We didn't have a gardening thread so I started one.

For anyone who likes to garden
Also for teachers who like (or matbe aren't sure how) to garden with their students or set up a school garden.

I claimed an unloved planter (2 square metres) at one of my schools. I collected a few of the good kids and we got the weeds and grass out of it and sifted and broke up the soil.
The kids loved it. Being outside and no low grade secretarial work to do. Only well behaved, well mannered chilfen are invited to assist. It is their reward.

We now have over a hundred plants crammed into this garden and they are all flowering plants, snapdragons, pansies and the like. It looks good, and yet is hidden behind a classroom so most teachers don't even know its there.

It's small, but its the best garden in school, and the most fun ive had all year.
But we need to expand for next year, and most of my young gardeners are yr 6ers. So, begin again next year.