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Thread: Remember when...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008

    Default Remember when...

    Classics was first being announced and information was only slowly, slowly trickling out - it was 2006, and I was in a comp lab in the IS building and I was looking at the old Don Figoera sketches...

    *side note: where on earth does that gun come from? The bumper? :S
    Awesome stuff...
    Then when they were finally released, I know I had to try hard to chase down a Jetfire for myself... that said, I ended up getting bumblebee and rodimus off casefresh's website... heh-

    How'd you get into classics?

    It's my predominant line now - and I am not really intending to collect much else other than to 'complete' it ...

    Just thought it'd be interesting to discuss your first reaction to classics, and then the followup of Universe 2.0 - I only just now found this image of Sunstreaker/Sideswipe:

    Did you see it sooner? (heck, anyone still got those concept drawings? Cause I *love* concept art )

    What an utterly exciting time in toys Now, I'm eagerly awaiting Classics 3.0 news...
    Last edited by lcz128; 29th December 2009 at 11:09 PM.

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  2. #2
    Join Date
    8th Aug 2009
    Bankstown, NSW


    I got back into collecting after I watched ROTF and was disappointed by what M.Bay had done to my beloved childhood characters! (I mean, Jetfire was now a geriatric old dude?)

    I thought I would get some TF toys to display to help preserve my childhood memories of the characters as opposed to what Hollywood had done to them, so I went in search.

    Because I had been out of it so long, I wasn't aware of all the releases over the years - Armada, Energon, etc, so I did a bit of research into the various lines.

    I wanted something that reminded me of my G1 toys as a kid, but slightly better engineered since I wasn't too keen on brick like articulation and no poseability.

    And that's how I stumbled across the Classics/Universe 2.0 line - it was love at first sight!

    I was like 'wow', here were faithful interpretations and re-imaginings of my classic G1 toys but with modern engineering and articulation - totally cool!

    I think in my first month I bought something like 20 of the Classics/Universe range and haven't looked back since.

    They are the core of my collection, even though I have slightly branched out into other lines (Cybertron, Energon, etc), but for me, they have a very special place in my heart since they're what got me into collecting TFs again.

    I can't wait for Universe 3.0 either... hopefully HasTak won't continue the Bayverse character designs and end up stuffing them up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2009
    somewhere in my mind


    I love the Classics range, their not quite the same as we remember them being from gen 1 but how they should of been.I suppose we have some of the Gen 2 and Beast Wars toys to thank for the advancements in poseablity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    You have some late G2 toys and the overwhelming majority of Beast Wars to thank. I saw photos of the toys online first which piqued my interest, and yeah, grabbed them as soon as I saw them on toy shelves at Target and Kmart.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2008


    I wasn't looking at the online sites at that time and it was only by looking at my local Kmart that I saw them for the first time - Voyager Optimus Prime and Megatron
    No 2nd thoughts for me, I got them straightaway!

    - Prime - A red truck (not a fire truck )
    - Megatron - A gun! Not a tank, T-Rex, hover jet, car, etc, he's a gun!
    I didn't mind the colours, since he was grey enough for me and he had no gimmicks other than to transform
    - Plus they had rubsigns! since i was a kid, i only ever saw rubsign transformers as 'true transformers' since they were what I saw in the original cartoon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I unexpectedly stumbled onto the Classic toys by pure surprise at a Target. I was looking for Beast Wars 10th Anniversary toys and there I saw what were faithful representations of G1 Starscream, Hotrod and Bumblebee!

    At the time I was only after G1 and Beast Wars since I never got into any of the post 2000 cartoons or lines (RID/A/E/C) so finding these was like..WOW!!

    I bought one of all the Classics characters Target had and then I went into the hunt for more from other retailers. I was a total noob at collecting back then with a collection that could fit on top of my computer and I was yet to join OTCA. I think that due to my excitement of this new toy line directly representing G1 characters that I decided to look into Australian related Transformers activities online. I stumbled onto a Aussie Fan convention announcement but I was a week late!!

    However that announcement although obsolete, pointed me to this community and here I am. How Classics helped me to find OTCA

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by optimus1
    - Megatron - A gun! Not a tank, T-Rex, hover jet, car, etc, he's a gun!
    I didn't mind the colours, since he was grey enough for me and he had no gimmicks other than to transform
    The colours bugged me a lot. Some people don't like the fact that Megatron is based on a Nerf Avenger as opposed to a realistic gun like a Walther, bug considering the legality around it I can easily forgive Hasbro for making that decision. But I've never liked Classics Megatron's 'clown colours.' :/ I remember seeing a lot of people posting pics of their custom repaints of their Classics Megatron in more G1 colours getting that toy. I nabbed Henkei Megatron as soon as he came out and shortly after sold my Classics Megs.

    I do agree that having rub signs is a really cool part of Classics, and it's something I miss with "Classics 2.0" Universe, although having tampographed insignias looks nice too.

    Quote Originally Posted by kup
    I saw what were faithful representations of G1 Starscream, Hotrod and Bumblebee!
    I wouldn't say "faithful" because the toys don't look like any previous incarnations of those characters, but I think they are good "updates" of those characters using contemporary toy engineering.

    I wish they made a Classics cartoon or ongoing retail comic series (instead of the occasional Universe mould making a 'guest appearances' in otherwise non-Classics stories (-_-)).

    P.S.: Anyone else here really want a Deluxe "Classics" Jazz?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    16th Jan 2008


    I love the Classics. Have been (re)collecting G1 for a number of years already when the Classics were released. So I was there at the beginning snapping them up.

    For awhile they were great. But as Vector Prime and Optimus1 would know, I've since sold most of my Classics figures (between the 2 of them, they bought most of my Classics).

    The designs were great, but overall, the toys just didn't do it for me. They lacked something, be it chrome, die-cast parts, sticker sheets, accessories or, some x-factor I just can't put my finger on. I started growing not so fond of them and subsequently sold them.

    I still prefer to collect pure one G1. Sure they could be (and in most instances are) like bricks, but they still in general exude a class and elegance the subsequent toylines can only aspire to.

    Articulation is not a major consideration because I don't play with toys, whether G1 or Classics, like I used to. Articulation don't matter when they are just standing on shelves.

    I now only mainly have Henkei Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Thrust, Ramjet and Dirge. I had to keep the seekers because they had knee joints and upper legs (and in this respect beats G1!).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    P.S.: Anyone else here really want a Deluxe "Classics" Jazz?

    I quite like Classics/Universe 2.0 figures, and first saw Grimlock at the Parra Fair shortly before they were released in retail. (Some guy brought it in and was selling it for $30) Shortly after that I started to see them trickle into stores and bought them when I saw them, though I still missed getting Mirage (and passed him up again 2 fairs ago for lack of funds )

  10. #10
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I wouldn't say "faithful" because the toys don't look like any previous incarnations of those characters, but I think they are good "updates" of those characters using contemporary toy engineering.
    They are faithful representations because they directly and unmistakeably represent those characters - I am not referring to the engineering. It's not like A/E/C in which there was a Starscream that shared many character traits to the original but was mostly based on the G1 character rather than directly being him as a character (or design for that matter).

    I think we all want a deluxe Classics Jazz. If Hasbro doesn't make one for Classics 3.0 (or whatever is called) then they are dumb
    Last edited by kup; 30th December 2009 at 05:25 PM.

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