Greetings fellow Aussie transformer fans,
My name is White_Noise, and I'm a transformaholic.

I'm a new addition to the site, so thought I'd let people know a little about me.

Well basically, I've been into transformers since I can remember. As a kid, i loved the show and loved the toys, but eventually transformers seemed to disappear (or so it seemed for me). Many years later, I just happened to notice some Beast Machine toys on a shelf in a Toys R Us store on the way to the gaming section with some mates, and right then and there my passion for transformers was reignited. Despite the ridicule I received for being a high schooler buying a kids toy instead of the awesome new computer game, I must say that I still believe I made the right choice.

Since then, my collection has grown exponentially. I've kinda lost track of how many I have ... but I think it should atleast be in the 200's by now. Unlike most people, I know exactly where the transformers I had as a kid are located.

I'm not very familiar to this site, however I do recognise some of the names from other transformer sites. I look forward to getting to know a lot more names over time.
