View Poll Results: TF5 Last Knight Movie - worth watching?

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  • Yes, the best one so far

    6 8.96%
  • Yes, but not the best one

    29 43.28%
  • No, it was disappointing

    18 26.87%
  • I don't plan to see it

    14 20.90%
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Thread: Movie Review - TF5 The Last Knight

  1. #31
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    And they did.

    After watching the movie I was talking with other fans about how impossible it would be for Optimus Prime to have accidentally crashed on Cybertron after floating in space for goodness knows how long. And we know that Cybertron was mobile, so clearly Quintessa intercepted the signal and brought Cybertron to him.

    Oh, and Optimus Prime (and Cybertron) must somehow be capable of faster than light speed space travel! Now think about that. Aside from the sheer impossibility also consider the vast amounts of energy it would take to achieve that kind of speed. Cos obviously if either Optimus Prime or Cybertron are moving even at light speed, it would still take millions of years for them to travel between Earth and the next galaxy and back. The fact that they did it in only a few years implies that they must have been travelling much, much faster than the speed of light.

    Now of course, the other alternative is to use wormholes, which is the idea of the Space Bridge. But of course, the Space Bridge was destroyed in Dark of the Moon. Even if Quintessa managed to repair it, I highly doubt that Optimus Prime had a freakin' built in Space Bridge! Cos if so, he could be teleporting all over the place like Nightcrawler. Grab Vivian, open a portal, step into the Ignition Chamber, grab the staff, warp out. Or you could plan some really difficult siege that would cost many lives with a high chance of failure. Yeah.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    It's a weird, weird inconsistent universe.

    Movie 1 and 2, TFs arrive via burning 'Rocklord' modes.

    Then in Movie 3, they have ships - the Ark, the Xantium (that brought the second wave of Autobots, apparently).

    In Movie 4, most of the original Autobots have just disappeared, replaced by a new crew that came from *never explained*

    And now in Movie 5, we're back to burning Rocklord arrivals.

    Did the writer's room just sit around get drunk and stoned or what? Or did they actually come up with a bunch of really sweet ideas, and Bay just went 'f--k it, that's too much plot, I'll write my own'.
    Last edited by griffin; 24th June 2017 at 08:50 PM. Reason: keep it PG please

  3. #33
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    It's the first time I've walked out of one of these films with a smile on my face. It was fantastic!

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    I liked it......except the ending

  5. #35
    Join Date
    19th May 2010


    I quite liked it.

    It seems like this was actually the best of the five movies we've had so far in terms of pacing. I didn't feel like there were points where the movie dragged or the plot was slowing down. This could be due to the new writing team; then again, the fact that this movie had a lot of robot screen time, spread throughout the movie, helped. On that topic, for all the 'no plot' complaints that the Transformers movies get, they actually have quite involved plots, and this one is no different.

    It felt like a lot of effort went into worldbuilding/lore with this one, introducing new ideas and concepts as well as building on the knighthood theme Ehren Kruger introduced in Age of Extinction, which made for interesting viewing between all the action, so I was never bored. In fact, I feel like I need to watch it again to take it all in.

    I haven't even seen that many movies with Anthony Hopkins in them, but I have this mental image of him as a classy, reserved elder statesman sort, so it was unusual seeing him as the quirky Edmund Burton, who doesn't hesitate to speak his mind or do what he thinks is necessary. Now I'm imagining he took the role to have a bit of fun.

    It was good to see Josh Duhamel and John Turturro back, as well as the Wheelie cameo and hearing Topspin speak, but I was somewhat bummed that Tyrese Gibson didn't appear, since there was talk of him returning.

    I'm definitely curious to see where this leads with Transformers 6.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    19th Mar 2015


    Ok didn't realise this thread existed and posted the following in another thread:

    Took the kids to watch it this afternoon, pretty much the same as all the others. In terms of how it compares with all the others, I would rank it above revenge of the fallen and age of extinction, and below the original and dark of the moon. Again, just like all the others, it is it's own individual pop song, still no sign of a rock opera. If you can leave your brain at the door and enjoy the pretty lights, whilst forgetting most of what came before it, you will be entertained, it is, like all the others, an action packed popcorn movie. Good effects, cool action sequences, and heaps of explosions.
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The coarse language has dissuaded me from bringing my child to see this film. So unnecessary.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sutton View Post
    It's a weird, weird inconsistent universe.

    Movie 1 and 2, TFs arrive via burning 'Rocklord' modes.

    Then in Movie 3, they have ships - the Ark, the Xantium (that brought the second wave of Autobots, apparently).

    In Movie 4, most of the original Autobots have just disappeared, replaced by a new crew that came from *never explained*

    And now in Movie 5, we're back to burning Rocklord arrivals.
    lol, tru dat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus View Post
    I didn't feel like there were points where the movie dragged or the plot was slowing down.
    I found the pacing in the first act to be slow, especially in the junkyard. Guh. But I agree that the pacing in the rest of the film was pretty good. There was far less down time and everything kept on moving fairly quickly.

