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Thread: Another new starter...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    17th Jan 2008

    Default Another new starter...

    Hi all.
    Just signed up and wanted to say a quick hello to everyone.
    I have been into TFs since I first picked up (G1) Sideswipe in 1984. I used to have quite a nice collection, but in high school (being way too cool for kids toys) I gave nearly all of them away. Yes I regret this now.
    (Casualties included G1 Mirage, Reflector, Blaster (plus steeljaw, eject, rewind), G1 Skywarp, Slugslinger (TM), Misfire (TM), Pointblank (TM), Shockwave, Kup, 1/2 Computron, (G1) Bruticus, to name a few).
    Nowdays my collection is alot smaller. (Will post some photos in the appropriate thread later). Currently only about 40.
    I am currently repainting my G1 Sideswipe. He was in pretty bad shape & I never had any plans to ever get rid of him. Will post b4 and after pics later.
    While I'm here I have a few quick questions for anyone interested:
    1. Why is it the universal standard to display your TF collection in robot mode? (Is this solely because they take up less space that way?)
    2. Should I sell my G1 Bludgeon? (Pathetic toy & I dont much like it)
    3. How long does a Repro labels order take to arrive?
    4. If BW Injector is one of the greatest all time peg warmers, why can I not buy a complete one anywhere?
    5. When we count our collections, are we allowed to include those that may or may not belong to our kids?

    Look forward to snooping round the boards.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007




    if you want to sell your toys its up to you, i for one would be interested in that toy. Depends how much you want for it of course.

    As for incomplete injectors, well mine is missing an arm because i used to strip his limbs to make the quintesson judge from the animated movie.

    Have fun here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Greetinz Klystron...

    Glad to have another fan around the forum. Yes, its a pity that when we were young...we tend not to know that its precious not to loose bits and pieces or even break them and start regretting now.

    To answer some of your questions:
    1. Depends on you really, there's no universal standard. You can even have muck shots of both modes or even most of the time, like me..MISB
    2. If you wish to sell it, i'm sure there are many people who would love them. Checked it out on the identification guide and (hmmmm) skeletor was my first impression but well...would buy it if i'm gonna start collecting G1 Pretenders
    3. No idea but have recently asked about repro labels shipping cost from TheDirtyDigger and he says that its rather "cheap"?
    4. I'm sure Ebay has several MISB BW Injector... I happen to shared an auction with STL that comes with it
    5. Yes I'm sure you can as long as it falls correctly into the Universal Counting Method

    Have fun....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by klystron View Post
    Hi all.
    Just signed up and wanted to say a quick hello to everyone.
    I have been into TFs since I first picked up (G1) Sideswipe in 1984. I used to have quite a nice collection, but in high school (being way too cool for kids toys) I gave nearly all of them away. Yes I regret this now.
    (Casualties included G1 Mirage, Reflector, Blaster (plus steeljaw, eject, rewind), G1 Skywarp, Slugslinger (TM), Misfire (TM), Pointblank (TM), Shockwave, Kup, 1/2 Computron, (G1) Bruticus, to name a few).
    Nowdays my collection is alot smaller. (Will post some photos in the appropriate thread later). Currently only about 40.
    I am currently repainting my G1 Sideswipe. He was in pretty bad shape & I never had any plans to ever get rid of him. Will post b4 and after pics later.
    While I'm here I have a few quick questions for anyone interested:
    1. Why is it the universal standard to display your TF collection in robot mode? (Is this solely because they take up less space that way?)
    2. Should I sell my G1 Bludgeon? (Pathetic toy & I dont much like it)
    3. How long does a Repro labels order take to arrive?
    4. If BW Injector is one of the greatest all time peg warmers, why can I not buy a complete one anywhere?
    5. When we count our collections, are we allowed to include those that may or may not belong to our kids?

    Look forward to snooping round the boards.
    Welcome welcome!
    Some answers
    1. Well yeah- they tend to take less space , hence more figures can be jammed in a shelf. Also you get to use/display their weapons which often gets left out when in Alt mode... but its really up to the owner as I display most of mine now in their alt mode ( mostly G1) as space would allow.
    2. If you do I'd gladly take him off your hands hehehehehe. BUt seriously ... you might wanna reconsider! I for one AM DYING toget my hands on one. The toy itself is of less value if you dont particularly follow Bludgeons part in the TF lore (comics) His character has been focused on by Simon Furman from an obscure toy into a uber cool character, hence he is WORTH KEEPING in your collection...
    3. AFAIK 2 weeks.... although Ive only had my order "ride" with someone elses... thats usually the case I hear from them, probably ask member Kup...

