Earthrise Wheeljack
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Earthrise
Size/class - Deluixe
New/remould/redeco - New mold
Wave - 1
Released here - FEB 2020
Approximate Retail Price - AU $30-35
Approximate Size - I told you, I don't own a ruler. They were always the first thing I lost at the beginning of the school year.
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Somewhat Lancia Stratos ish sportscard
Main Features/Gimmicks - It transforms.
Main Colours - White, Grey, Green and Red
Main Accessories - Shoulder launcher cannon

Vehicle mode
- Very flat, but in a sleek way. In comparison to Prime Wheeljack there is nothing even slightly chibified about this vehicle mode.
- Kind of gappy? There's a gap at the rear of the car that nothing covers. I was convinced that I had mistransformed something, but apparently not.
- Weapon storage is a bit boring. It just plugs into the roof.

- Actually quite fun, but in a sort of 'what you'd expect' kind of way.The front of the car becomes the legs, the roof and top half of the windshield becomes the chest, the sides and rear of the car become the arms.
- I quite like the way that the bottom halves of the windshield fold away into the knees, but be careful when manipulating them as they're only on mushroom pegs and if they're not lined up right when you transforming the figure you'll be hunting for them after they've popped off.

Robot mode
- Proportionally great.
- Large backpack is kind of a bummer. He's just got a whole car back half chilling out on his back.
- Articulation is pretty wonderful. Aside from the WFCS standard, the feet are huge and the ankle joint has great forward and back range, so there's support for a lot of poses. Also, shoulder shrugs! It is a transformation joint, but I'm counting it.

Can you find something to complain about?
- Actually yes. QC might not be great on this - the first one I bought had a missing windshield half. The one I exchanged it for has a loose left knee.
- The only gun is the tiny dinky launcher. It looks kind of terrible on its own.

This is a fairly good figure. It's the kind of thing that Generations exists for really - playable modern interpretation of old characters. This is worth a buy at RRP.