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Thread: The non-toy Star Wars discussion thread

  1. #51
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Yup saw that in the casting, though I wonder if it will be a big break out role for her, or just a small one.

    I'm kinda more interested to see Oscar Isaac, between Poe Dameron in the new Star Wars, his roles in Inside Llewellyn Davis, Ex Machina and the upcoming X-Men Apocalypse he seems to be a pretty versatile actor.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Disney sure knows how to milk a license. Not my photo.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by gamblor916 View Post
    Disney sure knows how to milk a license. Not my photo.

    That's what Star Wars is all about!

    It's the reason we never got Spaceballs merchandise.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Driving home last night after watching the Force Awakens, I'm sitting behind a car, and check out the first half of the number plate!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Driving home last night after watching the Force Awakens, I'm sitting behind a car, and check out the first half of the number plate!
    Did the car have a GPS? Anyone...?
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  6. #56
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    A lot of the George Lucas haters are surfacing atm. Okay, the Prequels were flawed, I get it. But here are some reasons why I think that Lucas doesn't deserve to be hated or to be as widely criticised as some other dubious directors:

    1/ Lucas does try to make good films. Article: George Lucas Nearly Wrote a Perfect Prequel Trilogy. Many of the concepts of the Prequels were quite sound, the problem is that they weren't always well executed (as the article points out).

    2/ Lucas does listen to feedback and tries to act on them. One of the biggest complaints about Episode 1 was Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans. With the sole exception of Jar Jar, the Gungans make no further appearances in Episodes 2 and 3. Jar Jar's appearance in Episode 2 was significantly reduced; he appeared sparingly and played a far more critical role to the story (re: activating the Clone Army). In Episode 3, Jar Jar only appears at Padmé's funeral and has no dialogue. This is just one example, there are others too -- but Lucas did try and learn from his mistakes and improve. Despite their flaws, Episode 2 is better than Episode 1 and Episode 3 is the best of the lot. Compare this with Transformers where the first movie is the best, and the sequels just got worse. Lucas cares. He's not perfect, but he cares.

    And even if you completely disagree with my first two points, consider this...
    3/ Lucas gave away almost all of the money that he made from selling Star Wars to Disney to children's education!

  7. #57
    Join Date
    15th Apr 2010
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Driving home last night after watching the Force Awakens, I'm sitting behind a car, and check out the first half of the number plate!
    What's the second half? C3P? RD2?

  8. #58
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    Robot Chicken is Hilarious.
    Mon Mothma: I think I'll have the calamari.
    Ackbar: Hmm I think I'll have the insolent b***h, with a side of f**k you.
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  9. #59
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    There have been at least two children of the original Star Wars cast who have appeared in the Star Wars films so far (AFAIK). Nathan Hamill (son of Mark Hamill) was an extra in The Phantom Menace, and Billie Lourd (daughter of Carrie Fisher) appears as an extra in The Force Awakens. Harrison Ford apparently has five kids, so it'll be interesting to see if any of them will appear in the upcoming Star Wars films.

    George Lucas and his children have all had cameo appearances in Star Wars.
    George Lucas as Baron Papanoida.
    Katie Lucas as one of Anakin's childhood friends, a Twi'lek bar patron, and as Chi Eekway Papanoida.
    Amanda Lucas as a background extra.
    Jett Lucas as Zett Jukassa; the Padawan who battled 501st Clone Troopers before being slain in front of Bail Organa.

    Are there any other children of the cast and crew of the Original Trilogy who've made cameo appearances?

  10. #60
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    My Order of Star Wars Movie from favourite to least favourite
    1. Empire Strikes Back
    2. Return of the Jedi
    3. The Force Awakens
    4. Revenge of the Sith/A New Hope (tied)
    5. Attack of the Clones
    6. The Phantom Menace

    I think that people automatically hate the prequels, but I quite like ROTS, too the point where I'm not sure whether I like it or one of the originals more. I think TFA was amazing, many just say it's good but even if its plot was similiar to a New Hope it had some aspects which I think gives it an edge (won't discuss here cuz spoilers )

    What order do you list the Star Wars movies?
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

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