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Thread: Toy Stories

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Toy Stories

    From this thread. This thread is for blogging about any stories generated from playing with our Transformer toys.

    Since getting G1 Countdown on Sunday I've been playing with my TF toys in this one play and generated the following story. Keep in mind that this is _not_ something I ever intended for others to read nor was it planned, scripted or remotely thought out in any way. It's just one of many ZANY stories I pull out of my proverbial whenever I'm playing with my toys. It's broken up into parts, each part representing a different night when I had time to sit down and play... I miss the days of being a kid when I could sit down and play this whole thing in a single day. (-_-)

    Background: The story is set around the 29th or 30th century; just before the end of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict. The majority of Transformers have been upgraded as Micromasters to conserve fuel in the final stage of the war.

    Part 1
    On the planet Zone, Autobot Micromasters Groundshaker is piloting the mobile Rocket Base after receiving a deep-space transmission from Countdown confirming that he is finally returning to Zone (albeit a few years late) after a 200 year sojourn in hyperspace (although from Countdown's POV he's only been in Transwarp for days or weeks). Ironworks is manning the rocket base's cannons but isn't taking his post seriously. Groundshaker and Ironworks get into an argument about this, Ironworks argues that the Autobots have virtually won the war, especially after having driven out all Decepticons from Zone. Groundshaker argues against his complacency and reminds him that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty (not in those words ). Countdown exits transwarp and dramatically re-enters Zone's atmosphere. Upon arrival the Rocket Base's sensors suddenly detect a space fold; the Decepticon Demon Generals have arrived! ('cept Overlord cos I don't have that toy ) They return to the Zone capital of New Iacon where they meet up with the other Autobot Micromasters, led by Rodimus aboard the Star Convoy - an interstellar fortress constructed in the image of Optimus Prime as a tribute. The Autobots go to Defcon 1 and transform their city to attack mode to repulse the incoming Decepticon threat.

    Part 2
    A great battle ensues. Sixturbo is wounded early on in the piece and recalled to the city for repairs. The Decepticon assault is relentless and the other Micromaster gestalts are recalled from the forward flank to defend the city. Big Shot, Sidetrack, Flak, Sunrunner, Blaze Master, Sky High and Treadbolt are deployed. In the meantime, Ironworks powers up a super nuclear missile (I don't know why a nuclear warhead needs to be powered up; like I said, this is a brainless crazy story I made up while playing with toys! ). After it is finally powered up, the nuclear missile is launched. All Autobots are recalled into a city where a force field is quickly erected. The explosion destroys the Decepticon Generals and also hammers the Autobots' shield and rocks their city. The shields hold though. Rodimus realises that after such a crushing defeat, Decepticon high command would be willing to negotiate surrender. Based on this assumption Rodimus just decides that he will travel to the Decepticon-occupied world of Char for negotiations with Decepticon command. He transforms the Star Convoy into vehicle mode and it is placed onto the Rocket Base's launch pad (hehehe).

