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Thread: Is this world becoming too politicaly correct?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    The world isn't becoming too politically correct, it's just become easier for anyone to broadcast nonsense news stories around the world.

    The propogation of disinformation is not as bad as internet censorship but its up there as one of the upcoming problems of the future.

  2. #12
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    Changing things for political correctness has been around forever.


    + Taekwondo is not an ancient Korean martial art. It's a Korean adaptation of Japanese Shotokan Karate, done so because after WWII there was a lot of anti-Japanese sentiment amongst Koreans. So for people like Choi Hong Hi to continue teaching Karate he had to reinvent and remarket his martial art to continue attracting students. Some people claim that Taekwondo was developed from ancient Korean martial arts, but I've yet to come across any evidence to support this. When comparing TKD with ancient Korean martial arts like Taekkyun, Kwon Bop, Kukkiwon etc. they're very different (to me Taekkyun looks more similar to Chinese Internal Kung Fu than Japanese Karate).

    + Some people argue that Ueshiba Morihei developed Aikido from Chinese internal Kung Fu styles like Baguazhang, pointing to some similarities between the styles and that Ueshiba created Aikido after returning from serving in Manchuria (however others would point out that Aikido shares traits with Taijutsu)

    + When Christianity was introduced to Europe, Pagan Yule Tide was relabelled as Christmas and the Spring Fertility Festival became Easter. Many Pagan symbols still remain in modern Christianity, such as images of winter for Christmas (as Yule is a winter festival whereas original images of the Nativity lacks any such imagery; e.g.: shepherds would not be tending to flocks grazing in snowfields!) or the Easter Rabbit and Egg, both Pagan symbols of fertility (the original symbol was the crucifix(ion)); in Finland they have Easter Witches, yet another modification to make Pagan practices and images politically correct for Christianity.

    + A lot of terminology has been changed. Words like retard and moron used to be technical medical terms to describe people with intellectual disabilities/difficulties. In fact I have a very old book about Dyslexia called "Reading Retardation."

    ...and the list goes on. So it's nothing new and I doubt it will go away, so I'm not bothered by it. I just go, "oh okay."

    Political correctness is in a state of constant flux because today's politically correct terms might become offensive in the future which means we have to change it again. I think this is what frustrates some people; the fact that we often change and update our terminology. For example a lot of educators use the term "IM" (Intellectually Moderate) to describe students who have intellectual handicaps, yet I've taught at a school where the children actually used the term "IM" as an open insult, just like the word "retard."

    Anyone ever read the original versions of The Little Mermaid or Cinderella?

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    The 'Riff


    Same as the Spastic Centre are trying to change their name a bit. 65 years ago, spastic wasn't a derogatory term and not looked on badly. Of course we know people use it now to insult people.

    For those that don't know, The Spastic Centre helps kids with Cerebral Palsy.

    I can go on about "gollywog" and "bah bah black sheep" about other examples, but we all know bout those.

  4. #14
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    The current fat jolly Santa image emerged from a 1930s Coca Cola marketing campaign anyway. So perhaps if people are now finding this image inappropriate, perhaps we should revert back to more traditional images of Saint Nicholas!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    It doesn't have the same marketing appeal but I am sure someone will find something non PC with him if he becomes popular enough

    The Coca-Cola Santa - I have known that for years and it alwasy amazes me how corporate marketing can influence culture. The Coca-Cola Santa is pretty much the symbol of world wide Christmas and he was just a marketing campaign to sell more coke!

    If St Nicolas travels through time to the present he will probably just go "I am fat now?"
    Last edited by kup; 18th December 2009 at 01:07 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=kup;142029]It doesn't have the same marketing appeal but I am sure someone will find something non PC with him if he becomes popular enough

    Heres the PC response to the original ST nick picture. "I'm sorry you cant use him because of the crosses on his clothing and the holy Bible. Its promoting a certain religious view which some minority groups will find offensive and we must obliged a small minority who may take offence towards this open show of faith at the expense of the majority who don't give a ****"(Feel free to add expletive).

    On a personal note with regards to political correctness. As a Christian myself, I'm tired of hearing about this sort of crap coming up at this time of year.You shouldnt has this or you shouldnt have that because you will upset a small group of people who dont celebrate the birth of Jesus and lets get real here, its what Christmas is all about originally .even though the majority of people enjoy Christmas just for the family get togethers and to have a few drinks. I myself do the same thing.Let not let these slow minded people with a few letters behind there name and who have nothing better to do with their time than to try a dissect a meaningful time of year no matter what the meaning is to the individual, Being Christian based or other. Just bugger off and let US enjoy our selfs..

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabias Prime View Post
    let US enjoy our selfs..
    Hey, you need keep that kind of thing private
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  8. #18
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    Nice example of PC thuggery right there.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    Nice example of PC thuggery right there.
    Thanks, i try had to please the majority..

  10. #20
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    No, what Golden Phoenix posted. *face palm*
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