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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #591
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I don't see what the issue is, or why people would think this is shoehorned in. I like Peter Capaldi and most of the previous doctors enough, but after over a decade of the modern Dr Who a lot of episodes are starting to get repetitive and dull. Recasting the Master was the best part of the last two seasons for me. The Doctor's been a collection of English white dudes from young to old time for something a bit different.

    I recall talking to a female Dr Who fan about the time Matt Smith was cast, and the subject of the Doctor ever being a Woman or black came up, she didn't think it was possible that a woman would ever play the Doctor, but there you go.

    Personally I wanted Richard Ayoade to be Dr Who.

  2. #592
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    doesn't that also sum up all the haters of the bayverse movies ?

    either way doctor who isn't just for kids...just like this forum isn't just for kids (look at the subject matter haha).
    Agreed, just because it's a kids show doesn't mean it can't be appreciated by older people, it doesn't stop me, a 40yo watching it. The idea of a female Doctor isn't new, the idea was floated when Tom Baker was leaving.

    Doctor Who isn't a flipping religion it's a flipping intellectual property and if the BBC wants to change something that it owns then so be it. I'll still watch it, Broadchurch is f*cking brilliant, Doctor Who is in safe hands.

  3. #593
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    I think some fans (many/few) have dropped a bit with Capaldi (older doctor and running) . Let's see how they can keep the fans with the gender change.

    I admit I'm new to Dr Who and started watching with the 9th Doctor so I'm not the targetted audience for this issue.

  4. #594
    Megatran Guest


    An ABC tv newsreader/presenter pulled out all stops to give the:
    Knock, knock
    Who's there?

    Well you know how it ends.

  5. #595
    MV75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    An ABC tv newsreader/presenter pulled out all stops to give the:
    Knock, knock
    Who's there?

    Well you know how it ends.
    Oh Doctor Allistair, good timing, and thank you for coming at such short notice!

    That was it wasn't it?

    As for this whole thing, just like everything else these days, it would be better if they didn't make such a big deal about the gender. The next doctor is a woman! Really? The doctor is the doctor, grow up. Damn progressive society has progressed back to segregation days. It's such a social middle finger outrage to see a woman! Oh noes! take that imaginary foes! It's a statement, that no one would really care about if it wasn't being used as some sort of weapon.

    Noone gave a flying frig that Ripley is a woman. The strongest female example that no one knew about, but they watched many times.
    O o 
     / --------------------------------
    |      IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAR!!!

  6. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Not at all. I didn't react with anger. I reacted with disappointment. In fact, I find the insinuation quite insulting.

    It's been a few days since the announcement and I've read many, MANY comments across various websites.

    That link you shared? That's been the common reaction to ANYONE who doesn't like the decision. All those comments I read, many people who disagreed with the decision stated their reasons in a diplomatic manner, both men and women, and the response 9 times out of 10 from those who support the decision was to insult and ridicule them.

    I've come to terms with the casting, and yeah, I am interested to see how she turns out, there's a very good chance I'll enjoy it. But reading the comments, the insults, the slander, the general vitriol that's come from it, that's been the worst thing about this casting.

    It's not BBC's fault, it's not Whittaker's fault, it's the fault of the fans who can't accept differing opinions.

    And honestly, not even those who dislike Michael Bay have resorted to attacking their fellow fans like that!

  7. #597
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    I'm totally cool with this. Kudos to the BBC for trying something different with the franchise, as opposed to Michael Bay who fails to give us anything new with the TF film franchise after 10 years. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    doesn't that also sum up all the haters of the bayverse movies ?
    In the beginning perhaps. And in those early days I did defend the movie saying that just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad and that we should give the movie a chance before we judge it. And even to this day, none of my criticisms of Bayformers is due to, "Because it's different." I dislike Bayformers just because it's crap story-telling. I don't mind drastically different if it's good, e.g. Beast Wars.

    I'm cool with the idea of the Doctor becoming female and I'm excited to see what it brings, but as with any new Doctor I'll reserve my final judgement until after I watched at least the first season.

  8. #598
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    Let's wait for the ratings.

  9. #599
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    From in universe POV when a Time Lord regenerates the body is basically rolling a bunch of dice in a genetic lottery for their next appearance. Hair colour, skin colour, gender, height, eye colour and even age (as they don't regenerate as newborns). As far as gender is concerned, it's as if their bodies are flipping a coin each time they regenerate. Imagine that it's head for male and tails for female. The Doctor has flipped "heads" fourteen times so far. Those are already incredibly amazing odds. The fact that s/he's scored "tails" on the fifteenth flip is hardly surprising. The coin toss was seriously looked rigged.

    But the ethnic appearance one is even weirder. With gender you've got 1:2 odds, so as unlikely as it is, it's also more likely that you might get fourteen "heads." Of course, 'race' is more of a social construct and it's highly subjective as to how many 'races' exist, but just for the sake of this discussion, let's say there's 10 types:
    01 White (e.g. Anglo-Celtic appearance)
    02 Yellow (East Asian appearance)
    03 Olive (Mediterranean appearance)
    04 Brown (South Asian appearance)
    05 Middle Eastern appearance
    06 Black (African appearance)
    07 Pacific Islander appearance
    08 Indigenous Australian appearance
    09 Native American appearance
    10 Latin American appearance
    This means that each time a Time Lord regenerates, s/he's rolling a 10 sided die. We've seen other characters like River Song and the General roll 1s and 2s. The Doctor has thus far only rolled all 1s. Take 1D10, roll it 15 times and see if you can get fifteen 1s in a row. Heck, try it with a 6-sided die if you don't have 1D10. Imagine playing Monopoly and rolling nothing but snake eyes!

    I welcome more diversity for Time Lords simply because it mathematically makes more sense.

  10. #600
    Join Date
    23rd Apr 2009


    The sexism is hilarious. It's sad, too. But, luckily, mostly hilarious. I thought a bunch of adults, that collect childrens toys would react more reasonably and for the most part, I was really impressed with this place and some others.

    I'm super excited for Whittaker and can't wait to see what she does. The show and the role are in safe hands, I believe. Also had more people ask me about Doctor Who than I can ever remember being interested.

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