View Poll Results: Worth it? Put your wreck ball down and universe it

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    5 55.56%
  • Only if cheap

    3 33.33%
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    1 11.11%
  • Not my legacy!

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Thread: Toy Review - Bulkhead (Legacy)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008

    Default Toy Review - Bulkhead (Legacy)

    Series - Legacy
    Size/class - Voyager
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Wave - 1, also Wreck N Rule Collection
    Released here - May 2022
    Approximate Retail Price - $50
    Approximate Size - 14 cm
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Alt-mode - Raba H18 Military Truck
    Main Features/Gimmicks - Wreck n rule collection comes with hammer piece.
    Main Colours - Green, Black
    Main Accessories - Bulkhead's signature wrecking ball, autocannon/chaingun, canvas riot shield


    • In a line dedicated to rehashes, a refreshingly original take on a legacy character, especially in transformation.
    • A really good transformer that looks great in both modes. Neither mode is compromised for the sake of the other.
    • One of the transformation steps is incredibly frustrating, some parts feel incredibly fragile.

    A new bulky!

    AoE Hound incoming?

    Toyota Wars

    Load me up!


    Given that he's been out for a long while now I'm surprised this guy hasn't gotten a review thread. Suffering from the fact he's not an original G1 character and 'breaking' of the entire Legacy concept by being quite divergent from his Animated/Prime design, Legacy Bulkhead is quite undeservedly being passed over. This review uses the Wreck N Rule Collection version of the toy which, arguably, has a much cooler deco but nonetheless is functionally identical to the mainline toy. Let's see how Legacy Bulkhead stacks up against the competition!

    The alt-mode is likely widely regarded the weakest mode for this toy due to zero resemblance to the either the Animated or Prime alt-mode. This is not true at all. Once transformed it's a delightfully solid truck with multiple 5mm ports including inside the truck tray where weapons can be stored. It rolls well, there's a 'tailgate' of sorts you can use to load the trailer and the transparent windows are a touch of class. The molded details on the canvas cover as well as the gas tanks and truck cab give life to the entire chassis of this mode and the fact that Bulkheads arms and legs form an incredibly solid and not so-gappy undercarriage really sells the military toughness of this truck and it feels not at all gappy and or husky like so many truck modes do. That said, this mode is not recognisable as Bulkhead (most would peg Bayverse Hound) and I do wonder if they'd mimicked the star and chevron markings from his Animated appearance on the side of the canvas, would this guy have sold better?

    The robot mode is quite the beast as well. Bulkhead arguably sports the best articulation and balance of any Bulkhead toy before it. His proportions are quite imposing and overall he looks like a complete badass. He also sports some pretty cool accessories. The autocannon has great play value, sporting both 5mm and 3mm ports so that both core and larger figures can handle the weapon. There are also multiple ports where this weapon can be mounted on Bulkhead to cool effect, the default using a clever 3mm port near his shoulders to give a shoulder mounted cannon. He also comes with his iconic bulkhead wrecking ball. Sadly it lacks any launching ability but it is bespeckled with 5mm ports on every face for weapon combination or blast effect madness. Lastly the canvas cover of the alt mode transforms into a 3 faceted riot shield. While logically hilarious, it does look incredibly neat and comes with no less than four 5mm pegs and one 5mm port so that you can arm mount, fist mount, back mount this thing wherever you please. Sculpting wise, they really nailed Bulkhead's... head. You can look a this guy and say without a doubt, yes this is Bulkhead.

    Finally the transformation design for this guy is simply chef's kiss. He's an OG transformer. There's no fake torsos, exposed fists or kibble. Every part of Bulkhead is used, and every accessory has it's place. Every wheel rotates. There is nowhere on this figure where they've compromised one mode to deliver on the other. The overall transformation scheme, while basic, does have multiple points of clever satisfaction. The only downside is that some pieces feel kind of fragile and there is one part where you must simultaneously line up and peg in 6 little rectangular pegs into 6 little rectangular ports that is incredibly frustrating. As such, sadly I wouldn't recommend this toy to a child, which is a shame because Bulkhead presents much more play value than your average Legacy offering.

