Last weekend was my very first time to play MP... so for example I would get 1500XP for conquering a node... so I guess this must mean it's normally 150XP for taking a node.

I started off on Level 0 for everything on Saturday - going up against level 20-25 players(is level 25 the highest?), and ended up on Level 9 for my Leader and Soldier.

Quote Originally Posted by griffin
Leader class has a 'Martyrdom' ability, which has you drop your mines when killed. I had the 'extra mine' abililty as well, so I started getting into close combat just to die, and then see/hear my 2 mines kill the opponent straight after. It was even better when they have headsets...
I think you can also get bonus points for killing people after you've died (and before respawning).

One frustrating feature about this game - there's no way to pause if you need to AFK. A couple of times last night I needed to take extended breaks mid-game cos my daughter was crying... so I'd transform and park myself in a corner facing a wall - as a clear sign that I'm AFK. And of course, when I get back I've respawned. One kid at school told me that some players on other games will face directly upward with their weapon aimed at the sky to indicate AFK... which doesn't work either (i.e. other players don't care and take the free kill opportunity).


I saw one player yesterday evening who was just standing there - clearly AFK. So I just jumped up and down and transformed back and forth in front of him for a while before moving on. Didn't kill him though. Maybe cos it was 10XP weekend... but I wouldn't be surprised if people still behaved that way outside of 10XP days.