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Thread: NAZI Transformers

  1. #1
    TheDirtyDigger Guest

    Default NAZI Transformers

    Hey team,

    I've had this story idea brewing round the back of my cerebellum for a couple of weeks and it keeps coming and going so I thought I better post about it before it goes again.

    It's just the bare bones of a story concept but it was inspired by our little friend, the Walther P38.
    Did you know that it was allegedly a Walther P38 that Hitler used to commit suicide?
    What if that gun he used was Megatron who was actually working in cahoots with Uncle Adolf and his cronies back in Dubyadubya Two to achieve world domination? Perfect disguise and appropos for the time and place.
    What if the Nazis state of the art weapons systems back then was actually low grade Decepticon tech?

    Bumblebee, whose function is a spy, is perfectly suited at infiltration in his Volkswagon bug mode. (Everybody knows that the Volkswagon symbol still used today becomes the Nazi swastika when it spins on the hubcaps right?)

    Anyway there's this and a heap of other concepts and themes running through my head for the story. especially the Good vs Evil, Democracy vs Fascism ideas that were so black and white in the minds of the general populace of that era.
    And of course it would be an elseworlds/what if?/parallel dimension/type story so as not be confused with the 'real' canon of G1/G2/cartoon/comic/animated/energon/cybertron/armada/car robot universes.

    But anyway...just an idea and now that it has escaped the confines of it's mental prison I can go back to chroming and smashing my head into brick walls.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Dreamwave published this as the first Transformers GIJoe crossover but replaced Nazis with Cobra

  3. #3
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    What what what? DW stole my idea? Did it have Hitler in it? Did Megatron kill him instead of the 'alleged' suicide? Was it set in WW2?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Moved this to the Artistic section since it's a discussion about creativity and not fascism as displayed in the Transformers fiction.

    It's set during WWII. Using the Decepticons as weapons, a fascist Cobra takes over Europe. Cobra Commander (filling in for Hitler) carries around Megatron as his gun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    wouldn't this also mean that Megatron would be owned by the Red Skull? And would it mean that Optimus Prime should transform into Captain America's adamantium shield?

  6. #6
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Ummm who's that question aimed at Gok? Paul or myself?

    If moi then nah...I was sort of thinking of it as set in the 'real' universe as opposed to the Marvel one. It did cross my mind though. as well as the WW2 DCU.

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