I only recently learnt that this forum existed so here I am. I've been a fan of the franchise since I was a kid. Grew up with the unicron trilogy (mainly cybertron). I was born way after G1 had aired but it was also a pretty big part of my childhood because it was the only transformers related media they had. I'll admit that the recent shows like the netflix trilogy haven't really been to my liking. I'm currently watching some Japanese G1 entries, particularly Victory, and that show is just incredible. It's very cheesy and definitely a departure from 1984 G1 so it's definitely a bit of an acquired taste. I've also been trying to catch up on mtme and I'm liking what I've read so far.

As for collecting, I've been this addicted to plastic crack even before I could speak my first words. I stopped collecting in the middle of high school because it wasn't 'cool' anymore and video games had taken over. Recently lockdown has reignited my passion for collecting and currently I'm collecting mainly G1 mp. Given how pricy mp is though, the collection has been growing incredibly slowly. I've started to branch into collecting some 3p stuff, primarily for characters that will probably never be made. I know 3p can be a bit of a morally questionable topic so I'll keep to myself.

That's about it from me.