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Thread: Board relocation failed! Now for plan B, or C, or something...

  1. #51
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    One of my favorite blogs has a "membership drive" at times of need. This is typically t-shirt's sold at a little above market value. I think this works best in a few ways:

    1. By creating a new t-shirt, people who have already gave are happy to give again.
    2. There is an obvious benefit to donating (although clearly most of us recognize the existing benefits of simply having this great site - we need a crying emoticon)
    3. Assuming the shirts are OzFormer branded, it's free marketing at toy fairs, etc.
    4. Income can be raised "on demand", e.g. to help handle the site's excess traffic during the industry toy fair.
    5. Doesn't create an online class divide or differentiator in any way. is a great example of an online store that allows you to make and sell your own merchandise on demand and make money doing so. I'm sure some other board members here could recommend some other avenues as well. Perhaps we could even have competitions for shirt designs.
    Last edited by jaydisc; 20th June 2008 at 11:18 AM. Reason: fixed typos

  2. #52
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Well I was going to keep quiet but.....

    I love the idea of a hierarchial ranking system.

    We should have a definite and rigid pecking order based on various things like years of service, number of tf's, size of financial contributions to server upkeep, make-out ability and what type of car we drive.

    Higher ranks should be able to belittle and boss around those of lower rank while new recruits and trial members should be open slather for bastardisation and hazing from full members. A painful and humiliating initiation ceremony could also be of great benefit and entertainment to the community as a whole.

    Those of equal rank would be able to insult each other on a wide variety of differentiations including such things as occupational and/or class status, cultural differences, sexual orientation and state residency. (yeah I'm onto you Noo Soud Welshmin)

    I believe with these and other 'improvements' instituted, our community would only bond more strongly and it would be of massive benefit to the greater good of all.

    Haha...of course I'm joking.


  3. #53
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    make-out ability
    How do we *measure* that?

  4. #54
    MV75's Avatar
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    Brisbane, QLD


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    Well I was going to keep quiet but.....

    I love the idea of a hierarchial ranking system.

    We should have a definite and rigid pecking order based on various things like years of service, number of tf's, size of financial contributions to server upkeep, make-out ability and what type of car we drive.

    Higher ranks should be able to belittle and boss around those of lower rank while new recruits and trial members should be open slather for bastardisation and hazing from full members. A painful and humiliating initiation ceremony could also be of great benefit and entertainment to the community as a whole.

    Those of equal rank would be able to insult each other on a wide variety of differentiations including such things as occupational and/or class status, cultural differences, sexual orientation and state residency. (yeah I'm onto you Noo Soud Welshmin)

    I believe with these and other 'improvements' instituted, our community would only bond more strongly and it would be of massive benefit to the greater good of all.

    Haha...of course I'm joking.

    Get to cleaning my toilet mode shortround maggot! I wanna be able to eat lunch off that thing, and it's lunch time now! Why havn't you already done it?!

    You call yourself a TF fan?! GO GO GO! Move it slug!

    And when you're done, report to Roller.
    Last edited by MV75; 11th March 2011 at 09:45 AM.

  5. #55
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    Get to cleaning my toilet mode shortround maggot! I wanna be able to eat lunch off that thing, and it's lunch time now! Why havn't you already done it?!

    You call yourself a TF fan?! GO GO GO! Move it slug!

    And when you're done, report to Roller.


    See how well my system works?

  6. #56
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    You know if we're going to have a hierarchial system then the Mods should be made to pay a % of the monthly running costs.

    Hey ... they want the job then they'd better start pulling their weight around here. I mean really, how hard is it to lock a thread?

  7. #57
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    At another forum I frequent they recently had a funding drive. The goal was to raise $5000 for 5 years of funding. There was no mention of ranks, titles whatever it was all confidential, but posted on the front page was a running total. They got to the total eventually (I think after a month or so) so they're covered for the next 5 years. I think something like that would be better.
    I supported them because I think it's a valuable resource and I would do the same here.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I like gamblor's idea. Anonymous with visible incentive (:

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  9. #59
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Hehe, that's cool - reminds me of some of the fundraising they used to do in primary school with the cardboard thermometer show how far they were from reaching their goal - or like with certain telethons etc. It's a neat idea.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I am in favor of Gamblor's suggestion.

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