, Something else I need to chase down now

  5. #15
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    The black owl or the white owl?
    The black variant of TM2 Prowl (as well as the white variant of TM2 Dinobot) never came out in here IIRC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    I cant remember my first bw toy but my first tf toy ever was the black and grey plane for superion
    You mean Skydive . . . . . .

  6. #16
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    What are your Best and Worst toys of this Era?
    I was never particularly fond of TM2 Ramulus, and Optimus Minor could only be called a 'transformer' at a stretch. On the other hand, I loved the Cheetor mould and TM Megatron. Great bot modes, great beast modes

    What was your first one, and when?
    My first was Cheetor back when I was in grade 2; so 6 or 7 years old. I remember calling every toy store/target/kmart in the area and finally managed to find one at Mr Toys Springwood on the Pacific Highway. If my memory serves me correctly, Cheetor must've been one of the more popular/short packed figures because I only ever saw one other on the shelf after buying mine.

    What ones are you currently most looking for and why?
    I'm not looking for anything in particular, but if the right figure pops up I may jump on it. Botcon TM Tigatron springs to mind

    Show us some pics of your collection of the ones you have.
    I'm sorry, I can't They're all packed away in boxes after my big move.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    3rd Jun 2011


    What are your Best and Worst toys of this Era?

    Best: Optimal Optimus, how cool was it to have him supersized.
    Worst: The fuzors, not a fan of the lets put two animals together and come up with a fish with wings or scorpion with snakes for claws.

    What was your first one, and when?

    Ratrap, when the first wave hit the shelves.

    What ones are you currently most looking for and why?

    Rampage, missed this one.

    Show us some pics of your collection of the ones you have.

    All boxed up, will have to do some digging for them.

    the torture of others sparks is music to my sensors!!!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by crankcase76 View Post
    Worst: The fuzors, not a fan of the lets put two animals together and come up with a fish with wings or scorpion with snakes for claws.
    I don't know what Hasbro were smoking when they decided to cross Transformers with the Wuzzles! Some of the Fuzors were better made than others, but overall it was a pretty damn weird concept. Could you imagine if they did that with vehicular Transformers? Like something that's half tank half spacejet... omg, it's Revenge of the Fallen Megatron!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    3rd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime
    I don't know what Hasbro were smoking when they decided to cross Transformers with the Wuzzles! Some of the Fuzors were better made than others, but overall it was a pretty damn weird concept. Could you imagine if they did that with vehicular Transformers? Like something that's half tank half spacejet... omg, it's Revenge of the Fallen Megatron!
    +1. what ever it was they should have stopped, maybe a few too many trips to Amsterdam . or just maybe a breeding program that went wrong . Or how about a submarine that's crossed with a snowmobile, it could go under water and on the snow. and look completely ridiculous with this massive tube with tracks crossing snow cover plains.

    the torture of others sparks is music to my sensors!!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Beast Wars was the best animated Transformers series we will ever have, but it was also a great era for toys, particularly the first couple of years of the US line and the unique Japanese lines. Also, this was time after G2 when Transformers finally seemed to be truly dead - I can still remember my heart skipping while reading an issue of Previews in the mid-nineties which showed the upcoming Kenner toyline of Basics and Deluxes. I even named myself after my favourite Beast Wars toy/character, but (off the top of my head) other awesome figures from the line included Blackarachnia/Tarantulas, Silverbolt, Transmetal Rattrap, Basic Megatron, Transmetal 2 Megatron, Tigerhawk, Orcanoch, Inferno, Dinobot, Rhinox, Mega Optimus Primal, Drancron, Elphaorpha, Scorponok/Sandstorm, Survive/Polar Claw, Dead End, Magmatron, Archadis, Killer Punch, Longrack, Corahda, Heinlad, Apache/B'Boom, Magnaboss, Hellscream, Max-B, Dirgegun, Thrustol, Poison Bite, Icebird and Rātorāta/Injector (yes). There were also crap toys like Transmetal Cheetor, Depth Charge and the entire Transmetal 2 line with the exception of the Ultras. But it was truly a renaissance for Transformers when most of the toys were fantastic - something that couldn't be said of the subsequent Beast Machines line or Transformers today.

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