    Part 3
    Aboard the Star Convoy, Rodimus blasts off and opens a transwarp gate to travel to Char. Upon arriving in Char space Rodimus is intercepted by unidentified drone assault fighters (in the form of Lockdown's EMP generator ). Rodimus attempts to hail them and he transmits the authorisation code given to him by Decepticon command, as he has already sought permission previously (don't ask me when!). The crafts fail to respond and begin to approach at an attack angle. Rodimus issues a warning for them to stop this or he will fire - they ignore him, so he fires the Star Convoy's primary long range cannon. Unfortunately the craft prove to be too small and agile. Once they are in attack range they begin firing on the Star Convoy, swarming around like flies. Rodimus activates the forward auto-guns and places the Star Convoy on auto-pilot, while he clambers through the rather small and crammed access ports, working his way to the rear of the ship to access the shuttle (Micro Transport). Rodimus pilots the shuttle and uses it to engage the hostile crafts directly. Both Rodimus and the auto-guns eventually take out the crafts, none of which bear any Decepticon markings. Rodimus suspects that they were sent by Decepticons but that the Decepticons will probably conveniently deny knowledge. As he enters Char orbit, he transmits his access codes to Decepticon security. He asks them about the hostile crafts and they deny knowledge. Upon arrival Rodimus (now I'm playing with Classics Rodimus, although he still represents Micromaster Rodimus) is escorted by movie-Wreckage to meet the Decepticon command. Rodimus is expecting to meet the Decepticon leader Violenjiger (who unlike official Violenjiger, is actually just a Decepticon), but is surprised to learn that he has been overthrown. He is told that the Decepticons have abandoned the tradition of being ruled by a single dictator and have gone back to being ruled by a Triumvirate. He meets the New Triumvirate comprised of three Decepticon generals he has never heard of before; Sea Clamp (Lockdown), Ram Horn (Oil Slick) and Cicadacon (Lugnut); the Triumvirate is known as the Tripredacus Council. They explain to Rodimus that they orchestrated a coup d'état against Violenjiger and that they genuinely wish to achieve peace and a final end to the war. They show Rodimus a draft peace treaty known as the Pax Cybertronia. Under this treaty, both Autobots and Decepticons are to be formally disbanded or reorganised into new governments. They tell Rodimus that the Decepticons will reorganise themselves into a new faction known as the Predacons; named as a tribute to the former Decepticon sub-faction, but otherwise a wholly new organisation. They suggest that the Autobots do likewise so that former grudges between former Autobots and Decepticons can be swept away. Rodimus agrees to take a copy of the Pax Cybertronia data tracks back to Cybertron where he will discuss it with his fellow Autobots and make a final decision about signing the accord or not. As an act of good faith, Rodimus tells the Tripredacus Council about the Autobots' plan to further improve upon existing Micromaster technology with their secret project to develop the Maximal Upgrade. The generals express interest in this and invite him to share this technology should they become allies. He leaves Char aboard the Star Convoy.

    Part 4
    Rodimus returns to Cybertron where he meets Springer (Universe Roadbuster). Springer has recently returned from leading the Wreckers in the final liberation of Klo. Roadbuster was killed in this battle and Springer has repainted himself in Roadbuster's colours as a tribute (). Rodimus briefs Springer about his meeting with the Tripredacus Council. Springer expresses concern and suspicion but Rodimus reminds him that the Decepticons are effectively defeated and that negotiating terms of surrender would be the most logical course for them at this point. He tells them that he intends for the Autobots to be likewise reorganised as a new faction, also to be ruled by a collective rather than an individual. Springer asks who this collective will be and at that moment Universe Prowl, Henkei Ironhide and USA Edition Silverbolt walk in. Prowl explains that they will be the new ruling council. He invites both Rodimus and Springer to join. Rodimus declines, saying that he intends to retire from military service and live as a civilian. He doesn't even want to sign the Pax Cybertronia, instead authorising the new ruling council to do so on his behalf. Springer also declines, saying that he has too many ill feelings against the Decepticons, even if they are reorganised as Predacons. Prowl states that the Predacon name is too controversial as the name of a former Decepticon sub-faction, and that if the Autobots are to truly push for a new age free from the old factions, that the Autobots should take the moral high ground and create an entirely new and more politically correct faction name. Silverbolt agrees although expresses some disappointment as he was partial to the name "Protectobots." They all agree that the Autobots will be known as "Maximals" under the new organisation. Rodimus christens Ironhide, Prowl and Silverbolt as the Magnaboss Imperium.

