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Thread: Comic review: Robots in Disguise ongoing

  1. #61
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    So the Metrotitan we saw in the MtMtE series really didnt have much to do in this issue, kinda felt like a dues ex machina after all the hype he was given in the other annual. I did like that he was under the planets surface, intermeshed with the remnants of the city. I wonder if this means there are other cities on Cybertron that were more "covered" than reformatted completely, or if the city was brought there by the Metrotitan...

    The flashbacks were brilliantly done in the old art style, yet they retained the look and feel of the designs these characters were given in the furmanverse stories. It was a quick transition from noble Nova to "crazy" Nova, but it was nice to see Omega doing something again, and the origins of his bitter rivalry with the Monsterbots. The way this annual ties together the recent ongoings to the furmanverse is wonderful.

    Interesting that they chose the annoying and rather unlikeable Metalhawk to narrate this issue, and to give him an epiphany at the end. I guess having a "neutral" view of the events makes sense, as seeing the events from Prowl, Wheeljack or Screamers perspective would have thrown it all askew.

    Overall this was a good issue that had a key plot point going forward that I am surprised they put in an "extra" issue than the regular ongoing (which I think transitions back to Pax's story for a while). If people missed out on the annual, I don't know if they will be satisfied with comments relating to Starscream being peppered with "see 2012 annual. -ed".

    Art was alright, easy to tell who was who for the most part, the flashback art was the highlight, using the limited colour palette was a clever idea too, and I think worked very well for the feel they were going for, to evoke the old 1980's comic series.

    Overall an interesting read for the flashback and the big reveal that is going to have massive repercussions on the RiD stories as they go forward, but it felt shorter than the MtMtE annual by a long margin, and does not hshare that books "fun". This was a serious story that manages to move the ongoing forward yet also give us a great insight to the past (something that both books are intent on doing) and how the Transformers seem to be on a loop of sorts.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  2. #62
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Overall an interesting read for the flashback and the big reveal that is going to have massive repercussions on the RiD stories as they go forward, but it felt shorter than the MtMtE annual by a long margin, and does not hshare that books "fun". This was a serious story that manages to move the ongoing forward yet also give us a great insight to the past (something that both books are intent on doing) and how the Transformers seem to be on a loop of sorts.

    Perhaps it was in the delivery of the flashbacks; they were kind of just revealed without a narrator, which would have been nice to further reveal another character's persona like they did with Cyclonus (granted, finding a narrator would be hard as most of the Ark 1's crew is dead/missing/off planet). At first I thought the flashback was the Metrotitan's memories. Omega was present during 80% of those flashbacks whilst Dai Atlas was the only one who was there 100% of the time. Perhaps they could have placed the flashback as Omega's, who had later had some later conversations with Atlas, and discussed details of Nova's personality and crew? This would have justified Omega's trust and friendship with Atlas (almost Spotlight Omega? ). However, even if that was not possible due to page limits, I would have liked more timeline with Noble Nova before his eyes suddenly turn red.

    The annual was very good, more enjoyable by any one other RID issues, but the present-day story did not keep me on the edge of my seat the way the MTMTE annual did.

  3. #63
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Really enjoyed the Annual - it's the best part of RiD so far to me. The flashbacks were brilliantly done, not just in terms of art, but also writing; like the nearly-breaking the fourth wall expositions, like "I, Nova Prime, "...and I, Jhiaxus," "For me, Cyclonus!" etc. -- very reminiscent of Marvel G1!! I also liked how Guidi drew frames that mimicked images of ancient Cybertron from Marvel G1 #1, including those generic bots coloured like known G1 characters (e.g. Optimus Prime, Hound etc.) -- so authentically cheesy! Then there's the deliberate "laziness" of colouring entire characters purple (especially if they're not in the foreground), which is very reminiscent of Nel Yomtov (again, more cheesy authenticity) - and of course, the Marvel US G1 style speech bubbles. The writing, visual narrative, art style etc. captured G1 so well that I could almost imagine that I'd picked up an old issue from my childhood. I almost wish that characters like Galvatron was drawn more exactly like his G1 model and coloured grey instead of purple to make it more old skool -- but I guess IDW's decided to maintain visual continuity with the character models now (not that they cared before ). Although seeing Dai Atlas in those low grade colours was ... a big contrast to the way he was so beautifully coloured in G1 (TF: Zone). The present-day story was cool -- and the last part with Starscream was an unexpected twist that throws more intrigue into the story. Is it just me, or does Cahill's art make the Transformers all look like they've been punched in the mouth? ('cept Wheeljack, he looks fine)

