Looking for:
1) MP04S
2) SDCC nemesis prime;
3) Optimus prime and ultra magnus twin pack
3) Energon Divebomb (or Shadowhawk ) and Doomlock (or Cruelock)
4) G1 optimus prime fists,gun, rollers,trail backdoor
Looking for:
1) MP04S
2) SDCC nemesis prime;
3) Optimus prime and ultra magnus twin pack
3) Energon Divebomb (or Shadowhawk ) and Doomlock (or Cruelock)
4) G1 optimus prime fists,gun, rollers,trail backdoor
Last edited by zs96742; 22nd November 2012 at 01:05 PM.
I have a SDCC nemesis prime in the box that I wouldn't mind selling. I am not sure what its worth but going by ebay looks like the price is around $100.
Maybe someone could correct me. I wouldn't mind trading it for a Fansproject Warbot Defender though.
thanks, that's too much for me.
I do hav the prime and magnus twin pack i would like to sell. They're MISB... Pm me