AIRWAVE (Decepticon Airwave)
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Earthrise
Hypo-line - War For Cybertron Trilogy
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 2
Released here - ?? 2020
Approximate Retail Price - $35
Approximate Size - 12.5cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Sub-Group - Macromaster
Alt-mode - airport
Main Features/Gimmicks - Modulator, A.I.R. Lock system
Main Colours - blue, grey, amber
Main Accessories - 3-part blaster/lance


Note that there are two "dead" Mini-Con ports on the shoulders.

With Over-Air (which I've repurposed as Airwave by slapping a Decepticon logo over the Autobot one )

Airport mode, forwards configuration

Comparison with G1

I like how ER Airwave has much longer runways, but unfortunately they're just too small. G1 Airwave's runways are wide enough to easily fit a Micromaster jet in each lane, whereas ER Airwave's runways are so narrow that a Siege/ER Micromaster jet crosses over two lanes. So proportionately it's half-sized.

Airport mode, lengthwise configuration

Comparison with G1

Again, the ER is superior in having greater length, but inferior in insufficient width. The jet cannot even pass the building without clipping a wing!

Battle station mode

Comparison with G1

Far too small to even fit a Micromaster inside. Overair cannot even stand up and there's barely enough room for him to sit (there's no head clearance). He looks more like he's sitting on a Combat Loo.

In fact...

That's more like it!

Overall Thoughts
As a stand alone toy Airwave looks quite nice. The more detailed and longer runways are things that I do quite like on this toy. The robot mode looks "Ironfist-esque." I also like how the gun resembles a lance. The main drawback is in its limited capacity as an interactive playset with Micromasters given its diminutive size. I understand that Ironworks and Greasepit are also relatively undersized compared to their G1 counterparts too, but at least they can still hold CHUG Micromaster figures adequately.

Okay, that is a really tiny balcony, but it's still a functional balcony -- a Micromaster can still stand there. Airwave has no standing room and barely enough sitting room. It really doesn't work as an interactive battle station for a Micromaster figure. As such I can only recommend this toy if:
a/ You don't mind or care that it doesn't work as a play set.
b/ You're looking to complete the CHUG Micromaster Stations.