    Part 5
    Rodimus gives Springer a final mission, one that is top secret and that the Autobots/Maximals will deny all knowledge of if they fail. Springer is required to remove his Autobot insignia to appear as a neutralist. He is told to travel to the Rad Zone where he will meet a new group of neutralists who are secretly loyal to the Autobots. They will assist him to assassinate the Shadow Guards, a top secret team of guerrilla fighters who have been serving the Decepticons, and intelligence has informed them that they are now loyal to the Tripredacus Council. Springer meets up with the neutralist fighters (Protoform movie Prime) and their captain (Commander Cody/Turbo Tank). They travel along old underground tunnels where they find the Shadow Guards (TIE Bomber TF). Admist this battle Springer encounters their leader, Nemesis Prime (Darth Vader/TIE Advanced) who reveals that he was formerly Nova Prime who was secretly overthrown by Sentinel Prime and history records altered to say that he was lost during an expeditionary mission. Sentinel had overthrown him because he discovered Nova's plan to lead the Autobots to conquer the galaxy. The Shadow Guards are killed and Nemesis Prime is wounded, but flees.

    The End.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    One day Staxx was driving around with Aquablast

    then the Euro Constructicons showed up and because they were no longer actionmasters they had a super strong psychic connection, so they lifted Staxx and Aquablast up and tossed them into the sea

    Eventually Megatron arrived in his G2 form and gave the constructicons a g2 upgrade. And they were happy

    and they all were pleased

    except staxx

    and aquablast


  3. #3
    yukitora Guest


    Aleses story - (like part 23) One day, Blackout thought it was funny to fly inside Barbies loungeroom, and get in the way of the tv. Softimus Prime tackled his rotors, making blackout go spinning out of control. messing up the entire house. Barbie was not happy. And screamed at both of them, before finding the mess in the kitchen left by Slumblebee. Then she went nuts! They were all turfed out and Softmus Prime spent the next however long (kids attention span goes for), apoligiseing! -

  4. #4
    Join Date
    26th May 2009
    Wantirna South, Melbourne


    Legends grindor was out walking, minding his own buisness, when a hot wheels car ran him over, making him sad.
    "Ding-a-ling, come out and get yo ice cream. Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whoopin" - Skids and Mudflap

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    One day Sam Witwicky (Mutt Williams) decides to go to the local library while his parents are overseas and Mikaela is also out of town (I can't remember what excuse I made). So he drives Bumblebee to the library and walks in to do some research with Bumblebee parked out the front. In a nearby alleyway a whole bunch of electrical bolts fly everywhere creating a giant silver sphere - yes, like in Terminator (this is all in my imagination and using hand gestures and vocalising sound effects ). The sphere disappears revealing some mysterious characters who just happen to look like Darth Vader and some Imperial Stormtroopers (). They move into the library where the Vader character tells the troopers to seal off all exits. The troopers refer to their leader as Lord Zarak who explains that they've travelled from the future to kill Sam... but of course they already knew that; but it's called an exposition (). So they quickly run up a staircase, another person sees them and laughs remarking about how dorky they look in their ridiculous costumes. A Stormtrooper shoots him dead. The Stormies then quickly burst into the floor where Sam is and the captain fires a shot in the airceiling which sends everyone in a panic as they flee for the exits - but alas! - the exits are all covered by more Stormies! Fiends!! Sam throws his head out the window and screams, "BUMBLEBEE!" and Bumblebee transforms, but as soon as he's done this, more Stormtroopers come around the corner and begin firing on Bumblebee. To Bumblebee's surprise their shots actually seriously hurt and send him tumbling. He returns fire but since his opponents are humans he has to hold himself back and tries to fire shots that send the Stormies flying, but without directly hitting any of them.

    Meanwhile back in the library Sam suddenly hears Lord Zarak's deep breathing as he enters the room. He ignites his light sabre and orders the Stormies to kill Sam. They begin firing and Sam starts dodging for dear life. Zarak then tells them to hold their fire and he moves in to personally kill Sam. Sam tries to flee but Zarak uses a Force push to incapacitate him. As he swings his sabre down to kill him it's immediately blocked by a blue light sabre, wielded by Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi! Captain Rex and his Clone Troopers bust in shooting at the Stormtroopers, who exclaim (and explain) that they're being attacked by "Republic Troopers." Kenobi grabs Sam and brings him outside the library where Bumblebee is still fighting the Stormies. More Republic troopers come to reinforce Bumblebee and Kenobi, but Bumblebee is confused cos they all look the same to him. Kenobi quickly explains to Bumblebee that they're on his side and tells Bumblebee to take Sam away to safety. He tells Sam that his home is now compromised and that he should just take anything important from his home and then go directly to NEST. Sam asks Kenobi how he knows about NEST but Kenobi says there's no time to explain. Bumblebee is now in vehicle mode and Kenobi shoves him in. Bumblebee then speeds away from the battle.

