I picked up a few of these figures when they came out - they were surpisingly disappointing in terms of playability, even though they are well crafted. They have good articulation, sculpting etc... but there are just certain things that irk me when I play with them. A lot of their accessories aren't secured well and are prone to falling off easily, including weapons (no Kung Fu Grip in Middle Earth?), capes, helmets etc. The paint on my Éomer's sword has chipped severely from all the times I've drawn it in and out of its sheath (I'm also not a fan of his screaming mouth - I prefer a neutral face). Éowyn's grip on the other hand is way too strong. I have no idea how the designers expect Elrond or RotK Aragorn (w/ Elessar)'s capes to stay on... Aragorn has two puny pegs that don't dig in properly and Elrond's cape has like... nothing. <sigh> And Frodo has really poor articulation.

I was quite disappointed with this line, especially because I got into Toy Biz figures through their Marvel toys which I generally find more fun to play with.