back to business..
I've done a couple more repaints on those awesome hasbro G.I.Joe movie figures (4 inch scale) and decided to do a pictorial with the whole team... well not all 'cause General Hawk's missing... I haven't seen him yet in my area so no chance of including him in the photoshoot.
Once i get my hands on him, he'll be modified, definitely... and do another set of team photos.


(different camera setting)

Conrad S. Hauser
Codename: "DUKE"

Shana O' Hara
Codename: "SCARLETT"

Wallace A. Weems
Codename: "RIPCORD"

Real Name: Unknown
Codename: SNAKE EYES

Abel Shaz
Codename: "BREAKER"

Hershel Dalton
Codename: "HEAVY DUTY"

Courtney A. Kreiger
Codename: "COVERGIRL"

thanks again!