    4. NOt sure, was he even released in mass quantities here? I couldn'nt answer this one as I am not much into BW... again ask the beasty boy/girl collectors here...

    5. There is a universally, democratic counting system implemented for the members here of the board... but its in an old thread from the old board... better ask Goktimus Prime for a link ( im too lazy to find it , sorry) or better yet the officiality of your "case".

    there hope that answers your question.... and If you still deceide to get rid of your Bludgeon , hope you give me first dibs hehehehe, seriously!!!!!!

    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by klystron
    1. Why is it the universal standard to display your TF collection in robot mode? (Is this solely because they take up less space that way?)
    Pretty much. I'm still figuring out how I'm gonna display my reissue Omega Supreme in Rocket Base mode next to my original in robot mode... the fact that my G1 Megatrons are now off the top shelves and in a separate case has freed up a lot of space though.

    Quote Originally Posted by klystron
    2. Should I sell my G1 Bludgeon? (Pathetic toy & I dont much like it)
    On the plus side, because Bludgeon is such a popular character, you'll have no trouble selling it for a decent price (already I see it's piqued liegeprime's interest ) - but don't come crying to us when you remember what a freaking awesome character he was in G1 and G2 and decide that you want the toy back. No refunds!! Good luck reclaiming Reflector, Mirage and Shockwave for your collection... do you want to add Bludgeon to that list?

    liegeprime: buy the toy off him NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by klytron
    3. How long does a Repro labels order take to arrive?
    I've only ever used them once... it was a few weeks.
    Quote Originally Posted by klytron
    4. If BW Injector is one of the greatest all time peg warmers, why can I not buy a complete one anywhere?
    Try landfills. ;p

    Quote Originally Posted by klytron
    5. When we count our collections, are we allowed to include those that may or may not belong to our kids?
    If you mean that you share parts of your collection with your kids, then sure, why not.

    P.S.: I still find it amusing that you want Injector (believe me, you're seriously not missing out on much by not having it) but you don't want Bludgeon. Injector transforms from a "wtf" f'ugly beast mode to a "wtf, there's a fish eating your head" f'ugly robot mode! Bludgeon's Pretender shell looks like Death in Samurai form (cooler if you can find a katana that fits in its fist) and the robot mode is pretty solid and transforms from what is clearly a tank to a reasonably fair robot by G1 standards.
    And by Pretender standards, Bludgeon is exceptionally good. Unlike some other Pretenders, his robot mode doesn't look anorexic and the alt mode is clearly recognisable as a tank, unlike the alt modes of say Waverider or Splashdown... or Gunrunner without the jet-accessory.
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 19th January 2008 at 10:04 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Wollongong, NSW


    Welcome aboard!

    I pose my figures in robot mode for a couple of reasons - one is space, the other is the Robots In Disguise concept. They are robots first and disguises second (in my opinion).

    Besides, I think most people agree that few alt modes are better than the robot modes (Alternators and some BW aside).
    MP-05 legal acquisition process:

    My collection and stuff for sale:'stransformers.htm

  7. #7
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    liegeprime: buy the toy off him NOW!
    Sorry for hijacking the thread a little..... I will certainly be most willing ,able and with two hands outstretched will.... if he lets me
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Hello and Welcome!

    G1 Bludgeon may not technically be the best toy in the G1 line but he sure is one of the most desirable and in demand! He is one of the most sought after Transformers due to his huge role in the G1 Marvel comics and if you decide to sell it, it will go quickly. However there is a very good chance that you will also regret it once you realize that he actually is the type of toy that adds a little prestige to a collection.
    Watch Xxx Movies
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 02:46 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Oh the suspense!

    Quote Originally Posted by kup
    He is one of the most sought after Transformers due to his huge role in the G1 Marvel comics and if you decide to sell it, it will go quickly. well as Generation 2 - Bludgeon did build War World after all!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Hi Klyston welcome to the board. A quick bit of advice, DON'T sell your Bludgeon as he is hard to get hold of in good complete condition. It took me about 6 or 7 auctions to pick one up that was complete for about $180.00 Aus including postage. Sorry if I just upset anyone after this figure. Enjoy yourself on the board and Injector is one ugly character but I still bought him as I think you'll find anyone on this board that collects BW figures would have done also.

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