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Thread: What rules do other people use when they catalouge their collections?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Unless you're planning on comparing your count with someone else's, it really doesn't matter how you count. I personally just use the UCM to count my toys. Before 2007 I used the SRM (Substitution Rationale Method), which for the most part was coincidentally similar to the UCM, but with the following key differences:
    + Multiples didn't count separately.
    + Any near variant that can be used as a "substitute" also didn't count separately. e.g. my original G1 Optimus Prime, 2000 reissue & New Year Special reissue all count as one toy, but my black JafCon 9 Convoy and Pepsi Convoy count separately as an additional 2 because nobody would get either of those Convoys as a 'substitute' for G1 Optimus Prime. A person who owns an original G1 Prime might think, "I don't need a reissue," or a person with a reissue may think, "Now I don't need the original," hence they are "substitutable" toys. So under the SRM my 5 different versions of the original G1 Prime count as 3 toys, whereas under the UCM they count as 5. I have two sets of CD ROM Convobat vs Megalligator, one loose one sealed -- under SRM they count as 2, under UCM they count as 4.

    When I first started using the UCM I still also kept track of my toys under SRM... but it all just became too much of a hassle for lazy ol' me to count my toys under two different methods, so even though I personally preferred the SRM, I gave it the flick and I now exclusively use the UCM for counting.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I count anything that is a playable toy, and with whatever it needs for it to be classed as "complete" when out of packaging, for things like selling or reviewing.

    For example,
    - Metroplex needs Scamper, Slammer & Sixgun to be classed as "complete", so I can't count them as separate in my count. Same with Headmasters & Powermasters, or Microns paired to a particular large robot.... if you found the larger robot on ebay, what does it need for you to consider it "complete" (which prevents those partnered items from being counted).

    - However, some multipacks can be counted as separate figures, like Soundwave and Buzzsaw, or combiner boxsets... as neither one needs the other to be classed as "complete" when out of packaging (for buying or selling), so each one counts for me.

    - Figures that are incomplete but still playable (or aren't broken beyond playability/convertibility) can count.

    - And anything like PVC figurines or statues or merchandise that isn't playable (as in, it isn't intended to be a toy), doesn't count in my count.

    (duplicates would count if you don't specify having "X number of DIFFERENT figures", as a TOTAL collection is as big as the amount of physical items you have in it)

    I've had 3 different counting methods in the past, but this is now my current one that seems to cover just about every combination Hasbro has thrown at us over the last 28 years.

    But as you've noticed already, there are many different ways to count a collection... so which ever method is easiest for you to keep track of, is the one that is best for you.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Just go with whatever feels natural and easiest/comfortable for yah. Too much specifics and thinking about which way will do your head in Just have your basics and then AMEND it from time to time if a certain figure or item would not fit any of the category in counting. That way you have a more flexible but still consistently ONE method that works for you. But yeah, adaptability of your chosen method is all up to you really
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  4. #14
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Geigerrock-2 View Post
    Just to throw a spanner in the works. If had something mib , I would just count it as one.... Which could get confusing where combiners, tape pairs and micromaster patrols are concerned...
    With the combiners, I have always counted them individually. But I have a Piranahcon gift set MISB so by that logic I should count him as 1 instead of 6..... however before I bought the gift set I had Snap Trap and Nautillator individually who I don't count as doubles so that means I could count them. But then maybe I should count them anyway as they are from 1988 whereas the gift set is only from a few years ago. Then again....

    Ahhhh! Brain Hurts! So many logistics!

    Never counted the combined form as another bot (e.g: The constructions = 6, Stunticons = 5 etc) but have counted things like my giant Hardhead Bust of Devastator I got in Edinburgh as 1 because he does not dissasemble.

