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Thread: The Pros & Cons of Michael Bay - discussion topic

  1. #121
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    i like comparing numbers too. Here are a few of my favourites

    Revenge of The Fallen
    Dark of The Moon
    Age of Extinction

    Speaks for itself, doesn't it?
    Why cant a movie make a lot of money and actually be great movies. Oh wait they can be:
    92% RT
    83% RT
    The Lord of the Rings
    95% RT

    It's just TF that seems to get a pass for some odd reason more so from the long time fans of TF. The check your brain at the door attitude towards these movies is just puzzling.

    Does Avengers require the powers of stephen hawking to decipher? Of course not. Good story, smart characters, no devastator balls are all im asking for. Bay gets it completely and utterly wrong AND makes a terrible movie.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    And I don't.

    If you are tired of Transformers maybe you should stop everything altogether.

    Who is going to complain about combiner wars robots that combined for 30 years? Exactly? What? Have Transformers but dont transform as a new point of direction? Ur no thanks.

    Hell yeah, I want to see prime die again.
    Bring on powermaster optimus. In fact I want to see Bay run out of options and finally throw in the towel, so bring it on. the faster he finishes this line, the better. I know he does a half arse job in the direction it has gone. Since TF 3 its been a great down slide.

    Episode 5 should just solely focus on how bumble bee gets his voice back. < can't see the point he can get a new car body everytime but can't fix his voice.

    This story line is sadly on a downhill slide, so only explosions and more Autobots dying is the way to go. Yeah comes to a point where humans are the decepticons and probably one where autobots have to work hand in hand with decepticons for their survival.
    I guess I went too far when I assumed that we all, as Transformers fans, wanted to see the cinematic venture continue to succeed. Apparently, some of us would rather see the demise of one of the central sustaining pillars of the brand than see it continue in a way that doesn't continually massage our sense of nostalgia or our preconceptions of how things should be.

    Silly me.

    In defense of Michael Bay, whilst you can (and I do) criticise him for doing a bad job, I don't think it's fair to suggest that he doesn't put a lot of effort into his moviemaking.

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    BTW, many out there are clueless of the existence of G1 Transformers.
    What I feel is the movie line has almost demolished every single thing that what transformers was.
    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Likewise Star wars has build up a lot of hype and will definately get $$$, but will the fans like it?
    The kind of snobbery that you're displaying here Drifand really just seems bizarre to me. It's Transformers. The whole basis of the brand's continuing success is its broad appeal. But God forbid that a brand should ever go beyond fanservice! It's like the classic fan-entitlement phenomenon: they've been giving you something you treasure for thirty years and you've been dutifully sucking it all up, so obviously, you know, they OWE you. God forbid that a new incarnation of Transformers should be anything more than just a clever re-packaging of everything from G1. Naturally! Anything else just wouldn't be authentic Transformers, would it?

    Sometimes, I think the connection to the history of the brand is one of Transformers' great strengths. Other times, I feel like this insistence on constantly re-creating the past is really just a great big albatross around the neck of the brand.

    How do the movies destroy G1? G1 is G1. G1 will always be G1. It's safe. And guess what else? G1 was over a long time ago.

    It's amazing to me that fans of a cartoon and toyline from three decades ago can still go out and buy brand-new toys of some of their favourite characters (frigging masterpieces!!) and then turn around and complain that their treasured childhood memories are being destroyed when the brand isn't directing all of its attention towards servicing their wants. I honestly think that the Transformers fandom has some of the most petulant and spoiled members of any fandom.

    I'm not saying you're guilty of all that Drifand, but I do see echoes of it in your attitude.

    (...runs and hides...)

  3. #123
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Just keep it respectful people... by not directing aggression or sarcasm at others.

    If you really don't like the opinions of others, just ignore their post, or put them on your post filter so that you don't even see any of their posts.
    Responding to something that frustrates you will just result in more back from them.

  4. #124
    Megatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    If you really don't like the opinions of others, just ignore their post, or put them on your post filter so that you don't even see any of their posts.
    Responding to something that frustrates you will just result in more back from them.
    If I got a dollar for every time I read that line posted on this forum I'll quit my job.