    Overall, yes this isn't the Bulkhead you grew up with yesteryear, but he holds his own.

    • Looks and feels great in both modes. Accessories are currently best in the Legacy lineup.
    • Transformation is solid and clever.
    • Articulation and balance is surprisingly good and thus has excellent display and play value.

    • Alt mode doesn't look like Bulkhead
    • That really frustrating transformation step.
    • Possible QC issues, mine's right arm only has about 30 degrees of swivel.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

  3. #3
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Poll please, sir?
    Always forget! Fixed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    I'll throw my support behind this guy too. When he was announced I was one of those in the camp grumbling about how a Prime character was being "Gewunned", but it works. He's a lot of fun and is my son's go-to TF for play when the Autobots need a heavy hitter.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Well, I finally caved and got the regular Legacy Bulkhead; $25 from JB Hi-Fi. It was already in the clearance bin for $29, but I had them price match Amazon.

    Store-accurate configuration.

    I'm pretty much going to echo much of what Lint already said in his review of the Wreckers Collection version of this toy. It is a major improvement over its forerunners (both Animated and Prime). Being his own original design instead of trying to slavishly look more like TF Prime Bulkhead has really allowed it to shine. The downside is that he doesn't look much like TFP Bulkhead, which I understand is a dealbreaker for some TFP fans. But I personally prefer superior design and engineering over visual source likeness... because if I want a toy to look like TFP Bulkhead, I'll play with my TFP Bulkhead! And before someone points out the fact that I'm a child of G1 and didn't grow up with TFP (which is true), I will point out that I also feel the same about G1 CHUGs too. This is why I still have my 2006 Classics Optimus Prime, Bumblebee etc., which in some ways I still prefer over their more recent counterparts. The "Poor Man's MP" style of recent/current G1 CHUGs does lend itself to certain drawbacks, although typically no 'unforgivable' flaws (i.e. these are flaws that we accept for the sake of visual G1-likeness). I still prefer Classics Mirage over Siege or Earthrise Mirage (the latter of which I don't even own; although I do have the mould as Crasher and Leadfoot).

    I can see how Bulkhead's wrecking ball accessory inspired the wrecking ball accessory for Rise of the Beasts Battletrap. It's a neat idea and allows for Bulkhead to not require hollow forearms (as his fists don't fold in for transformation). The downside is that this wrecking ball is designed so that it can only be held in Bulkhead's right hand; he can't go southpaw with it (this is something that was improved for RotB Battletrap who can hold his wrecking ball on either hand). I also do like the inclusion of the mini-gun; it's weird that the original TFP Bulkhead never had guns. Not a huge fan of the gun being clear blue though, but I get that this is a theme that they've got happening with Legacy. I also do like how the gun can be hand held or shoulder mounted. Neat!

    As much as people like Lint and I appreciate or even prefer the originality of this mould, there is also no denying that it does seem to have hurt the sales of this toy, which alongside Arcee, has become the big shelfwarmer of Legacy. I think Arcee suffers from a current market saturation of Arcee toys (which will only be exacerbated once Rise of the Beasts Arcee hits major stores). There isn't a glut of other Bulkhead toys out there; even Wreckers Collection Bulkhead is a limited exclusive (just as well). And there is also an argument that you've got a TFP-accurate Bulkhead head atop a G1-esque body, and the two kinda clash. It is something that, aesthetically speaking, I don't love about this toy... I do wish he had a more G1nified head ot match his G1nified body; and I think that Hasbro has realised this, given that the upcoming Legacy Animated Prowl toy has a G1nified design from head to toe.

    I think that Legacy Bulkhead is an underrated toy, but it's also kinda Rise of Skywalkery in terms of trying to appease both G1 and TFP fans and in doing so, aesthetically please neither camp; leading to the current shelfwarming and bargain-binning of this toy (which I've totally explolited).

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