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Thread: Resolution of TF movies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011

    Default Resolution of TF movies

    I just got a Samsung UHD TV (UHD is 4x the resolution of 1080p, 2x vertical and 2x horizontal for those that don't keep up with this stuff.) and I'm running the UHD AOE trailer over and over looking at it. It has clips from all 4 movies. The AOE footage only shows humans and excerpts from the Lockdown ganfaces Prime scene. The human stuff and background plates look good, the CGI looks like it might have been from a early version and doesn't quite look real. The rest of the clips from the first 3 movies look good also but a little softer.

    I remember Bay shot DOTM in 1080p 3D, so I'm guessing thats going to be the best resolution we ever get out of that movie (barring a crappy upscaled version). And AOE was shot in IMAX so it should get a UHD version no problem as IMAX is much higher res.

    I'm wondering what do we know about the resolutions that the first 2 Transformers movies were shot in?

    I'm hoping TF1 and ROTF were shot on film so we get a UHD version thats not a crappy upscale of them. But ILM would have to probably re-render the CGI and visual effects anyway as the industry standard is still 1080p because computer hardware is not fast enough to render out UHD in a timely manner yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    I remember Bay shot DOTM in 1080p 3D, so I'm guessing thats going to be the best resolution we ever get out of that movie (barring a crappy upscaled version). And AOE was shot in IMAX so it should get a UHD version no problem as IMAX is much higher res.

    I'm wondering what do we know about the resolutions that the first 2 Transformers movies were shot in?
    DOTM was not shot in 1080p. It was 35/65mm. 35mm can hold the same level of detail as 4k. Nothing theatrical (well, major films anyway) is shot 1080p unless its specifics for a particular camera for a particular shot.

    ROTF was 35mm (which can be scanned to 2k) and on the Red (which shoots at 4k).

    I would suggest that 2k masters are what was aimed for, as they were suitable for digital distribution and 1080p video transfers. I would assume you'd see some 4k remasters of bigger titles as the format moves forward. They likely went off existing 2k (FHD) masters for the previous films when editing this trailer rather than back to the original footage.

  3. #3
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    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    DOTM was not shot in 1080p. It was 35/65mm.
    Nope it was shot digitally using James Cameron's 3D Fusion camera system using Sony cameras not on 35mm. But it looks like the Sony camera page on wikipedia has been edited to say that the cameras go "up to" 4K, so I guess I'll just have to keep looking to find where I saw it mentioned that it was shot in 1080p. But bottom line is it was not shot on 35mm.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Nope it was shot digitally using James Cameron's 3D Fusion camera system using Sony cameras not on 35mm. But it looks like the Sony camera page on wikipedia has been edited to say that the cameras go "up to" 4K, so I guess I'll just have to keep looking to find where I saw it mentioned that it was shot in 1080p. But bottom line is it was not shot on 35mm.
    I think it was both actually: (from Wikipedia - hardly the bastion of accuracy, but...) "Dark of the Moon employed both regular 35mm film cameras and specially-developed 3-D cameras, with filming locations in Chicago, Florida, Indiana, Milwaukee, Moscow, and Washington, D.C.. The film was rendered specifically for 3-D, and the visual effects involved more complex robots which took longer to render."

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