    How long a movie feels is more important than how long it actually is. That junkyard scene was probably only about 10 minutes long, but it felt like half an hour. The Fellowship of the Rings on the other hand is about 3 hours long but it feels like 2. Anything that feels longer than it actually is means that it isn't engaging the audience very well. Just think about being in a boring lesson vs being in an exciting lesson. Good lessons feel shorter whereas boring lessons can feel like an eternity.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    19th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Also, the way that Optimus Prime throws Megatron out is reminiscent of how Rodimus Prime chucked Galvatron out in TFTM.
    My son commented with the same observation shortly after seeing that scene
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2017


    My overall thoughts about this movie is similar to Gok's: It's the best of the sequels but no were near as good as the first one. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the movie

    + Improved CGI: At least in comparison to AOE. The movie looks visually and aesthetically pleasing from most angles: establishing shots, action sequences and more. Granted, it doesn't reach DOTM levels, but it certainly does make for some satisfying eye candy.

    + Megatron with Starscream's head scene: One of my favourite scenes in the movie. The dialogue he has towards his "old, treacherous friend" kinda reminds me of the way Megatron and Starscream interacted with each other in the G1 cartoon.

    + TF1 references: As someone who got into the franchise by the 2007 movie, I really appreciated the minor references to the first one such as Sam's Ebay profile picture.

    + More transformation sequences: There were a lot of transformation sequences in this movie, probably the most I've seen in all of the movies. This is more related to the CGI, in which the textures, lighting etc. make it more enjoyable to watch. As a bonus, the deceptions don't transform by dissolving into these tiny fragments like in AOE.

    + Captain Lennox and Seymour Simmons: 2 of my favourite humans from the first one are more or less the same as they were in the previous films, which isn't a bad thing.

    + World War 2 sequence: Seperate movie staring Bumblebee and Hot Rod, anyone?

    + Anthony Hopkins: He was very fun to watch, especially when he talks about lore he hasn't even heard of before. I honestly wouldn't mind him being a prominent human character in an anthology Transformers movie.

    + Optimus kicking Megs off Cybertron: Nice homage to the '86 movie. Didn't even knew that was a reference till I got on here.

    + Barricade's knuckledusters: Glad how they changed them to "Punish" and "Enslave" instead of "Protect" and "Serve". It's just more appropriate for Barricade


    - Forced humour: Does a Transformers need to be comedy only to be considered good? I swear, there is not one scene where the writers and Michael Bay didn't place in a cringe-worthy joke. 98% of those jokes made were a complete miss. The only funny part was when no one in the theatre laughed at those jokes at all.

    - Under-developed characters:: To make way for all of the exposition, the movie didn't give enough time to explain who the new characters are and how their personalities change within the events that transpired. So they all felt like lifeless action figures who I had little to no care about.

    - Decepticons: They posed no imminent threat to the humans and the Autobots in this movie, but were really taking a backseat to Quintessa. Even Megatron did nothing. What's worse is that these guys have a life span of a mayfly. Onslaught legit had 5 seconds of screen time only to be killed immediately after. RIP Bayformer Combaticons At least they didn't kill off Megatron again.

    - Izabella: All of this marketing centralising her and she, along with Sqweeks, were completely useless in the whole movie. If you take them out of the whole story, then I bet $50 the movie would be the exact same. This also include Cade's friend at the junkyard.

    - Bumblebee vs Optimus Prime: The most anti-climatic action scene out of the movieverse, period. All of the money shots we've seen in the trailers, tv spots etc. make up the entire battle. There were little to no new scenes and the fight went on for about a minute. The whole Bumblebee's voice thing would've actually worked though...if it weren't for the fact that Bumblebee actually spoke at the end of the first one. It should've been under consideration.

    - Dinobots: For having 20 minutes of screen time in AOE, I thought it was gonna be addressed in this movie....It got worse. First, where's Strafe and Scorn? Second, how do they create the Mini Dinobots? ARGH.

    - Excessive Profanity: I have not seen a movie in which the characters say certain curse words so many times. For a movie who's demographic involves children, not a very good move. Even I got somewhat concerned.

    QUESTIONS (oh boy...):

    - How is Starscream's head intact after it was practically blown up in DOTM?
    - So Optimus, how's that seed doing?
    - Who is Quintessa? What's her backstory? Etc.
    - How did Barricade survive the Chicago War?
    - How is Galvatron now Megatron? Where did he get the new body from?
    - Where did Brains go?
    - Where did Wheelie come from?
    - So is Drift no longer a triplechanger?
    - What was the point of the McLaran?
    - So Cogman is a headmaster, huh? Can I see him transform?
    - Decepticons do bank robberies?
    - Why did Sir Edmond shoot Megatron before standing in the open for Megs to kill him?

    And that's all I gotta say about the movie. Despite the flaws it has and all of the questions I have, I had a good time watching this movie. It'd definitely be my second favourite of the bunch.

    SUPER HYPED up for the BB movie now

    EDIT: After seeing the movie again, I decided to change some stuff on my previous comment.

    - I got rid of the Autobot development pro because I realised how stupid I was for thinking that TLK did any development on them. We still don't know a whole lot about them, and this movie didn't help AT ALL.
    - I limited my Megatron pro to only talk about the scene where he holds Starscream's head, since it was my favourite Megatron moment out of the movie, and not the way the character was executed.
    - Got rid of the refugee pro, realised it was the same as the other movies, another stupid comment.
    - Edited the Decepticon pro but still think they were kinda useless.
    - Got rid of some questions cause they were answered
    - Profanity was another problem I had with the movie as well
    - Added a pro in relation to Barricade
    Last edited by '07Camaro; 26th June 2017 at 04:14 PM.

    "Autobots, roll out!"
    "We rollin'"

  10. #40
    Join Date
    4th May 2013


    I thought Drift was driving the Autobot ship... thats why he wasnt in the final scene

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