I bought this ER Sunstreaker from Big W. I could see his roof was wonky through the window but later saw the box was tripple taped at the 2 top flap seals. Closer inspection shows the pegs/gear below the blue windscreen has come out from its socket (is that right?). The waist is also partly rotated. The 2 extra pieces of tape on each top seal look very similar to the original tape (same width but with regular teeth marks rather than the irregular or almost straight edges of the usual tape - I've seen the same on factory double taped Masterpieces). The rubber ties are intact. Sunstreaker's gun is on his back.

Is this a factory reject, damaged stock that Big W resealed, or customer broke it and returned (but didn't cut ties and tripple taped with similar tape) or something else? Anyway, I'm going to return him (so look out for a wonky Sunstreaker).