Sereis - Siege
Sub-line - War for Cybertron
Size/class - Voyagers
New/remould/redeco - Repaint of Siege Starscream
Wave - N/A
Released here - N/A (overseas store exclusive)
Approximate Retail Price - US$110
Approximate Size - 17cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - Kaonian Viper fighter
Main Features/Gimmicks - obscure cartoon reference makes you edgelord
Main Colours - monotone
Main Accessories - x2 guns

Very bland looking trio of robots, and it's just the way we like it! Acid Storm, Ion Storm and Nova Storm are predominantly bright green, blue and bright yellow respectively with few other colours to break up their monotonous palettes. Objectively speaking it makes them look incredibly dull, and this would be why previous versions of Acid Storms used other colours to break up the monotony (but was still mostly green). But I get it, these are being to represent the Rainmakers in their Cybertronian Tetrajet forms as they appeared in the cartoon, so they should be monotonously dull.

Having said that, the battle damage breaks up the monotony so... for me they're not dull enough! The splatter on the robot modes ought to be easy enough to remove as they mostly don't contact other paint ops. I think most of the splatter on the jet modes should be removable too, but still like the splatter near the nosecone and winglines will be too risky -- so I reckon I'd be able to remove a fair chunk of the try-hard battle damage but not all of it. The battle damage is also uniformly painted on each toy, making them look less interesting side-by-side. Even if you love the battle damage on this toy you might like to partially remove or even add some marks to make each look differently weathered (pun intended). I'm also glad that they used the same "smirkless" face mould from Starscream. The chest plate is also less prone to falling off than Starscream, so it appears that they have attempted to fix that weakness from Starscream.

This set is definitely not going to be everyone's cup of tea being really based on such obscure characters and also just being so visually bland to boot. It makes sense why they were released together as store exclusives. Ion Storm would be the hardest to sell individually being so similar to Thundercracker. But for anyone who's ever wanted the set of Rainmakers from the G1 'toon then your wish has been fulfilled. But due to the incredibly niche appeal of this set I've voted "Only if (something else)" with the something else being if you really want a set of Rainmakers.