Series - Generations
Sub-line - War For Cybertron
Hypo-line - Earthrise
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 2
Released here - ?
Approximate Retail Price - $30
Approximate Size - 12.5cm
Allegiance - Quintesson
Alt-mode - Allicon
Main Features/Gimmicks - Your childhood
Main Colours - grey, green, purple
Main Accessories - spear, dagger

Good resemblance of the robot mode. Allicon mode isn't spot on accurate, but it's undeniably an Allicon. You can take one glance at the alt mode and know immediately what it's meant to be - no ifs or buts. I would have preferred the knees to be able to swing backwards too to give the Allicon mode a digitigrade stance, but that might also compromise the knee's stability after some time. The head doesn't firmly lock in and has a tendency to wobble upon handling. I also would've preferred the Allicon arms being able to go somewhere in robot mode rather than just dangling off the robot forearms. The robot fists also don't conceal in Allicon mode. The weapons are pretty nice - it's neat how the dagger becomes the tip of the tail, and the spear can also attach to tabs on the back.

Objectively speaking not a fantastic Transformer toy - but if you want a toy of the G1 Allicon character then I would definitely recommend this. For this reason I've voted for "Only if".