Review - ROTF scattershot
Series - Hasbro TF2 Revenge of the Fallen
Size - scout
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave -
Released here - Now
Approximate Retail Price - scout class price point
Approximate Size -
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - anti air truck
Main Features/Gimmicks - guns can aim anywhere in both modes
Main Colours - blue
Main Accessories - none?
My Difficulty rating (out of 5) - 2
Stability - good in both modes
Poseability/articulation - good
Playability - Nice transformation. Quite playable in robot mode.
My Thoughts - quite nice. Dont know why they inlcuded the snowmobile shovel at the front . Poseability is decent. good little truck mode
Overall Recommendation Rating (out of 10) - 7