    Cyclonus swoops down and Zarak and his Stormies (who have jump jets on their belts) leap aboard as they flee. Kenobi uses a mighty Force Leap to jump and cling onto Cyclonus' underbelly where he begins using his lightsabre to break into Cyclonus' hull... the blade goes right through Cyclonus' energy shielding and eats away at his armour. Inside Cyclonus' cockpit where Zarak is sitting, Cyclonus screams and tells Zarak what's happening. A Stormtrooper straps himself onto a tether and opens a nearby hatch, pops out and begins firing at Kenobi. Kenobi blocks the shots with this lightsabre but loses grip and falls. He deactivates his lightsabre and tells Captain Rex to send up a rocket pack. The Republic Troopers take out a rocket pack and carefully aim it toward Kenobi, then activate it sending it rocketing in a direct path toward him! (yes, it makes _no_ sense, I know that the rocketpack _should_ be spiralling out of control! And no, it wasn't because Kenobi was guiding the rocketpack with the Force, but you can retcon it that way if you want ). Kenobi then grabs onto the rocket pack and straps it onto himself then begins flying down to Earth. From his view he can see local police arriving and alerts his troopers below to retreat and rendezvous later.

    Sam and Bumblebee return to the Witwicky home where Sam grabs his stuff and hops into Bumblebee. As they leave they're suddenly attacked by Cyclonus. Bumblebee drives as fast as he can but he cannot outrun Cyclonus. At that moment heading from the opposite direction they see Optimus Prime and a NEST APC (Animated Bulkhead). Bumblebee joins their convoy and Optimus Prime transforms. Lord Zarak and Imperial Stormtroopers drop from Cyclonus and Cyclonus transforms. Prime tells Bumblebee to take Sam away to safety and NEST soldiers (GI Joe) are come out of the APC and battle ensues. Much to the NEST soldiers' dismay, the Stormtroopers' armour is tough, meaning that each Stormie can actually withstand several shots before sustaining injury or being killed (meaning that it takes typically half a magazine of ammunition to shoot one Stormtrooper dead), but of course the Stormtrooper's blaster shots are able to take down a NEST soldier instantly, leaving a clean bloodless cauterised wound. Lord Zarak ignites his lightsabre and begins blocking bullets and cutting down NESTies.

    Cyclonus engages in a fight with Prime and his gun transforms into Nightstick who then goes off to pursue Bumblebee. Bumblebee transforms and Sam runs for cover while he fights Nightstick.

    The NESTies realise that they're outclassed by their new adversaries, so they break into a nearby house and frighten the living daylights out of the already terrified occupants. Lennox (Duke) orders them to take the back exit and get as far away as possible. One of the occupants asks him if they're being attacked by terrorists and Lennox says, "Yeah sure..." The NESTies bunk down in the house and cover all windows and doors expecting to be stormed, but to their surprise the street is empty. On the roof of the house are Zarak and his Stormtroopers. Zarak drops through the chimney and lands in the fireplace, igniting his lightsabre and says, "As I believe you Earthlings would say, Merry Christmas!" (what wit!) and he cuts down a NESTie as the others scramble for cover. The ceiling collapses as the Stormtroopers jump through, firing at the NESTies. Epps (Heavy Duty) engages in melee combat with Zarak who breaks Epps' right arm and is about to decapitate him with his light sabre, but the blade is again blocked just in the nick of time by Kenobi! And of course his Republic Troopers are with him. Lennox quickly realises that the Republic forces are on their side and NEST are soon fighting alongside the Republic troopers. Zarak and the Stormies realise that they are outnumbered and he orders Cyclonus to lead the retreat. Cyclonus argues but Zarak tells him that it's an order. He and Nightstick disengage from their fight with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, with Cyclonus transforming to jet mode, he picks up Zarak and the Stormies and flies off. A squadron of F22s chase him but Kenobi remarks that they'll never be able to catch Cyclonus.

