(2 x return flights from Melb to Osaka, 3-16 March. $1400 for both, $700 a piece, though hesitant to split. )

What are you selling, Ploughmans Lunch?
Two tickets to Japan

Where in Japan?

Where from?

When does this flight leave?
Departing 6:10 AM on 3rd of March, 2016. Arriving at 6 PM (Osaka time)

When does it return?
Departing Osaka at 20:55 (8:55 PM) on 16th March, 2016. Arriving in Melbourne at 13:50 (1:50 PM) on 17th March 2016.

Who with?

How much are these flights?
$1400 (so $700 per person)

How much would these be normally, right now?
With everything, over $2k.

What's included?
Preassigned seating next to a window. 20KG of luggage allowance per person both there and back. TRANSFER FEES ARE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE.

Why are you selling these
I was going to go with a friend, but circumstances/school/work changed, so we can't go now. You should, though!

Can you change the date/times/origin/destinations of flights for (insert reason)?
Alas, no, I cannot.

I have other questions
Ask away!