    (I almost hit the alert button for spamming)

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smint View Post
    Why cant a movie make a lot of money and actually be great movies. Oh wait they can be:
    92% RT
    83% RT
    The Lord of the Rings
    95% RT

    It's just TF that seems to get a pass for some odd reason more so from the long time fans of TF. The check your brain at the door attitude towards these movies is just puzzling.

    Does Avengers require the powers of stephen hawking to decipher? Of course not. Good story, smart characters, no devastator balls are all im asking for. Bay gets it completely and utterly wrong AND makes a terrible movie.
    Avengers? Lord of The Rings? Avatar? Great movies?
    Thank You, i needed that laugh

    They've set out to do what the studios have expected and put bums on seats & money through the registers -which was what my original point that you missed was about -an imdb rating is one thing, box office performance another.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Just keep it respectful people... by not directing aggression or sarcasm at others.

    If you really don't like the opinions of others, just ignore their post, or put them on your post filter so that you don't even see any of their posts.
    Responding to something that frustrates you will just result in more back from them.
    Yeah, I know. Sorry if I've overstepped the mark here. I'm not overly bothered, but it was something I did want to express. Plus, if you ignore people you disagree with, then you can't have any interesting conversations.

    Looking at my post, I realise I've come across a lot more acerbic than I really meant. Could've controlled my tone a bit better. Sorry.

  7. #127
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    Sydney NSW


    I for one get tired of having to justify being a TF fan because there are people out there who think that Transformers = Bayverse, and that the franchise didn't even exist before or outside of the movies. I'm serious. Just last week I had someone ask me how long I've been a fan of Transformers and I answered, "Since the beginning," and that person answered, "So since the first movie came out." He wasn't being facetious or anything, he was being sincere. Now, regardless of whether you love or hate the movies, I think that we can all agree that 'Transformers' is so much more than just these films. And let's face it, even if these films never existed, we'd still be massive fans of Transformers.

    Regardless of whether we love or hate the movies, most of us here are fans of Transformers in spite of the films, not because of them. And we'll still be fans long after the film franchise has ended.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yongeltron View Post
    Yeah, I know. Sorry if I've overstepped the mark here. I'm not overly bothered, but it was something I did want to express. Plus, if you ignore people you disagree with, then you can't have any interesting conversations.
    Feel free to discuss and debate as much as you want, as that's what makes fansites worth visiting... just know when to walk away if it gets too heated, so that you don't get sucked into a degenerating cycle.

  9. #129
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Avengers? Lord of The Rings? Avatar? Great movies?
    Thank You, i needed that laugh

    They've set out to do what the studios have expected and put bums on seats & money through the registers -which was what my original point that you missed was about -an imdb rating is one thing, box office performance another.

    Inbetween your lol's you missed the point. The point wasn't about bums in seats, if this was the case McDonalds would be restaurant of the year. Bay's TF universe doesnt respect the history which i can live with but the main problem is buying a ticket to see devastator's balls or bumblebee peeing on people. The TF movies are very bad but clearly people like yourself love this stuff.

    I think what's lol is TF4 with a 18% on rotten tomatoes. It joins the ranks of The Rock's Toothfairy and is worse than the last Resident Evil movie. Pretty sure those movies made decent money too.

    I wont comment on your taste but if you don't consider Avatar, Avengers and LOTR movies "great" then you're in the minority.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    ...let's face it, even if these films never existed, we'd still be massive fans of Transformers.
    But maybe not all of us would though.

    Credit should be given to the movies for the reinvigoration of the brand they have achieved. The sucess of the movies and Animated and TFPrime and the video games off the back of them has introduced Transformers to a whole new generation of fans and re-introduced it to previous ones. They're a big reason why the brand has its current strength and why the fans have it so good.

    To the long-time fans, Transformers obviously never went away. To the rest of the world, it had all but disappeared until it came roaring back in 2007. People who like Transformers for what it is now are no less legitimate as Transformers fans as those who grew up on G1. Maybe long time fans don't feel that way, or feel that such fan-hood is second-rate, but I think it's important to recognise different perspectives and tastes in the TF fandom as legitimate.

    Transformers fan-hood isn't predicated on your level of knowledge, your years of following or the size of your collection. It's whether you like Transformers (for whatever that means to you).

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