    Again, for me half the reason I catagorize the way I do if so I can eventally get them insured (which is damn hard to find someone in the bush willing to do a collection like this). And it seemed weird to count a $5 Micromaster Fixit but not a $200 bust of Devastator.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    I have a friend who even counted t-shirts and DVD's While that doesn't seem right to me, who am I to tell him that he can't. Bottom line - it's your collection so use whatever method suits you best.
    New Acquisitions:
    TR Astrotrain, Skullsmasher, & Hardhead
    Scouting For:
    G1 Boxes & Cardbacks
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  6. #16
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    If it's for insurance , best to LIST EVERYTHING... while some may be counted as accessoies for a figure - I always counted Sixgun as an accessory figure for Metroplex, if you have him ... in yourlist have it as spreadsheet (excel is good and simple) format so that you can amend and add or delete a column as the need arises. That way come insurance time it will be easier as it is clear cut what you have and what you don't have. Whether you counted it as a figure or accessory doesn't matter much, what matters is ITS IN THE LIST whether it's a figure or a priced important accessory of a figure, so it has to count and be considered in the Insurance price quote.

    Ive ever counted the Gestalt form as 1 more figure since its a coincidental existence of a figure( UCM doesn't count it too) which I think is only logical. Dont overthink it, Piranahcon counts as 6 figures (count the individuals dont bother with the gestalt form - your life would be easier hehehe) so is for Devastator giftset - 6 figures not 7. It follows the same logic I apply with combined modes - coz they fall in a way in the category of "gestalt", e.g. Energon powerlink figures, Victory Saber, Omega Prime - it's counted as 2 figures not 3.

    ALthough, I do deviate from UCM to form my own personal counting especially with minicons - most count them as "accessories" but I personally count them as a separate entity altogether cos they dont often need the larger figure anyways - as with the new sets of scout PCCs the basic scout is 1 figure coz even if they dont have the minicon - they're still a basic figure in both modes - mebbe gunless of whatever but still by itself a complete toy you can play with - a plane or a snow plow or a truck.... gunles robot mode but still a full robot. Same with the minicon - it may be a gun, or a drill but then Megatron is a gun and he's counted a s1 figure too. So I count the minicon as a separate entity. BUt this same logic I don't apply to Actionmaster partners.

    So this is why I say, have a flexible method so it can adapt rather than a hard "law" in your counting. As Hasbro has a way of throwing spanners in our collecting counting so too your methods have to "evolve" to accomodate for variations of upcoming line BUT it has to be balanced so as not to be overly rigid specifics as it will do your head in. Whatever comes natural and comfy , go for it.
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  7. #17
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    If it's for insurance , best to LIST EVERYTHING...
    I have tried to start to catalouge my 'Transformers Products' stuff for insurance but it seems such a monumental task and not sure I have the energy for it - especially when you have everything from G1 boardgames to TF: Energon bubblegum to TF: Movie bubblebath. Think I got half way through my Dreamwave comics when I threw up my hands in despair lol

    But yeah, for insurance I should be doing everything, espeically things like Box Sets of TF DVD's and so on. But I have as yet to find anyone in the area that is able to assess my collection for insurance. Anyone have any ideas in that regard? Think my collection is prob at about the $50/60 grand mark which besides my house (which I am a LONG way from paying off) makes my collection my most valuable asset.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    12th Jan 2009


    I used the UCM to count my toys while at the same time using my own method. I no longer use the UCM though.
    If a Toy has sentience it's counted as 1 as in headmasters (Hasbro - not that I own any) or targetmasters. Drones don't count as 1, only their control bot as in PCC.
    ROTF Devestator (supreme not legends) count as 1 even though each vehicle has it's own name. They don't have their own robot mode.
    For me Headmasters and Targetmasters (and any other of that evolution) always counted as 2 as their partners had their own personality while Targetmasters had their own alt mode that didn't need the main bot like the Power/Headmasters did. Yes they are just a gun but so was Megatron.
    Pretenders count as 1 but Actionmasters count as 2.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    We have a thread somewhere regarding insuring our collections here.... not very adept at finding it in search but Im sure somebody here could post a link eventually

