View Poll Results: Worth buying?

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Thread: Toy Review - MPM-7 Bumblebee

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Toy Review - MPM-7 Bumblebee

    Series - Masterpiece
    Sub-line - Movie
    Size/class - NA
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Wave - NA
    Released here - NA
    Approximate Retail Price - (¥10,000) $125
    Approximate Size - 16cm
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Alt-mode - Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 car
    Main Features/Gimmicks - Missile rack; see "Main Accessories"
    Main Colours - yellow with black and silver highlights
    Main Accessories - Attachable weapons and battle mask



    Disappointing. The robot mode is essentially a fancier version of Studio Series 18 Deluxe Bumblebee, only $90 dearer. The transformation is ridiculously complicated, not very intuitive and just not fun. It's a very unforgiving transformation where the slightest imperfections will impede on the final formation of the car mode. As you can see in my photos, I was unable to get the rear bumper section to sit flush, but I was glad that I was able to get the wheels to roll! I saw a video review where the guy was able to get everything to tab flush but the wheels wouldn't roll. It's a LOT of effort, and I mean greater than MP36 level of effort, for what is a pretty ordinary reward.

    The instructions aren't very helpful and lack text (which is surprisingly bad for an MP). It also has no bio or other text blurbs and no tech specs card.

    I cannot recommend this toy. Stick with SS18 instead, honestly. This toy reminds me of MP5; I suspect that it might've been designed in a rush to get this toy out before the Bumblebee movie hit cinemas.

    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 24th October 2018 at 11:46 PM. Reason: Image links repaired

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    I agree pretty much word for word, Gok. The transformation is way more complicated than it needs to be, I for one was able to figure out MP-36 without instructions but transforming this Bee is something else....

    I will grant that the robot mode is nice, it feels solid and has nice detail, but what use is a Transformer that effectively doesn't transform due to the huge amount of effort required? Might as well be an action master.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th May 2018


    The complexity of some of these Masterpiece & Studio Series figures is making them almost puzzle-like...which I don't mind (providing all the bits fit)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    I love mine. I just spend alot of Time working it out. Can transform him fine in about 5min ish and yes mine rolls fine. Practice make perfect

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    I just spend alot of Time working it out.
    ↑Therein lies the problem. A good intuitive yet complex transformation may be time consuming but it should be doable rather than confounding. I can transform both MP5 and MP36 in about the same amount of time, but MP5 still frustrates me as it's far less intuitive than MP36.

    Anything can be easily doable with sufficient practice, but it doesn't make it inherently easy to learn (e.g. 漢字/Kanji ).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Last night I managed to successfully transform it from robot to car twice. The first time with instructions, the second from memory.

    It's a real struggle to compact all the parts of the back section together in car mode and at times I felt like I was going to break it. I don't think I'll be taking it down off the shelf to transform from time to time like my other Masterpieces. Pity.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    But really it's not that hard

    Each to their own. Just my experience. I cant put him down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    But really it's not that hard

    Each to their own. Just my experience. I cant put him down.
    I'm happy for you (and anyone else) if you enjoy it. I wish I could too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by VERT View Post
    But really it's not that hard
    Never criticised its difficulty. Not once in my review or previous posts have I even used this word. I'm talking about intuitiveness, which is an entirely different thing.

    I'm glad that you're enjoying this toy. Echoing Tha_Phantom's thoughts, I also wish that I could enjoy it, but sadly I'm really not finding this figure to be a lot of fun.

    Counter-intuitive transformations really dampen the mood during toy play too. I can suspend disbelief and pretend that time has paused or severely slowed down when transforming a toy, because except for things like Jumpstarters, Flipchangers etc., no toy ever transforms instantly like in canon. So you always have imagine some kind of bullet time. Super slow mo bullet time. But within your imaginary bullet time everything should still be moving in order... not having to undo and redo steps over and over again. Often not because I've done a step incorrectly, but because the design is so unforgiving that I need to go several steps back and redo it. Like those super itty bitty tiny grey tabs^bumps that connect the feet to the body. With toys like say MP Sunstreaker, while it's very complicated, each movement proceeds to the next in an orderly fashion.

    Yes, I'm sure that you've worked out how to transform your MPM-7 in a correct and orderly fashion, but as you've already admitted, it's because you dedicated a lot of time into perfecting this. With toys like MP Sunstreaker, I was able to do it from the get go. The day after I got that toy I was taking it outside and transforming it in public places and playing with it with my daughter's Shopkins toys - transforming between robot and vehicle mode while defending them from monsters or giving them a ride across the café table. But yeah, a toy that's counter-intuitive to transform is one that I soon find not terribly fun to PLAY with. Even simple toys can be un-fun to play with (e.g. Dropkick, Cyberverse etc.) - so it's not really the simpleness or complexity of the toy but more to do with its intuitiveness and overall fun factor.

    But hey, it sounds like you're having loads of fun with MPM-7 and that's awesome. Sadly I'm not experiencing this level of awesomeness with my MPM-7.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Is he packaged in car or robot mode? I have no interest in the robot mode but I really want that VW Bug - so if the transformation is so counter-intuitive I might get him if (and its a big if) he comes in vehicle mode and it looks good enough.

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