Finished The League of Extraordinary Gentleman Vol 2 today, so I'll comment on Vols 1 and 2 as a whole.

When I originally saw the movie, I was not aware that it was based on a comic, and although the movie was quite sub par, I enjoyed the concept. Now, after reading the actual comics, I can actually see how well Moore took lots of already existing characters, and joined them all together in his own story. So many other little inclusions and easter eggs and the like, really enjoyed that. I enjoyed Vol 2 a bit more, because of the inclusion of the War of the Worlds/Martians, and I'm a space/aliens/sci-fi kinda guy. That's not to say Vol 1 wasn't as good, just I enjoyed Vol 2 better. Pacing was excellent, although both volumes were only 6 issues each, it never felt rushed. O'Neill's art was great, had that sort of rough, ragged look to it that I enjoy.

Overall, really enjoyed them, and just more evidence in my eyes of how good a writer Moore is, albeit a little wacky