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Thread: Masterpiece Beast Wars Dinobot

  1. #171
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    For all we know they may have been undercharging on earlier figures. They may not have had all their costs inputs correctly figured out.
    Are you kidding me, that's a load of BS. They are a publicly traded company, everything is accounted for and if they were losing money or not enough on MPs the shareholders would have the heads of the board and executives responsible.

    It's most likely either a price hike like we saw when the Tomy merger occurred (remember how cheap MPs used to be?), or the long time between announcement and now indicates he was in development hell and they probably have to recoup extra R&D cost associated with this mould.

    We won't know for sure which it is till the next new MP mould is available for preorder. (assuming the next new mould is comparable to previous MPs)

  2. #172
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    They charge this price because they can.

    We don’t call it plastic crack for nothing.

  3. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Wouldn't that depend more on Hasbro?
    Possibly. Come to think of it I don't recall seeing anything about Grimlock and many other "year two" figures being released in Japan. (Maybe USA Editions?). Still it's a unlikely but outside chance as a repaint option.

  4. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Possibly. Come to think of it I don't recall seeing anything about Grimlock and many other "year two" figures being released in Japan. (Maybe USA Editions?). Still it's a unlikely but outside chance as a repaint option.
    That's another possible issue. If they are not doing a repaint then they need to recoup the R&D cost on just this release increasing the price. The more repaints and minor (p)remoulds they plan the more they can spread the cost. There are 5 potential repaints and remoulds for Dinobot but they might have decided not to do any.

    Toy accurate Dinobot and Grimlock from BW. From Beast Wars Neo Hardhead, Dinotron, and Thrustor.

  5. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Are you kidding me, that's a load of BS. They are a publicly traded company, everything is accounted for and if they were losing money or not enough on MPs the shareholders would have the heads of the board and executives responsible.
    You have no idea the money that is wasted in the corporate world due to plain stupidity with zero consequences for the ones responsible. I could name one example right now of an Australian company currently scrambling to recoup a $300 million capital expenditure blunder.

    And another one: 10 years ago $500 million was allocated to reline a blast furnace at an Australian steelworks. 6 months before the reline was due to even physically start the board got told they had to approve another $500 million because the first budget had already been spent in its entirety. Without any physical work being done. The this was the first the board had heard about any budget issues.

    In both of these examples above, there were no consequences for those responsible. So don't be so quick to assume obscenely massive wastes of money don't happen.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  6. #176
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Well despite all the complaints it can be purchased under 20,000jpy.

    For me my main issue has ONLY been the Quality.

    Because is made in China is one thing, but the qc dropped a lot.
    If I pay 28,000jpy but the quality isn't equivalent for that is what bugs me.

    I am putting any negatives including retailers aside as this mp is the main focal point. I like its robot form so far. I personally won't pay anything above 22,000 from the pictures so far.

  7. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    We don't know the costs associated with developing and producing a toy like dinobot. So many variables. There is some level of trust required that TT is only making a reasons sustainable profit. For all we know they may have been undercharging on earlier figures. They may not have had all their costs inputs correctly figured out. Wages may have increased. R and d may have dragged on. Factory costs may have risen.
    I fully agree with this.

    Dinobot will be made in China instead of Vietnam where they had a lot of QC issues, so could Sunstreaker have been. This alone could increase costs quite significantly for a figure of this complexity because of increasingly higher wages in Chinese factories.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    You have no idea the money that is wasted in the corporate world due to plain stupidity with zero consequences for the ones responsible. I could name one example right now of an Australian company currently scrambling to recoup a $300 million capital expenditure blunder.

    And another one: 10 years ago $500 million was allocated to reline a blast furnace at an Australian steelworks. 6 months before the reline was due to even physically start the board got told they had to approve another $500 million because the first budget had already been spent in its entirety. Without any physical work being done. The this was the first the board had heard about any budget issues.

    In both of these examples above, there were no consequences for those responsible. So don't be so quick to assume obscenely massive wastes of money don't happen.
    Another very good point. The bigger the company the worse it is. Personal experience.

  8. #178
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    12th Jun 2011


    If you think a toyline that has been going for 14 years could possibly have been losing money all this time and they are only now correcting then you are really stupid. Yes the cost of a single project can easily get out of control as pointed out, but 41 projects over 14 years that's not possible without major incompetence that will get people fired.

  9. #179
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    For me my main issue has ONLY been the Quality.
    Exactly! When a retailer has to issue a warning for customers on how to handle a figure (even recommending they not use the included accessories!) then something is seriously wrong!

  10. #180
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    If you think a toyline that has been going for 14 years could possibly have been losing money all this time and they are only now correcting then you are really stupid. Yes the cost of a single project can easily get out of control as pointed out, but 41 projects over 14 years that's not possible without major incompetence that will get people fired.
    "Undercharging" is not the same as losing money though.

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