    I know what you mean,
    I kept my Spreadsheet list up to date when I was starting coz of excitement - G1 and all that alone is a bit too much, then I have separate sheets for every other line, but after the 1000s mark, nay the 800s I just couldnt be bothered anymore. Ive included it in the insurance for my contents with NRMA but admittedly it underinsured as I dint get it properly assessed at the time I applied, it has grown exponentially since. We really should try and get a good valuer and prolly some insurer specializing in things like these - or antique insurers - I wonder at times when I watch Bargain hunt or Antiques roadshow - they often recommend an insurance price for an item and makes me think - who are these insurers and where can I get in contact with them - Australian equivalent. Coz yeah G1 alone is gonna be pricey....
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  10. #20
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Whichever method people wanna go with, try to be consistent within their own method. e.g. Devastator (G1): does he count as 1, 6 or 7? Up to you, but I reckon whichever rule you choose should be applied across the board for all your gestalts, regardless of whether you purchased them individually or in a single box set. Maybe if you keep the box sets sealed... but otherwise if they're opened, I say count 'em all the same way.

    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    If it's for insurance , best to LIST EVERYTHING... while some may be counted as accessoies for a figure - I always counted Sixgun as an accessory figure for Metroplex, if you have him
    Yeah, I suppose for insurance purposes you might want to catalogue them like does... Sixgun, Scamper & Slammer aren't counted separately from Metroplex, but the page on Metroplex clearly lists/documents every accessory that he comes with - those robots, the building bit, the missiles etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    ALthough, I do deviate from UCM to form my own personal counting especially with minicons - most count them as "accessories" but I personally count them as a separate entity altogether cos they dont often need the larger figure anyways - as with the new sets of scout PCCs the basic scout is 1 figure coz even if they dont have the minicon - they're still a basic figure in both modes - mebbe gunless of whatever but still by itself a complete toy you can play with - a plane or a snow plow or a truck.... gunles robot mode but still a full robot. Same with the minicon - it may be a gun, or a drill but then Megatron is a gun and he's counted a s1 figure too. So I count the minicon as a separate entity. BUt this same logic I don't apply to Actionmaster partners.
    UCM counts Mini-Cons separately dude (Article03). As you said, Mini-Cons have independent play value... you take Jetter - on his own he transforms from a robot into a supersonic jet. He doesn't need any other Transformer to be enjoyed with as a Transformer toy. The fact that he can merge with the rest of his team to form the Star Sabre and Powerlink with Autobots/Decepticons is a bonus feature.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCyrusOmega View Post
    I used the UCM to count my toys while at the same time using my own method. I no longer use the UCM though.
    If a Toy has sentience it's counted as 1 as in headmasters (Hasbro - not that I own any) or targetmasters. Drones don't count as 1, only their control bot as in PCC.
    Heh, I used to use the Sentience method too when I was a kid. (back when I maintained a checklist on a Commodore 64, then later a 286 PC (with a VGA monitor! Made me the envy of my friends who were still using CGA and EGA monitors... then my godbrother got a Super VGA monitor and blew my mind away ) *rewinds.tape*

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCyrusOmega View Post
    ROTF Devestator (supreme not legends) count as 1 even though each vehicle has it's own name. They don't have their own robot mode.
    Agreed. You'd have to be pret-ty desperate to jack your collection count up to count those separately IMO. I couldn't be bothered making a poll about that set because there's only 6 of them - and considering that results are rounded to the nearest hundred in the primary poll, it's not really going to affect the results. There are gaps in the UCM like this where stuff slips through - but the numbers are so small that they wouldn't affect poll results anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCyrusOmega View Post
    For me Headmasters and Targetmasters (and any other of that evolution) always counted as 2 as their partners had their own personality while Targetmasters had their own alt mode that didn't need the main bot like the Power/Headmasters did. Yes they are just a gun but so was Megatron.
    Pretenders count as 1 but Actionmasters count as 2.
    Hmmm... but are Action Master weapons/vehicles sentient though? My understanding has always been that they're not... at best they may have advanced A.I. but aren't actually sentient/self aware (at best they might be like say Jarvis in the Iron Man/Avengers film franchise -- artificially intelligent but not sentient).

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