    NEST, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Sam gather around Kenobi and the Republic Troopers. In a conversation Kenobi explains that they have travelled back in time from the year 2035 and that Cyclonus, Zarak and their Decepticon Imperial Stormtroopers have done likewise. He explains that by the year 2035 the governments of Earth have been dissolved and replaced by the United Nations which is expanded and reorganised as a central Earth government. The Earth government combines with Autobot and Nebulan leaders to form the Galactic Republic, governed by a senate comprised of Autobots and humans of Earth and Nebulos. Because of this, Cybertronian technology is finally shared with humans, thus explaining their advanced technology. He also explains that he and Anakin Zarak were once part of a special order of Jedi knights on Nebulos who possess special powers and wield light sabres. Sam asks him why humans would want to ally themselves with Decepticons and Kenobi says that the Decepticons have learned to exploit the one crucial weakness among all humans, and Lennox remarks, "a want for power," and Kenobi replies, "Precisely." He explains that the Decepticons have promised people power, thus recruiting humans from Earth and Nebulos as soldiers for the Decepticon Empire (thus they are known as Imperial Stormtroopers). He explains that Anakin Zarak and he were once comrade in arms until Zarak was seduced by the Decepticons' promise for greater power, and he was forced to take him down - thus butchering and burning his body, but the Decepticons rebuilt him as a cyborg. While this story is being told, Republic troopers inject Bacta into Epps' arm and explain that they will regenerate his wounds at a cellular level.

    ...the end!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    4th Apr 2008


    One day Cyclonus was minding his own business when he found Overkill trying to eat Nightstick.

    Upon wresting his partner from the fiend's jaws, he used him in gun mode to fend off Overkill.

    Also, another time Overkill attacked the Animated Dinobots. It didn't go well for him, since Grimlock sliced him in half.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Cos I'm currently overseas, I don't have the time to just sit down and do a long campaign... also I don't have access to my collection, only to what toys I have here. For the first week I've been overseas I only had Autobots to play with -- then only about a week ago I got Lugnut. So I've had this on and off again campaign where the Autobots have been stranded on some alien world - former and long abandoned Decepticon colony where the unseen natives (cos they're little and scared of Cybertronians) are not to be underestimated -- fighting a guerilla campaign against their former Cybertronian colonial masters (they don't see the difference between Autobots and Decepticons). This was when I only had Autobots to play with... then I got Lugnut. So after learning that there are Autobots present on this planet, Megatron dispatches Lugnut on a solo heroic mission to single-handedly eradicate them. However the Autobots are scattered across the planet. Here we have a massive plothole -- I've provided NO reason why they've scattered... they just are! And that's about as far as this thin story stretches, from here on Lugnut is now "travelling" across this planet, meeting and fighting one Autobot at a time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    A brief toy campaign that started on Sunday and finished last night...

