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Thread: Solo: A Star Wars Story

  1. #111
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
    Join Date
    20th Jul 2013


    thanks Griffin,

    Yes, I think they intending to insert Maul into the Obi Wan movie, but again is all talks from what I gathered.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    30th May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post

    Clone Wars - returned with the lower half being cybernetic (remember, most of Darth Vader was machine as well, so it is possible to survive losing half your body if your will, and force power is strong enough to keep you alive long enough to be saved)
    A butt load of hatred helps too
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  3. #113
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Thanks for clearing that up, Griffin. That cameo appearance at the end of Solo is no longer confusing.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    thanks Griffin,

    Yes, I think they intending to insert Maul into the Obi Wan movie, but again is all talks from what I gathered.
    I don't think that is necessarily going to be the case. More likely that you will see him pop up in a Boba Fett movie. I base this on what occurs in Star Wars Rebels. I don't want to give away spoilers so if you are interested then you may want to look into it. If you have not watched Rebels, I highly recommend it.

    I finally made it to the cinemas and saw Solo. I don't know if it was the low expectations I had going in, but I rather enjoyed it. The movie explained some fantastic little unanswered questions from the OT (ie the Falcon computer's quirky attitude, that Han shot first, the differing pronunciation of Han - just to name a few). Also, the story itself was original and provided some solid background to Han's personality.

    I think there has been a lot of hate and vitriol being spread around. There is no doubt that TLJ is the catalyst for this given the polarising views people take on that movie. I would recommend that everyone who has not seen Solo just give it a chance. I was pleasantly surprised.

    Final note, I disliked TLJ for a number of reasons but that is no reason to ever abuse or harass any of the actors, staff or those involved in the production, or any proponent of an alternate view. Such a shame that it is next to impossible to have a civilised discussion about the issue on the internet...

  5. #115
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    15th Aug 2014


    I thought it was interesting that Han's woman was wearing the same half moon gold plate as Darth Maul on her black dress earlier in the movie when Han met her again.

  6. #116
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    It's currently movie of the week at Event and Hoyts cinemas (i.e. cheaper tickets), so my partner and I decided to watch it a second time.

    I still really enjoyed it, and it's a shame a less divisive movie didn't do as well as TLJ. I feel like there is a better chemistry between the characters, despite the level of mistrust and suspicion they have with each other, compared to the characters in the sequels. The more I watch, the more I appreciate Donald Glover's portrayal of Lando. I wish there is more of him in future movies. There's enough subtle references to previous material like Bossk, Teras Kasi and Lando's guard armour. And I really loved how the composer referenced some of the music from the OT as well.

    My only major gripe is the fact that they completely ignored Han's career in the Imperial Navy and how he got booted out. They clearly wanted to jump into the whole meeting Lando/ Millenium Falcon/ Kessel Run story, but I feel this was at a cost to character development.

  7. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    My only major gripe is the fact that they completely ignored Han's career in the Imperial Navy and how he got booted out. They clearly wanted to jump into the whole meeting Lando/ Millenium Falcon/ Kessel Run story, but I feel this was at a cost to character development.
    If you cast your mind back to A New Hope and the scene onboard the Death Star where Han is on the intercom after seizing the detention level, you'll notice he's nervous talking to the imperial officer. If the movie version of Han really did have the imperial navy background then he would've been quite confident over the intercom.

  8. #118
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    If the movie version of Han really did have the imperial navy background then he would've been quite confident over the intercom.
    Unless he was worried about someone potentially recognising his voice that is.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    Bowspearer, let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.

    Fun movie, just watched it with my dad who liked it to.

  10. #120
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    Bowspearer, let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
    Not going to happen when I actually care about quality storytelling, which isn't going to change any time soon.

    A society which happily "switches off their brains" when partaking in one of the oldest forms of sharing knowledge on the planet, is a society of fools.

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