    Overall I've enjoyed MTMTE more than RiD, but I must say that I enjoyed the RiD annual more than the MTMTE annual.

    P.S.: Also interesting how the flashback explicitly mentioned Atechnogenesis too! It's contrary to the Special Creation recount that Cyclonus told, and yet the RiD Annual flashback also mentions the Hand... interesting.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    Totally agree with the things other have said about seeing more of the Nova Prime history, and his slow change of ideals.

    I love that the Annuals have been used to do some pretty major world building, in terms of Transformer history, and setting up some other players within the universe.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    P.S.: Also interesting how the flashback explicitly mentioned Atechnogenesis too! It's contrary to the Special Creation recount that Cyclonus told, and yet the RiD Annual flashback also mentions the Hand... interesting.
    I see at as two ways of telling the same story, with different focuses, and therefore a different choice on what to emphasize and what to leave out. One story set in the physical reality, and the other in the more metaphysical space.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2008


    Loved this issue - the annual is one of the stronger RiD issues this year imo. Brendan Cahill did a great job on art duties, much better here than on Police Action last year!

    Guido kills the retro designs, an amazing job - and the script and lined pages at the end were a very cool addition.

    John Barber is an amazing continuity-meshing-machine.
    Twit and insta @lukeabarnett

  6. #66
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    This was the most solid comic under the RID brand for a while. Interesting setup, awesome insight into Cybertrons past which still ties in to IDW's earliest work.

    Also a bit of insight into Metalhawk's actual thinking.

    And yes I want a whole issue or series done in Guidi's retro art style now.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    An interview with John Barber (RID's Editor). Not much answered, but nice hints at Year Two for RID

  8. #68
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Arrgh, brain!

    I think I followed it all by the end, when it was painted out for me, but it really messed with my head reading it so late in the evening! It "fixes" the previous continuity issues with Wheelie and the Reflector trio (and by fix, I mean, it gives us reasons for the events with potential for much more information).

    I like the integration of the revelation, chaos and ongoing series into one melting pot, I just wish it hadn't half melted my brain in the process. I think a re-read in a few days should help.

    Art is the same as chaos, not everyone's favourite style, and I think with as much dialogue and exposition and so little action it did not suit. Those 9 panel pages were very difficult to follow, the only way I could figure out what time it was in the book was the background palette.

    With RiD rolling through what seems two main alternating stories, it means we will have to wait longer for resolutions to both stories, and as interesting as the Pax and Hardhead story is, I can't wait for an update on Ironhide and the Aerialbots next month.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  9. #69
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    This story had a kind of Doctor Who edge to it IMO.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Arrgh, brain!

    I think I followed it all by the end, when it was painted out for me, but it really messed with my head reading it so late in the evening! It "fixes" the previous continuity issues with Wheelie and the Reflector trio (and by fix, I mean, it gives us reasons for the events with potential for much more information).

    I like the integration of the revelation, chaos and ongoing series into one melting pot, I just wish it hadn't half melted my brain in the process. I think a re-read in a few days should help.

    Art is the same as chaos, not everyone's favourite style, and I think with as much dialogue and exposition and so little action it did not suit. Those 9 panel pages were very difficult to follow, the only way I could figure out what time it was in the book was the background palette.

    With RiD rolling through what seems two main alternating stories, it means we will have to wait longer for resolutions to both stories, and as interesting as the Pax and Hardhead story is, I can't wait for an update on Ironhide and the Aerialbots next month.
    AGREE 100%!!!

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