    The Lost Light was damaged and had to set down on a hostile world full of monsters to repair itself, but Cyclonus (BiS/Universe) and Rodimus (BiS/Classics) went on a mission to obtain some random MacGuffin from the planet (naturally located in a nest of monsters - all visualised by my imagination ) to repair the ship. Rodimus went back to return the MacGuffin, while Cyclonus and Nightstick held off the Nightmare Monsters to buy Rodimus time. During this time Nightstick was killed and Cyclonus was mortally wounded. He was later rescued by others from the Lost Light and Ratchet (Henkei) repaired him, but Cyclonus swore vengeance. Ratchet gets all preachy and protests against this to Rodimus -- Rodimus tells Ratchet that he'll have words with Cyclonus. Rodimus tells Cyclonus that he's not going to authorise or condone any course of action for vengeance, but tells Cyclonus that he's gotta do what he's gotta do. Cyclonus then accesses the ship's armoury and helps himself to a sword (TFPRiD Dreadwing's sword) a nuclear warhead (stick of lip balm ) and crapload of missiles (imagination ), as well as a bio-signature detector (TFPRiD Dreadwing's gun). Cyclonus then flies back to where all the monsters are and unleashes his nuclear payload. He quickly flies out to avoid being sucked in by the vacuum, then later returns and begins bombing and napalming the surface to eradicate survivors. He then finds a deep cavern where a lot of surviving creatures are holed up. Cyclonus transforms into robot mode, pulls out the sword and proceeds to waltz in there picking off the sick and injured survivors (though Cyclonus does sustain injury to his left forearm and torso). He then flies above the clouds that have been constantly pouring corrosive acid rain and deploys the bio signature detector which links him a live feed of where any other surviving monsters are. Cyclonus uses this data to begin hunting down other isolated surviving creatures.

    In the meantime Rodimus checks up on Ratchet about the progress of repairs, and Ratchet tells him that everything will be ready in about half a Breem, but also tells him that he's noticed that weapons have been pilfered from the armoury and fears that Cyclonus has gone to do something rash. Rodimus realises that the subtle advice he gave Cyclonus wasn't such a good idea, so he transforms to car mode and races off to find Cyclonus. In the mean time, Cyclonus is having a jolly time killing more monsters, including a giant gelatinous spider who Cyclonus sticks his sword through, but the spider keeps running and Cyclonus has lost the sword... so naturally he continues using his bare fists to continue pummelling more monsters. Rodimus arrives and sees the spider dying with the sword between its eyes. Rodimus pulls the sword out as the spider dissolves, only to see a giant wolf-like creature with Cyclonus being dragged under its neck. Cyclonus finally manages to wrestle the wolf monster to the ground and snap its neck before confronting Rodimus. Rodimus tells Cyclonus that it's up to him if he wants to continue his vendetta, but he's not going to let him continue using resources from the Lost Light to do it. He tells Cyclonus that once the ship is flight worthy, they're going to leave this world with or without him. Cyclonus surrenders the bio-detector's controller which Rodimus uses to deactivate and retrieve the detector, which he then takes back to the Lost Light. Cyclonus reasons that remaining on the planet with no weapons and limited Energon would be counter productive to honouring his oath to avenge Nightstick, and swears to Nightstick that one day he'll return to complete his promise of reeee-venge!

    ...the end, and then I finally packed away all my toys.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    ^ & that kids, is why Cyclonus is awesome.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Curious to know how other people are playing with their TF Prime figures and if anyone else is doing what I am...

    My current TF Prime toy play is set after the events of Predacons Rising. Bumblebee is now Supreme Commander of the Autobot forces currently overseeing the reconstruction and resettlement of Cybertron. Megatron, as penance for his former deeds as a Decepticon, is assisting Wheeljack in leading a new-born Autobot forces in dealing with the Decepticon Remnant.

    The Decepticon Remnant are what remains of the Decepticon forces who refuse to follow Megatron in defecting over to the Autobots. Megatron leads his own mission to find these Decepticons and other sympathisers and convince them to follow him in defecting. Although Megatron's role is not to actually directly stop them, as his role is purely diplomatic and not military (Megatron has surrendered his cannon and is sworn to an oath of non-aggression). Wheeljack on the other hand is creating the New Wreckers and are very aggressively hunting down the Remnant, with the ultimate objective of finding their leader, Shockwave, and his lieutenant commander, Starscream. Hot Shot was one of the first to join the New Wreckers and is currently Wheeljack's apprentice and co-pilot aboard the Jackhammer (which has been further modified with more weaponry, a tractor beam, expanded crew quarters (for future Wreckers) and detention cell. The Jackhammer's hyperspace drives have also been enhanced.

    I haven't figured out how the Predacons fit into all this yet. It'll happen when I next play with the toys (as this whole story just unfolds as I'm playing... none of it's pre-planned ).

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